Bedeker VIEDEŇ (ďalšie v inzeráte)
Predám 8 bedekrov spolu s mapami. :) 1 kniha – 2€ > cena pri kúpe všetkých 12€ (zľava 4€)
Podobné inzeráty
Ponúkam na predaj
1000 hradov, zámkov a palácov (17e)
Obvinenie (3e)
Bledý oheň (5e)
Priezračné veci (3e)
Dom vo dne, dom v noci (3e)
O životnej múdrosti (8e)
Kafka alebo diabolská nevinnosť (2e)
Burried angels (3e)
Private Sydney (3e)
A dance with dragons (3e)
The thing around your neck (2e)
Dejiny mafie (5e)
V mene spravodlivosti (4e)
Gomora (6e)
Odíďme spolu (2e)
Zabil som Giovanniho Falconeho (5e)
Štúr bedeker (4e)
Možný osobný odber v Bratislave.
Ponúkam aj iné knihy v angličtine, v inzeráte uvádzam aj ich fotografie.
Severed body parts. A woman in shadows. These are the only clues.
Someone has left a severed hand in the centre of Manchester and the only clue Detective Sergeant Jessica Daniel has to go on is CCTV footage of a woman in a long black robe placing it carefully on the ground.
With a lengthy missing persons list and frantic families wondering if the body part could belong to their absent loved ones, she has plenty to deal with—and that’s before a detached finger arrives for her in the post.
By the time a second hand is found and a local MP’s wife goes missing, Jessica is left struggling to find out who the appendages belong to, how they are connected and just what the mysterious woman in black has to do with it all.