1 bedroom apartment - 44 m2, balcony, parking space, cellar
We offer for rent a spacious sunny one-room apartment in private ownership with an area of 44 m2 + balcony 3.70 m2 + cellar 4 m2 + 1 parking space
The apartment is located on the 1st floor of the recently approved apartment building "Jelšina" in the newly established modern residential district NOVÉ ZLATOVCE on Odevná Street in Trenčín, which offers urban living with complete civic amenities within easy reach and at the same time living in a quiet location surrounded by greenery.
Energy certificate of the apartment building: A0
Elevator, disabled access
Layout of the apartment/accessories:
- Spacious hallway
- Living room with kitchen
- Bathroom with bathtub and skylight
- Separate toilet
- Wardrobe
- Balcony
- A cellar in the basement of an apartment building
Equipment of the apartment:
- Kitchen with built-in appliances
- Dishwasher
- Combined refrigerator and freezer
- induction hob
- Security doors
Civic amenities:
- bus stop -1 min
- city center - 10 min on foot/5 min by car
- dam and river Váh – 5 min
- school, kindergarten – 5 min
- shopping network, restaurants – 5 min
- health center – 5 min
- highway feeder - 6 min
Monthly rent: EUR 390 plus a deposit for utilities
The monthly rent includes:
- Rent
- Use of the cellar
- 1 x parking space
Rent is due on the 1st of the month
The deposit is in the amount of 3 monthly rents
Notice period: 3 months
The apartment is available from November 1, 2022
The apartment is intended for non-smokers. Pets are not acceptable
390 eur plus 100 eur energy costs per month
see propositions of the flat on youtube:
The apartment is located on the 1st floor of the recently approved apartment building "Jelšina" in the newly established modern residential district NOVÉ ZLATOVCE on Odevná Street in Trenčín, which offers urban living with complete civic amenities within easy reach and at the same time living in a quiet location surrounded by greenery.
Energy certificate of the apartment building: A0
Elevator, disabled access
Layout of the apartment/accessories:
- Spacious hallway
- Living room with kitchen
- Bathroom with bathtub and skylight
- Separate toilet
- Wardrobe
- Balcony
- A cellar in the basement of an apartment building
Equipment of the apartment:
- Kitchen with built-in appliances
- Dishwasher
- Combined refrigerator and freezer
- induction hob
- Security doors
Civic amenities:
- bus stop -1 min
- city center - 10 min on foot/5 min by car
- dam and river Váh – 5 min
- school, kindergarten – 5 min
- shopping network, restaurants – 5 min
- health center – 5 min
- highway feeder - 6 min
Monthly rent: EUR 390 plus a deposit for utilities
The monthly rent includes:
- Rent
- Use of the cellar
- 1 x parking space
Rent is due on the 1st of the month
The deposit is in the amount of 3 monthly rents
Notice period: 3 months
The apartment is available from November 1, 2022
The apartment is intended for non-smokers. Pets are not acceptable
390 eur plus 100 eur energy costs per month
see propositions of the flat on youtube:

Podobné inzeráty

2 izbový slnečný byt v novostavbe s parkovacím státím, ul. Staré Grunty, lokalita Staré Grunty, byt sa nachádza v novostavbe bytového domu v blízkosti nákupného centra Cubicon, má južnú orientáciu, byt situovaný na 4. posch./z 5, výmera bytu 55 m2 + dva balkóny so vstupom z obývačky a spálne, byt je kompletne moderne zariadený a vybavený, k bytu patrí aj pivnica, parkovanie na vonkajšom parkovisku pred bytovým domom na uzatvorenom parkovisku s rampou, aj možnosť prenajatia parkovacieho státia nachádzajúceho sa v suteréne bytového domu komfortne prepojené s výťahom priamo k bytu
v blízkosti bytového domu sa nachádza nákupné centrum Cubicon, bezproblémová dostupnosť na diaľničný obchvat aj do centra mesta,
Cena: 850.-EUR + E (150.-EUR) vrátane vonkajšieho parkovacieho státia a pivnice, bez telekomunikačných poplatkov (TV a internet) v prípade záujmu parkovacieho státia v suteréne bytového domu + 100.-EUR
2-rooms sunny apartment in a new building with parking, ul. Staré Grunty, location Staré Grunty, the apartment is located in a new apartment building near the Cubicon shopping center, it has a southern orientation, the apartment is located on the 4th floor/out of 5, the area of the apartment is 55 m2 + two balconies with entrance from the living room and bedroom, apartment it is completely modernly furnished and equipped, the apartment also includes a cellar, parking in the outdoor parking lot in front of the apartment building in a closed parking lot with a ramp, as well as the possibility of renting a parking space located in the basement of the apartment building, comfortably connected with an elevator directly to the apartment
the Cubicon shopping center is located near the apartment building, with easy access to the highway bypass and the city center,
Price: EUR 850 + E (EUR 150) including outdoor parking space and cellar, without telecommunications fees (TV and Internet) in case of interest in parking space in the basement of the apartment building + EUR 100

