2LP PSH - Debut nove nehrane
Prodam tohle album na vinylu - nove, tudiz nehrane!
2LP PSH / Peneři Strýčka Homeboye / Debut (2019).
Vladimir 518 / Orion / Mike Trafik
Posilam Zasilkovnou na vydejni misto na Slovensku - postovne jiz v cene...
Odpovidej prosim na inzerat.
Nabihej i na moje dalsi nabidky a kupuj rap!
2LP PSH / Peneři Strýčka Homeboye / Debut (2019).
Vladimir 518 / Orion / Mike Trafik
Posilam Zasilkovnou na vydejni misto na Slovensku - postovne jiz v cene...
Odpovidej prosim na inzerat.
Nabihej i na moje dalsi nabidky a kupuj rap!

Podobné inzeráty

Na 99% sú to prvé vydania a väčšinou úplne nové. Ceny dohodou, záleží od titulu. Zoznam viem zaslať na vyžiadanie.
Urgehal - Massive Terrestrial Strike (1. vydanie)
Urgehal - Aeons In Sodom (ltd. 2LP Opaque White Gatefold 100 copies - nehrané
Umbrtka - Kovový háj (Ltd. 150 copies) - nehrané
Stíny Plamenů – Šum V Pološerech (ltd. 111 copies) - nehrané
Shibalba – Memphitic Invocations (ltd. 300 copies) - nehrané
Den Saakaldte – Kapittel II: Faen I Helvete (ltd. Red 200 copies) - nehrané
Varathron – Untrodden Corridors Of Hades (ltd. Transparent with Black & Gold Splatter 41/100) - nehrané
Dysangelium – Thánatos Áskēsis (ltd. 100 copies) - nehrané
Besatt – Sacrifice For Satan (ltd. 500 copies)
Isvind – Daumyra (ltd. Blue 150 copies) - nehrané
Keep Of Kalessin – Agnen - A Journey Through The Dark - zabalené
Ascension – The Dead Of The World (ltd. Red 200 copies) - nehrané
Nightbringer – Terra Damnata (ltd. 2LP Clear 2/100 with hand-numbered art print) - nehrané
Temple Of Baal – Mysterium (ltd. Black + PIC-LP 79/200) - nehrané
Temple Of Baal – Verses Of Fire (ltd. 2LP Gold 66 copies) - nehrané
Krolok – At The End Of A New Age (ltd. Clear)
Various – Don't Stop (Tahle Hudba Ti Zničí Budoucnost!) - nehrané
Sapientia – Circulata Mercurius (ltd. Wrapped in a white handmade silk bag /White LP + DIGI-CD + hand crafted candle, Red 59-beads cross of Lorraine rosary hand crafted, ...) 4/10 - nehrané
Inquisition – Bloodshed Across The Empyrean Altar Beyond The Celestial Zenith (ltd. Sleeve in genuine goat leather with red thread /2LP Transparent Red + DIGI-CD + XL T-shirt, pin and opener/ 035/333 - nehrané
Vorkreist - Sacrifice (ltd. 10´´ MLP 95/105 White with Fat Black / Grey Splatter - nehrané
Vinterriket - Kälte (ltd. 7´´ EP 156/500)
Vinterriket - Im Ambivalenten Zwielicht Der Dunkelheit (ltd. 7´´ EP 162/500)
Vinterriket - Herbstnebel (ltd. 7´´ EP 254/500)
Naer Mataron - Εγώ Ειμί Το Φως Του Κόσμου (ltd. 7´´ EP 500 copies) - nehrané
Grim Funeral – Abdication Under Funeral Dirge (ltd. Silkscreen printed boxed with some stones 50 copies) - nehrané
Outre – Ghost Chants (ltd. Wooden BOX)
Žriebädlo - Najsamprv (ltd. 537 copies)
Žriebädlo - Samodruhú (ltd. 535 copies)
Aryos – Les Stigmates D'Hécate (ltd. Ritually handcrafted in our vault + 3 illustrations of the Goddess, Ritual Invocation & separated sigils, Paper bag with Her holy consecrated Herb 39 copies) - nehrané
Behemoth - Crush.Fukk.Create: Requiem for Generation Armageddon (Slipcase DIGI-2DVD)
Behemoth - Live Eschaton
Vinterriket - Kontenplative Antagonismen des Augenblicks (Ltd. A5 3Panel DIGI-BOOK DVD 750 copies)
Vinterriket - :::Grauweiss::: (Ltd. DIGI-DVD 1000 copies) - nehrané

