brit fresh turkey with pea fit and slim
dobrý deň, ponúkam na predaj 2 balenia týchto granúl, zostali mi na sklade. nové a neotvorené. Balenie 12 kg
![brit fresh turkey with pea fit and slim](
Podobné inzeráty
![Brit care weight loss + brit Sausage](
Mám na predaj:
Brit Care Weight Loss - Rabbit & Rice 12kg nedávno otvorené granule. Ešte ostalo 8,1kg
+ BRIT Sausage Turkey 800g 4ks.
Obe sú vhodné pre psy ktoré majú sklony k nadváhe alebo už bojujú s nadváhou.
Odber možný osobne ale cez dpd na moje náklady.
![Doberman sučka 1,7r hľadá nový domov.](
Doberman sučka 1,7r hľadá nový domov.
Z Ukrajiny, Sterilizované čipované, očkované s EU pasom. Zachránil som ju, keď bola šteniatko od zlého chovateľa - so 4 zlomenými kosťami a rachitídou. vzal ju na rehabilitáciu, aby sa mohla znova naučiť chodiť. Ale kým bola pripravená na novú rodinu - začala vojna a vzal som ju so sebou, ale nie je to môj typ plemena (som skôr husky a mám ich 2)
Doberman nemá žiadne zdravotné problémy, chová sa dobre, nie je agresívny voči iným psom, nie je povahovo alfa, je dobrý s mačkou. Nikdy nebol medzi deťmi. Vzhľadom na špecifiká plemena je veľmi ochranársky a pozorný k cudzím ľuďom a veľmi emotívny.
Miluje maznanie, styk s ľuďmi a športovanie - veľmi dobrý v bikejoringu (mushing na bicykli, lyžovanie, beh, snowboarding)
Pozná nejaké triky a prešiel nejakou odľahčenou verziou výcviku poslušnosti a ovláda príkazy v ruštine, ale dá sa ľahko naučiť. preučiť sa, keďže je mladá a má chuť učiť sa nové veci.
Uprednostňujem e-mail, keďže po telefóne neviem veľmi dobre po slovensky (prepáčte). Hovorím anglicky a ukrajinsky.
Doberman female 1,7y is looking for new home.
From Ukraine, Sterilized chipped, vaccinated with EU passport. I saved her when she was a puppy from not good breeder - with 4 broken bones and rachitis. took her for rehabilitation so she could learn how to walk again. But before she was ready for a new family - war started and I took her with me, but it is not my type of breed (I am more husky person and have 2 of them)
Doberman has no health issues, behaves well, not aggressive to other dogs, not alfa kind by character, is good with cat. Has never been around kids. Due to the breed specifics is very protective and attentive to strangers and very emotional.
Loves cuddles, being around with humans and doing sports - very good at bikejoring (mushing bicycle, ski, running, snowboarding)
Knows some tricks and went through some light version of obedience training and knows commands in russian but can be easily trained to. be relearned as she is young and has eager to learn new stuff.
Email is preferable as I don't realy good in Slovak (sorry about it) to understand by phone. I speak English and Ukrainian.
![Bernedoodle šteniatka](
Meet our beautiful F1 standard Bernedoodle puppies! I hope you are ready for a lifetime of endless love?????????
They were born on December 27 so they are our Christmas litter: Blitzen, Vixen, Dancer and Prancer (1 boy and 3 girls).????
They can move in the spring (around April) but they can be booked already. They move with a full vaccination program and a microchip and, of course, we offer a one-year health guarantee. We ship worldwide, we also have our own carrier so everything can be solved????
They will love you and be a part of your family and give a lots of happy moments with extra kisses. We have 2 little kids (5 years and 2 years) so the puppies are very socialized and child friendly. Ask in private message for more info and photos! ????
Only emails - English
(Phone number doesn’t work)
![Welsh Corgi Cardigan FCI](
Welsh Corgi Cardigan ZKwP FCI -
wonderful puppies
In our Welsh Corgi kennel, which is registered in the Kennel Club in Poland, on March 24, 2023, beautiful WCC puppies were born.
Parents of puppies are beautiful representatives of the breed.
The mother of puppies is born in our kennel. Dad is a beautiful imported dog.
Parents have wonderful, balanced characters and are genetically tested and free from diseases typical for the breed.
Welsh Corgi has been with us for 9 years. This is a breed that adapts well to any lifestyle. This breed is very intelligent, loyal, affectionate, vigilant, sociable. They will also prove themselves in sports, e.g. in agility or obedience.
Our WCCs are family members, they live with us at home, they have contact with children and other animals.
Puppies promise to be very good in terms of exterior.
They are under constant veterinary care. When they are ready for their new home, puppies will be microchipped, vaccinated and dewormed according to their age, and will have an FCI export pedigree.
Our dogs are a member of the family. Health and proper socialization are very important to us.
Feel free to contact us and visit our FB page Rajska Kraina FCI - Welsh Corgi Cardigan & Welsh Corgi Pembroke kennel. We will gladly answer all your questions.
The content of the advertisement and photos are my property and I do not agree to their copying.
Kind regards.
![2 ročný psík kastrovanej nemeckej dogy hľadá novú rodinu](
Ahojte, 2-ročná kastrovaná nemeckej dogy hľadá nový domov. Šteniatko bolo zachránené z Gostomelu (Ukrajina) na začiatku vojny, bolo vo veľmi zlom stave. Teraz je celý dobrý, veľmi milý a veľmi orientovaný na človeka. Ovláda základné povely a je veľmi dobrým partnerom pri prechádzkach. Má 1 starý zlomený prst na prednej labke, takže môžete vidieť, že kríva, ale dokáže rýchlo bežať. Ďalším problémom je, že potrebuje jedlo bez alergií, takže potrebuje dobrú liečbu kŕmením.
Veľmi dobre sa znáša s mačkami a inými psami, s povahou typu beta.
Je kastrovaný, má európsky slovenský pas s najnovším očkovaním a čipom.
Hľadám adopciu, keďže mám vlastného Nemeckej Dogy a zachránil som jeho, keďže toto plemeno poznám a mojím cieľom bolo pomôcť mu, aby sa vrátil späť do normálneho stavu a začal si hľadať rodinu hneď, ako bude na to pripravený. Hľadám rodinu, ktorá vie chlieb, je pripravená na obrovského psa a úplne chápe, že slintanie je pre dogu normálny stav.
Pošlite mi e-mail, pretože nerozumiem po slovensky na telefóne, ale môžem použiť prekladač Google na komunikáciu. Ak to pomôže, hovorím po anglicky =)
Hi, 2-year-old castrated Great Dane is looking for a new home. The puppy has been rescued from Gostomel (Ukraine) in the beginning of the war, it was in very bad condition. Now he is all good, very kind and very person-oriented. Knows basic commands and very good partner in walks. He has 1 old broken toe on his front paw so you may see he is limping but he can run fast. Another issue is he needs allergies free food so he needs good treatment with feeding.
He is very good with cats and other dogs, with a beta kind of character.
He is castrated, has a European Slovak passport with the latest vaccinations and chip.
Looking for adoption as I have my own Grate Dane and rescued his as I know this breed and my goal was to help him so he returns back to a normal state and starts looking for a family as soon as he is ready for it. I am looking for a family that knows bread, is ready for a giant dog and totally understands that drool is a normal state for Greate Dane.
Please email me, as I don;t understand slovak on phone but I can user google translate to communicate. I speak English if it helps =)