2-izb., Vazovova, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Bratislava I - 2-izbový tehlový byt s balkónom a výťahom v Starom meste
Popis: Ponúkame na predaj 2-izbový byt na Vazovovej ulici. Nachádza sa na 6/6. poschodí tehlového bytového domu s výťahom. Orientácia je na 2 svetové strany - SEVEROVÝCHOD a SEVEROZÁPAD.
Podlahová plocha bytu je 51,04 m2 + balkón 1,79 m2. K bytu patrí pivnica (6,25 m2). Spolu s pivnicou má byt výmeru 59,08 m2.
Byt pozostáva z chodby, šatníka, priechodnej obývacej izby prepojenej s kuchyňou, samostatnej spálne s balkónom a kúpeľne s vaňou a WC. Spálňa s balkónom je orientovaná na SEVEROVÝCHOD, taktiež časť obývačky. Na SEVEROZÁPAD je otočená kuchyňa a druhé okno obývačky, s výhľadom na Blumentálsky kostol a centrum.
Byt je po dávnejšej kompletnej rekonštrukcii, v rámci ktorej boli v byte menené okná, vybrúsené parkety, kuchynská linka, kúpeľňa. V obývacej izbe je osadená klimatizačná jednotka. V šatníku sú skrine na mieru.
Bytový dom z r.1957 je po rekonštrukcii, je zateplený, vynovené sú spoločné priestory, vstupná brána, výťah a taktiež sú nové stúpačky. K dispozícii je aj sušiareň na strešnom poschodí.
Bytový dom sa nachádza vo vyhľadávanej lokalite v blízkosti Račianskeho mýta.
V pešej dostupnosti centrum Starého Mesta, aj kompletná občianska vybavenosť.
• Bratislava I – Staré Mesto, Vazovova ulica
• 2-izbový byt, tehlový bytový dom
• 6/6. poschodie, s výťahom
• podlahová plocha spolu: 59,08 m2
• pivnica 6,25 m2
• klimatizácia
• drevené podlahy, keramická dlažba
• kompletná rekonštrukcia v r.2008
• bezpečnostné dvere
• mesačné náklady: 143,80 €/mes. správcovské poplatky + elektrina
Byt sa predáva v sume 299.000 €
V cene je zahrnutá odmena pre RK, kompletné sprostredkovateľské a poradenské služby, kataster, právny servis.
2-room brick apartment with balcony and elevator in the Old Town, Vazovova Street
We offer for sale a 2-room apartment on Vazovova street on the corner of Blumentalska street. It is located at 6/6. floor of a brick apartment building with an elevator. Orientation is on 2 sides - NORTHEAST and NORTHWEST.
The floor area of the apartment is 51.04 m2 + balcony 1.79 m2. The apartment includes a cellar (6.25 m2). Together with the cellar, the apartment has an area of 59.08 m2.
The apartment consists of a hallway, a walk-in wardrobe, a walk-through living room connected to the kitchen, a separate bedroom with a balcony and a bathroom with a bathtub and a toilet. The bedroom with a balcony faces NORTHEAST, as does part of the living room. The kitchen and the second window of the living room face the NORTHWEST, with a view of the Blumentál church and Bratislava castle.
The apartment was completely renovated in the past, during which the windows were changed, the kitchen units and the bathroom were replaced. There is

