Anna Hope Expectation
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Juliet Ashton - The Sunday Lunch Club
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Every few Sundays, Anna and her extended family and friends get together for lunch. They talk, they laugh, they bicker, they eat too much. Sometimes the important stuff is left unsaid, other times it's said in the wrong way. Sitting between her ex-husband and her new lover, Anna is coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of forty. Also at the table are her ageing grandmother, her promiscuous sister, her flamboyantly gay brother and a memory too terrible to contemplate. Until, that is, a letter arrives from the person Anna scarred all those years ago. Can Anna reconcile her painful past with her uncertain future?

Juliet Ashton - The Sunday Lunch Club
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Every few Sundays, Anna and her extended family and friends get together for lunch. They talk, they laugh, they bicker, they eat too much. Sometimes the important stuff is left unsaid, other times it's said in the wrong way. Sitting between her ex-husband and her new lover, Anna is coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of forty. Also at the table are her ageing grandmother, her promiscuous sister, her flamboyantly gay brother and a memory too terrible to contemplate. Until, that is, a letter arrives from the person Anna scarred all those years ago. Can Anna reconcile her painful past with her uncertain future?

Laura Bates - The Burning
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A rumour is like a fire. You might think you've extinguished it but one creeping, red tendril, one single wisp of smoke is enough to let it leap back into life again. Especially if someone is watching, waiting to fan the flames...
New school.
New town.
New surname.
Social media profiles?
There's nothing to trace Anna back to her old life. Nothing to link her to the `incident'. At least that's what she thinks... until the whispers start up again. As time begins to run out on her secrets, Anna finds herself irresistibly drawn to the tale of Maggie, a local girl accused of witchcraft centuries earlier. A girl whose story has terrifying parallels to Anna's own... The compelling YA debut from Laura Bates, founder of the Everyday Sexism Project and bestselling author of Girl Up.

Laura Bates - The Burning
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
A rumour is like a fire. You might think you've extinguished it but one creeping, red tendril, one single wisp of smoke is enough to let it leap back into life again. Especially if someone is watching, waiting to fan the flames...
New school.
New town.
New surname.
Social media profiles?
There's nothing to trace Anna back to her old life. Nothing to link her to the `incident'. At least that's what she thinks... until the whispers start up again. As time begins to run out on her secrets, Anna finds herself irresistibly drawn to the tale of Maggie, a local girl accused of witchcraft centuries earlier. A girl whose story has terrifying parallels to Anna's own... The compelling YA debut from Laura Bates, founder of the Everyday Sexism Project and bestselling author of Girl Up.

# Angličtina s pastelkami, English in colours – obrázkový slovník s domaľovávaním pre deti; Iveta Dzúriková; 1991; 64 strán; použitá, 22 strán omaľovaných, zvlnené strany; 0 €
# John, Spot and Muff on Holiday - A Picture Textbook of English for Children; Eugen Spálený, Eva Ružičková, David Bloch; 1986; 144 strán; použitá na cca 15%; 4 €
# Veľký obrázkový slovník - slovensko-anglicko-nemecký; Richard Scarry; 1990; 92 strán; veľmi dobrý, venovanie; 6,40 €
# Favourite Fairy Tales - The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Beauty and The Beast, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves; Kay Brown; 1981; 92 strán; výborný stav; 4 €
# Angličtina 1: Pre Jazykové Školy a Kurzy. Štvrtá časť; Mária Maříková, Ilustroval:Miroslav Cipár; 1990; 78 strán; veľmi dobrý; 0 €
# Angličtina 1: Pre Jazykové Školy a Kurzy. Piata časť; Mária Maříková, Ilustroval:Miroslav Cipár; 1990; 80 strán + 4 prílohy; dobrý, vpisy a podčiarknutia; prehľad gramatiky a slovník; 0 €
# Anglicky za 3 měsíce; František Malíř; 1990; 192 strán; veľmi dobrý; 4 €
# Učebnica angličtiny pre samoukov; Jozef Svozil; 1971; 436 strán; dobrý, podčiarknutia v prvej lekcii; 3 €
# Angličtina pro jazykové školy I; Eva Zábojová, Jaroslav Peprník, Stella Nangonová; 1981; 308 strán; zachovalý, podčiarknutia, podpis, vpisy; 0,90 €
# Angličtina pro jazykové školy II; Eva Zábojová, Jaroslav Peprník, Stella Nangonová; 1982; 312 strán; zachovalý, podčiarknutia, podpis, vpisy; 0,90 €
# Angličtina pro jazykové školy III; Jaroslav Peprník, Stella Nangonová, Don Sparling; 1984; 368 strán; dobrý, min.vpisov; 2,20 €
# Angličtina pre čník stredných škôl; Josef Pytelka, Anna Janská, Karel Veselý; 1971; 276 strán; dobrý, podpis; 1,40 €
# Letter writing in English; Anna Maria Malkoc; 1988; 28 strán; dobrý; 2 €
# Angličtina pro samouky; Ludmila Kollmannová, Libuše Bubeníková, Alena Kopecká; 1977; 620 strán; dobrý, min.vpisov a podčiarknutí; 2,60 €
# Anglicko-slovenský a slovensko-anglický vreckový slovník; Jana Smejkalová, Dagmar Smrčinová, Katarína Herrmannová, Karel Hais; 1970; 800 strán; zachovalý, podpisy, lepenie, vpisy; 2 €
# Anglicko-český slovník výpočetní techniky; Oldřich Minihofer, Jindra Kratochvílová; 1987; 494 strán; ako nová, mierne ošúchaný prebal; 0 €
# The green door and other stories; O.Henry; 1959; 120 strán; zachovalá, ruské vydanie v angličtine; 1 €
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