Na 99% sú to prvé vydania a väčšinou úplne nové. Ceny dohodou, záleží od titulu. Zoznam viem zaslať na vyžiadanie.
Urgehal - Massive Terrestrial Strike (1. vydanie)
Urgehal - Aeons In Sodom (ltd. 2LP Opaque White Gatefold 100 copies - nehrané
Umbrtka - Kovový háj (Ltd. 150 copies) - nehrané
Shibalba – Memphitic Invocations (ltd. 300 copies) - nehrané
Den Saakaldte – Kapittel II: Faen I Helvete (ltd. Red 200 copies) - nehrané
Varathron – Untrodden Corridors Of Hades (ltd. Transparent with Black & Gold Splatter 41/100) - nehrané
Dysangelium – Thánatos Áskēsis (ltd. 100 copies) - nehrané
Besatt – Sacrifice For Satan (ltd. 500 copies)
Isvind – Daumyra (ltd. Blue 150 copies) - nehrané
Keep Of Kalessin – Agnen - A Journey Through The Dark - zabalené
Ascension – The Dead Of The World (ltd. Red 200 copies) - nehrané
Nightbringer – Terra Damnata (ltd. 2LP Clear 2/100 with hand-numbered art print) - nehrané
Temple Of Baal – Mysterium (ltd. Black + PIC-LP 79/200) - nehrané
Temple Of Baal – Verses Of Fire (ltd. 2LP Gold 66 copies) - nehrané
Krolok – At The End Of A New Age (ltd. Clear)
Various – Don't Stop (Tahle Hudba Ti Zničí Budoucnost!) - nehrané
Sapientia – Circulata Mercurius (ltd. Wrapped in a white handmade silk bag /White LP + DIGI-CD + hand crafted candle, Red 59-beads cross of Lorraine rosary hand crafted, ...) 4/10 - nehrané
Inquisition – Bloodshed Across The Empyrean Altar Beyond The Celestial Zenith (ltd. Sleeve in genuine goat leather with red thread /2LP Transparent Red + DIGI-CD + XL T-shirt, pin and opener/ 035/333 - nehrané
Vorkreist - Sacrifice (ltd. 10´´ MLP 95/105 White with Fat Black / Grey Splatter - nehrané
Vinterriket - Kälte (ltd. 7´´ EP 156/500)
Vinterriket - Im Ambivalenten Zwielicht Der Dunkelheit (ltd. 7´´ EP 162/500)
Vinterriket - Herbstnebel (ltd. 7´´ EP 254/500)
Naer Mataron - Εγώ Ειμί Το Φως Του Κόσμου (ltd. 7´´ EP 500 copies) - nehrané
Grim Funeral – Abdication Under Funeral Dirge (ltd. Silkscreen printed boxed with some stones 50 copies) - nehrané
Outre – Ghost Chants (ltd. Wooden BOX)
Žriebädlo - Najsamprv (ltd. 537 copies)
Žriebädlo - Samodruhú (ltd. 535 copies)
Aryos – Les Stigmates D'Hécate (ltd. Ritually handcrafted in our vault + 3 illustrations of the Goddess, Ritual Invocation & separated sigils, Paper bag with Her holy consecrated Herb 39 copies) - nehrané
Behemoth - Crush.Fukk.Create: Requiem for Generation Armageddon (Slipcase DIGI-2DVD)
Behemoth - Live Eschaton
Vinterriket - Kontenplative Antagonismen des Augenblicks (Ltd. A5 3Panel DIGI-BOOK DVD 750 copies)
Vinterriket - :::Grauweiss::: (Ltd. DIGI-DVD 1000 copies) - nehrané

Na 99% sú to prvé vydania a väčšinou úplne nové. Ceny dohodou, záleží od titulu. Zoznam viem zaslať na vyžiadanie.
Urgehal - Massive Terrestrial Strike (1. vydanie)
Urgehal - Aeons In Sodom (ltd. 2LP Opaque White Gatefold 100 copies - nehrané
Umbrtka - Kovový háj (Ltd. 150 copies) - nehrané
Shibalba – Memphitic Invocations (ltd. 300 copies) - nehrané
Den Saakaldte – Kapittel II: Faen I Helvete (ltd. Red 200 copies) - nehrané
Dysangelium – Thánatos Áskēsis (ltd. 100 copies) - nehrané
Besatt – Sacrifice For Satan (ltd. 500 copies)
Isvind – Daumyra (ltd. Blue 150 copies) - nehrané
Keep Of Kalessin – Agnen - A Journey Through The Dark - zabalené
Ascension – The Dead Of The World (ltd. Red 200 copies) - nehrané
Nightbringer – Terra Damnata (ltd. 2LP Clear 2/100 with hand-numbered art print) - nehrané
Temple Of Baal – Mysterium (ltd. Black + PIC-LP 79/200) - nehrané
Temple Of Baal – Verses Of Fire (ltd. 2LP Gold 66 copies) - nehrané
Krolok – At The End Of A New Age (ltd. Clear)
Various – Don't Stop (Tahle Hudba Ti Zničí Budoucnost!) - nehrané
Sapientia – Circulata Mercurius (ltd. Wrapped in a white handmade silk bag /White LP + DIGI-CD + hand crafted candle, Red 59-beads cross of Lorraine rosary hand crafted, ...) 4/10 - nehrané
Inquisition – Bloodshed Across The Empyrean Altar Beyond The Celestial Zenith (ltd. Sleeve in genuine goat leather with red thread /2LP Transparent Red + DIGI-CD + XL T-shirt, pin and opener/ 035/333 - nehrané
Vorkreist - Sacrifice (ltd. 10´´ MLP 95/105 White with Fat Black / Grey Splatter - nehrané
Vinterriket - Kälte (ltd. 7´´ EP 156/500)
Vinterriket - Im Ambivalenten Zwielicht Der Dunkelheit (ltd. 7´´ EP 162/500)
Vinterriket - Herbstnebel (ltd. 7´´ EP 254/500)
Naer Mataron - Εγώ Ειμί Το Φως Του Κόσμου (ltd. 7´´ EP 500 copies) - nehrané
Grim Funeral – Abdication Under Funeral Dirge (ltd. Silkscreen printed boxed with some stones 50 copies) - nehrané
Outre – Ghost Chants (ltd. Wooden BOX)
Žriebädlo - Najsamprv (ltd. 537 copies)
Žriebädlo - Samodruhú (ltd. 535 copies)
Aryos – Les Stigmates D'Hécate (ltd. Ritually handcrafted in our vault + 3 illustrations of the Goddess, Ritual Invocation & separated sigils, Paper bag with Her holy consecrated Herb 39 copies) - nehrané
Behemoth - Crush.Fukk.Create: Requiem for Generation Armageddon (Slipcase DIGI-2DVD)
Behemoth - Live Eschaton
Vinterriket - Kontenplative Antagonismen des Augenblicks (Ltd. A5 3Panel DIGI-BOOK DVD 750 copies)
Vinterriket - :::Grauweiss::: (Ltd. DIGI-DVD 1000 copies) - nehrané

Na 99% sú to prvé vydania a väčšinou úplne nové. Ceny dohodou, záleží od titulu. Zoznam viem zaslať na vyžiadanie.
Urgehal - Massive Terrestrial Strike (1. vydanie)
Urgehal - Aeons In Sodom (ltd. 2LP Opaque White Gatefold 100 copies - nehrané
Umbrtka - Kovový háj (Ltd. 150 copies) - nehrané
Stíny Plamenů – Šum V Pološerech (ltd. 111 copies) - nehrané
Shibalba – Memphitic Invocations (ltd. 300 copies) - nehrané
Den Saakaldte – Kapittel II: Faen I Helvete (ltd. Red 200 copies) - nehrané
Varathron – Untrodden Corridors Of Hades (ltd. Transparent with Black & Gold Splatter 41/100) - nehrané
Dysangelium – Thánatos Áskēsis (ltd. 100 copies) - nehrané
Besatt – Sacrifice For Satan (ltd. 500 copies)
Isvind – Daumyra (ltd. Blue 150 copies) - nehrané
Keep Of Kalessin – Agnen - A Journey Through The Dark - zabalené
Ascension – The Dead Of The World (ltd. Red 200 copies) - nehrané
Nightbringer – Terra Damnata (ltd. 2LP Clear 2/100 with hand-numbered art print) - nehrané
Temple Of Baal – Mysterium (ltd. Black + PIC-LP 79/200) - nehrané
Temple Of Baal – Verses Of Fire (ltd. 2LP Gold 66 copies) - nehrané
Krolok – At The End Of A New Age (ltd. Clear)
Various – Don't Stop (Tahle Hudba Ti Zničí Budoucnost!) - nehrané
Sapientia – Circulata Mercurius (ltd. Wrapped in a white handmade silk bag /White LP + DIGI-CD + hand crafted candle, Red 59-beads cross of Lorraine rosary hand crafted, ...) 4/10 - nehrané
Inquisition – Bloodshed Across The Empyrean Altar Beyond The Celestial Zenith (ltd. Sleeve in genuine goat leather with red thread /2LP Transparent Red + DIGI-CD + XL T-shirt, pin and opener/ 035/333 - nehrané
Vorkreist - Sacrifice (ltd. 10´´ MLP 95/105 White with Fat Black / Grey Splatter - nehrané
Vinterriket - Landschaften Ewiger Einsamkeit Part 1 (ltd. 10´´ MLP 030/500 + A3 poster)
Vinterriket - Landschaften Ewiger Einsamkeit Part 2 (ltd. 10´´ MLP 045/500)
Vinterriket - Kälte (ltd. 7´´ EP 156/500)
Vinterriket - Im Ambivalenten Zwielicht Der Dunkelheit (ltd. 7´´ EP 162/500)
Vinterriket - Herbstnebel (ltd. 7´´ EP 254/500)
Naer Mataron - Εγώ Ειμί Το Φως Του Κόσμου (ltd. 7´´ EP 500 copies) - nehrané

metallica - creeping death 80e
metallica - black album 60e 2LP
metallica - kill em all 35e PREDANE
helloween - keeper of the seven keys 35e
iron maiden - live after death 25e 2LP PREDANE
iron maiden - the number of the beast 35e PREDANE
iron maiden - killers 25e PREDANE
iron maiden - No Prayer For The Dying 22e PREDANE
iron maiden - iron maiden 25e PREDANE
iron maiden - powerslave 25e PREDANE
ac dc - flick of the swith 25e
michal prokop,framus 5 - město ER 22e
michal prokop,framus five -kolej yesterday 10e
mike oldfield - tubular bells II 23e PREDANE
pantera - far beyond bootleg 22e
pink floyd - A Momentary Lapse Of Reason 25e
scorpions - love at first sting 19e PREDANE
olympic - kdyz Ti sviti zelena 9e PREDANE
olympic - laborator 5e
lucie - lucie 32e
lucie - in the sky 50e
bee gees - children of the world 10e
statuq quo - blue for you 13e PREDANE
peggy lee - best of peggy lee 5e
originalni prazsky synkopicky orchestr - sam s devcetem v desti 10e
eagles - on the border 9e
procol harum - live with orchester 15e
lou reed - walk on the wild side 15e PREDANE
elo - out of the blue 2LP 15e PREDANE
uriah heep - equator 18e
talking heads - the lady dont mind PREDANE
falco - falco 3 30e
slobodna europa - pakaren 69e
eric clapton - unplugged 25e 2LP PREDANE
beatles - 1967-1970 2LP 30e
nik kershaw - human racing 8e
dire straits - brothers in arms 30e 2LP PREDANE
julio iglesias - sono un pirata sono un signore 5e
van halen - 5150 17e
omega 8 - 5e
foreigner 4 - 8e
hana hegerova - recital 12e
elan - rabaka 15e
elan - kamikadze lover 13e
vaclav neckar,bacily - planetarium 10e
karel gott - dnes 5e
country & western greatest hits 3 - 7e
Willie Nelson & Waylon Jennings Take it to the limit 7e
fleetwood mac - fleetwood mac 18e
fleetwood mac - tango in the night 20e
bee gees - esp 10e
genesis - invisible touch 8e
robin gibb - how old are you 5e
chris de burgh - man on the line 6e
Korda György – Én Megálmodtalak 4e
the cars - heartbeat city 12e
omega - kisstadion 2LP 10e
omega 6 - 5e
omega 7 - 5e
karthago - senkifoldjen 14e
karthago - ezredfordulo 5e
karthago - karthago 14e
puhdys - live 2LP 9e
fonograf - country & eastern 5e
fonograf - na mi ujsag wagner ur 5e
fonograf - fg4 5e
stala sa nam laska - dezo ursiny,lipa,brezovska,habera 14e
smokie - the montreux album 10e
earth wind & fire - touch the world 14e PREDANE
supertramp - paris 2LP 20e
liza minneli - at carnegie hall 2LP 10e
chicago - 16 8e
chicago - 11 8e
saturday night fever - 2LP 10e
thank god its friday 2LP 10e
bachman turner overdrive - not fragile 15e
+ dalsich 1700 platni,zoznam poslem do mailu

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