Ponúkame Vám na predaj 3 izbový zrekonštruovaný byt Bratislava-Karlova Ves, Jurigovo námestie 1.
Byt sa nachádza v zrekonštruovanom bytovom dome situovanom na zvýšenom 1.posch./12, 3x výťah, bytový dom je zateplený, nová strecha, v chodbe menené okná na plastové, v dome a v bytoch boli menené stupačky, byt je situovaný na dve svetové strany východ, juhozápad, parkovanie možné pred bytovým domom ako rezident Karlovej Vsi,
Popis bytu:
zvýšené 1.posch./12, 3x výťah, celková výmera bytu 75 m2 s pivnicou úžitková plocha bytu je 68,3 m2,
Dispozičné riešenie bytu:
dobrá dispozícia, byt pozostáva: zo vstupnej chodby, samostatnej kuchyne, obývačky so vstupom na loggiu, samostatnej priestrannej spálne s výstupom na loggiu, samostatná izba, kúpeľne, samostatného WC, k bytu patrí aj pivnica
v blízkosti bytového domu dobrá občianska vybavenosť, bezproblémová dostupnosť do centra mesta MHD ako aj autom aj električkou, v blízkosti lesopark na športové aktivity, vyhľadávaná lokalita, škôlka, škola nemocnica, obchody,
Cena: 239.500.-EUR, mesačné náklady správcovi cca 170.-EUR/tri osoby
We offer for sale a 3-rooms renovated apartment in Bratislava-Karlova Ves, Jurigovo námestie 1.
The apartment is located in a renovated apartment building located on the raised 1st/12th floor, 3 elevators, the apartment building is insulated, new roof, the windows in the corridor were changed to plastic ones, the footboards were changed in the house and in the apartments, the apartment is located on two sides of the world east, southwest, parking possible in front of the apartment building as a resident of Karlova Ves,
Description of the apartment:
raised 1st floor/12, 3 elevators, total area of the apartment 75 m2 with a cellar, usable area of the apartment is 68.3 m2,
Layout solution of the apartment:
good layout, the apartment consists of: entrance hall, separate kitchen, living room with access to the loggia, separate spacious bedroom with access to the loggia, separate room, bathroom, separate toilet, the apartment also includes a cellar
near the apartment building, good civic amenities, easy access to the city center by public transport as well as by car and tram, near a forest park for sports activities, sought-after location, kindergarten, school, hospital, shops,
Price: EUR 239,500, monthly costs to the administrator approx. EUR 170/three persons

TUreality offers for rent a 2-room apartment in the centre of Žilina on J. Milca street No.19 with a
total living area of 55m2. The apartment is located on the elevated ground floor/3rd floor in a brick
apartment building. The apartment is after a complete reconstruction from 2021. It has a bricked
core, changed floors, plastic windows, new wiring throughout the apartment, trowels. The layout is
set up by an entrance hallway, a kitchen/diner connected to the living room and a separate
bedroom. In the kitchen there is a new custom kitchen unit and a dining area. In the living room
there is a corner sofa, in the bedroom there is a double bed and a spacious built-in wardrobe for
storing things. A laminate floor is newly laid throughout the apartment. There is a bathtub in the
bathroom. The toilet is separate. The apartment has a separate pantry and has a larger cellar in the
basement. The entrance and yard are secured by a camera system. There is a private plot of land
behind the apartment building, which allows the tenant to park without fees and a resident card
right in the city centre. The apartment is rented completely furnished with built-in furniture and with
following appliances: washing machine, dryer, refrigerator with freezer, induction hob with oven,
microwave. Monthly rent is 650€ / month including energy and without internet (available at
additional cost of 16€. Requirements: individual or couple (possibly with a child), non-smokers,
without pets. Rental at least 1 calendar year. The apartment is free from 03/2023. 1 month’s rent is
required as deposit.
The strategic location in combination with fair size of the apartment will ensure perfect living. 5 min.
walk there is train and bus station, shopping malls Mirage and Aupark, main square, high street,
public transport, grocery, pharmacy and much more. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Viewings also
available in English language.
More information: haluska@ or call +421 41 3217800

Ponúkam na PRENÁJOM plne vybavený - úplne nový GOLDEN APARTMENT
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMÁN, Mlynská Bašta, Košice staré mesto
Ponúkam do prenájmu úplne nový, klimatizovaný, priestranný a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový byt ( 55 m2 ) s balkónom a výhľadom na centrum mesta .
Veľmi tichý byt /vnútroblok/ s vlastným parkovacím miestom.
štýlový a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový apartmán
nábytok vyrobený na mieru
obývacia izba s veľkou rohovou sedačkou a 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
kompletne vybavená kuchyňa, s modernými zabudovanými spotrebičmi.
chladnička s mrazničkou, Indukčná varná doska, rúra na pečenie, mikrovlnná rúra, umývačka riadu
samostatná spálňa s pohodlnou posteľou 200 x 180 cm s prémiovým matracom, úložným priestorom, vstavanými šatníkovými skriňami s veľkým zrkadlom a nočnými stolíkmi
kúpeľňa je vybavená vaňou, WC je oddelené
chodba so skriňou rolldoor s veľkým odkladacím priestorom
videovrátnik, klimatizácia LG
súkromné parkovacie miesto v podzemnej garáži
Byt je veľmi tichý, nakoľko sa nachádza vo vnútrobloku.
Byt je Pet friendly.
8OO,- EUR - vrátane energie a klimatizácie,+ 50 EUR- vlastné kryté garážové státie hneď vedľa vchodu do obytného domu.
Požadovaný 1 mesačný depozit ( bude vrátený pri ukončení nájmu )
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMENT, Mlynská Bašta, Košice old town, for rent NOW AVAILABLE
We offer for rent a brand new, air-conditioned, spacious and fully furnished 2 rooms apartment (55 m2) with a balcony and a view of the city center.
Be the first tenants in this modern apartment in a sought-after location right in the pedestrian zone.
stylish and fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment
custom-made furniture
living room with large corner sofa and 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
Fully equipped kitchen, with modern built-in appliances. Refrigerator with freezer, Induction hob, Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher
separate bedroom with a comfortable bed 200 x 180 cm with a premium mattress, storage space, built-in wardrobes with a large mirror and bedside tables
The bathroom is equipped with a bathtub, the toilet is separate
corridor with rolldoor wardrobe with large storage space
Wfree wi-fi, video entry phone, air conditioning LG
private parking space in the underground garage
The apartment is very quiet, as it is located in the courtyard.
The apartment is pet friendly.
800, - EUR/per month is including energy, internet and air conditioning, + 50 eur /per garage parking space.
Required 1 month deposit (will be returned at the end of the lease)

Ponúkam na PRENÁJOM plne vybavený - úplne nový GOLDEN APARTMENT
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMÁN, Mlynská Bašta, Košice staré mesto
Ponúkam do prenájmu úplne nový, klimatizovaný, priestranný a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový byt ( 55 m2 ) s balkónom a výhľadom na centrum mesta .
Veľmi tichý byt /vnútroblok/ s vlastným parkovacím miestom.
štýlový a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový apartmán
nábytok vyrobený na mieru
obývacia izba s veľkou rohovou sedačkou a 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
kompletne vybavená kuchyňa, s modernými zabudovanými spotrebičmi.
chladnička s mrazničkou, Indukčná varná doska, rúra na pečenie, mikrovlnná rúra, umývačka riadu
samostatná spálňa s pohodlnou posteľou 200 x 180 cm s prémiovým matracom, úložným priestorom, vstavanými šatníkovými skriňami s veľkým zrkadlom a nočnými stolíkmi
kúpeľňa je vybavená vaňou, WC je oddelené
chodba so skriňou rolldoor s veľkým odkladacím priestorom
videovrátnik, klimatizácia LG
súkromné parkovacie miesto v podzemnej garáži
Byt je veľmi tichý, nakoľko sa nachádza vo vnútrobloku.
Byt je Pet friendly.
8OO,- EUR - vrátane energie a klimatizácie,+ 50 EUR- vlastné kryté garážové státie hneď vedľa vchodu do obytného domu.
Požadovaný 1 mesačný depozit ( bude vrátený pri ukončení nájmu )
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMENT, Mlynská Bašta, Košice old town, for rent NOW AVAILABLE
We offer for rent a brand new, air-conditioned, spacious and fully furnished 2 rooms apartment (55 m2) with a balcony and a view of the city center.
Be the first tenants in this modern apartment in a sought-after location right in the pedestrian zone.
stylish and fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment
custom-made furniture
living room with large corner sofa and 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
Fully equipped kitchen, with modern built-in appliances. Refrigerator with freezer, Induction hob, Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher
separate bedroom with a comfortable bed 200 x 180 cm with a premium mattress, storage space, built-in wardrobes with a large mirror and bedside tables
The bathroom is equipped with a bathtub, the toilet is separate
corridor with rolldoor wardrobe with large storage space
Wfree wi-fi, video entry phone, air conditioning LG
private parking space in the underground garage
The apartment is very quiet, as it is located in the courtyard.
The apartment is pet friendly.
800, - EUR/per month is including energy, internet and air conditioning, + 50 eur /per garage parking space.
Required 1 month deposit (will be returned at the end of the lease)
More informations on: