CD-John Barry-Moonraker-Roger Moore-James Bond
Predám CD Originál od John Barry-Shirley Bassey-Moonraker-Roger Moore-James Bond,v dobrom stave.

Podobné inzeráty

predam stare single 7x HANA ZAGOROVÁ, rozne 40ks =cena 2,50eur/kus
ponukam LP M.Žbirka, I.Bartošová, Dalibor Janda/predane, J.Korn = á 8eur
Mireille Mathieu, Olivia N.John,Louis Armstrong -Lucerna 1965, Glenn Miller-Pure Gold =á 10eur
LP ABBA 15eur
George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue/ An American in Paris = predana
LP Baccara, Opus 1978=5eur
LP Asoc.HAGAW and A.Rosiewicz /PL 1975=3eur
LP Baden, Baden = 4eur
LP Barry Manilow-BARRY/Arista1980=4eur
LP Barry Manilow-I wanna do it with you/Arista1982=4eur
LP Barry Manilow-Manilow Magic/Arista 1983=4eur
LP Barry Manilow- 2:00AmParadiseCafe=4eur
LP Linda Ronstadt/Supphon1981= 4eur
LP Rudolf Schock singt /Eterna1963=2,50eur
LP Stars on45/Opus1981 Stars on45/vyd.1982=3eur/každá
LP Success-Get up and Boogie/Opus 1977=3eur
LP Superstars GreatestHits-2album, Canada1980 = cena8eur
1/ LP Drobnosti majstrov, Opus 1973=2eur
LP Hudba pro harfu/Music for Harp, Panton 1973=2eur
LP Romantický klavír J.Maláska (3), Panton 1980 =2eur
MC Rasťo Piško-Rodina Adamsovcov 2.diel=2,50eur
CD Biblia-nový zákon 1+2 slov.herci čítajú 31príbehov = 2eur/kus
CD Barry Manilow LiveonBroadway=17eur
CD Barry Manilow GreatestHits vol.1 vol.2= cena 14eur /kus
CD Barry Manilow summer of´78=13eur
CD LIONEL RICHIE -Just For You. =cena 8eur
Na osmém sólovém albu se Lionel Richie dal dohromady s producenty Paulem Barrym a Markem Taylorem, kteří stojí za hity jako "Believe" od Cher či "Hero" Enriqua Iglesiase a 7 Aurelius (Mariah Carey, Ja Rule, Ashanti). Album se částečně natáčelo v Londýně, kde se Lionel setkal také s Danielem Bedingfieldem, který pro něj napsal funkovou věc "Do Ya", a částečně v Miami, kde se Lionel zase potkal s Lennym Kravitzem a společně si spolu udělali 2 písničky. Jedna z nich "Road To Heaven" se objevuje na tomto albu, druhá na novém albu Lennyho. Není to výhoda mít slavné kamarády.
MC Irish Favourites, vol.1 2=spolu 4eur
MC Scotland the Brave, vol.1 2=spolu 4eur
CD The Drums and Pipesof Scotland =9eur
CD LASICA&SATINSKY Pred popravou(OPUS2011) =5eur

predam stare single 7x HANA ZAGOROVÁ, rozne 40ks =cena 2,50eur/kus
ponukam LP M.Žbirka, I.Bartošová/predana, J.Korn =á 8eur
Mireille Mathieu, Olivia N.John,Louis Armstrong -Lucerna 1965, Glenn Miller-Pure Gold =á 10eur
LP ABBA 13eur
George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue/ An American in Paris = predana
LP Baccara, Opus 1978=5eur
LP Asoc.HAGAW and A.Rosiewicz /PL 1975=3eur
LP Baden, Baden = 5eur
LP Barry Manilow-BARRY/Arista1980=5eur
LP Barry Manilow-I wanna do it with you/Arista1982=5eur
LP Barry Manilow-Manilow Magic/Arista 1983=5eur
LP Barry Manilow- 2:00AmParadiseCafe=5eur
LP Linda Ronstadt/Supphon1981= 5eur
LP Rudolf Schock singt /Eterna1963=2,50eur
LP Stars on45/Opus1981 Stars on45/vyd.1982=3eur/každá
LP Success-Get up and Boogie/Opus 1977=5eur
LP Superstars GreatestHits-2album, Canada1980 = cena 10eur
1/ LP Drobnosti majstrov, Opus 1973=3eur
LP Hudba pro harfu/Music for Harp, Panton 1973=3eur
LP Romantický klavír J.Maláska (3), Panton 1980 =3eur
MC Rasťo Piško-Rodina Adamsovcov 2.diel=2,50eur
CD Biblia-nový zákon 1+2 slov.herci čítajú 31príbehov = 2eur/kus
CD Barry Manilow LiveonBroadway=17eur
CD Barry Manilow GreatestHits vol.1 vol.2= cena 14eur/kus
CD Barry Manilow summer of´78=13eur
CD LIONEL RICHIE -Just For You. =cena 8eur
Na osmém sólovém albu se Lionel Richie dal dohromady s producenty Paulem Barrym a Markem Taylorem, kteří stojí za hity jako "Believe" od Cher či "Hero" Enriqua Iglesiase a 7 Aurelius (Mariah Carey, Ja Rule, Ashanti). Album se částečně natáčelo v Londýně, kde se Lionel setkal také s Danielem Bedingfieldem, který pro něj napsal funkovou věc "Do Ya", a částečně v Miami, kde se Lionel zase potkal s Lennym Kravitzem a společně si spolu udělali 2 písničky. Jedna z nich "Road To Heaven" se objevuje na tomto albu, druhá na novém albu Lennyho. Není to výhoda mít slavné kamarády.
MC Irish Favourites, vol.1 2=spolu 4eur
MC Scotland the Brave, vol.1 2=spolu 4eur
CD The Drums and Pipesof Scotland =9eur
CD LASICA&SATINSKY Pred popravou(OPUS2011) =4eur

Enya Shepherd moons 4,00 €
Europe The collection 6,00 €
Europe The final countdown 5,00 €
Europe The final countdown (RM,nový) 6,00 €
Europe Prisoners in paradise 6,00 €
Evanescence Fallen 5,00 €
Firebird Firebird 5,00 €
Firehouse Hold your fire 7,00 €
Firehouse 3 7,00 €
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters 5,00 €
Foo Fighters One by one (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Skin and bones 4,00 €
Foo Fighters In your honour (2CD) 8,00 €
Foreigner Double vision 8,00 €
Foreigner Head games 8,00 €
Foreigner 4 6,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 2,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 7,00 €
Foreigner Inside information 8,00 €
Foreigner Unusual heat 6,00 €
Foreigner Mr.Moonlight 6,00 €
Freddie Mercury The album 7,00 €
Frontline The state of rock 10,00 €
Gamalon Aerial view 10,00 €
Gary Moore Victim of the future (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Corridors of power (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Wild frontier 6,00 €
Gary Moore After the war 6,00 €
Gary Moore Still got the blues 6,00 €
Gary Moore Scars (nový) 4,00 €
Gary Moore After hours 6,00 €
Gary Moore Back to the blues 8,00 €
Genesis Genesis 5,00 €
Genesis Invisible touch 5,00 €
Genesis We can't dance 5,00 €
George Michael Faith 4,00 €
George Michael Listen without prejudice 4,00 €
George Michael Listen without prejudice (japan) 5,00 €
George Michael Older 4,00 €
George Michael Ladies and gentlemen - the best of.. (2CD) 8,00 €
George Michael Twentyfive - Greatest hits (2CD) 6,00 €
Giant Last of the runaways 10,00 €
Giant Time to burn 10,00 €
Great White Can’t get there from here 8,00 €
Great White Sail away 8,00 €
Green Day Dookie 4,00 €
Green Day Nimrod 4,00 €
Green Day American idiot 6,00 €
Green Day 21st century breakdown 6,00 €
Greta Van Fleet From the fires (nový) 9,00 €
Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the peaceful army (nový) 9,00 €
Gun Swagger 5,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Appetite for destruction 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Lies 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion I 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion II 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses The spaghetti incident (nový) 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Chinese democracy 6,00 €
Heart Brigade 5,00 €
Hex Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice 15,00 €
HIM Greatest lovesongs vol 666 6,00 €
HIM Razorblade romance 6,00 €
HIM Deep shadow and brilliant highlights 6,00 €
HIM And love said no.. the best of HIM (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Hugo (japan) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Time on earth 8,00 €
Hurricane Slave to the thrill ( 10,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Buckcherry Black butterfly 8,00 €
Bulletboys Bulletboys 12,00 €
Coldplay X&Y 4,00 €
Coldplay A rush of blood to the head 6,00 €
Coldplay Viva la vida or death and all his friends 5,00 €
Contagious The calling 8,00 €
Coverdale - Page Coverdale - Page (japan) 8,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Damn Yankees Damn Yankees 8,00 €
Damn Yankees Don't tread 8,00 €
Danger Danger Four the hard way 15,00 €
Dangerous Toys Dangerous Toys 12,00 €
David Coverdale Into the light 7,00 €
David Gilmour David Gilmour (nový) 7,00 €
David Gilmour On an island (digibook) 7,00 €
David Gilmour Rattle that lock (digibook) 7,00 €
David Wilcox Underneath 2,00 €
Deep Purple Machine head - Anniversary edition (2CD) 9,00 €
Deep Purple In rock - Anniversary edition 7,00 €
Deep Purple Fireball 7,00 €
Deep Purple Made in Japan (2CD,RM) 8,00 €
Deep Purple Nobody's perfect 5,00 €
Deep Purple Come hell or high water 5,00 €
Deep Purple Perpendicular 7,00 €
Deep Purple Abandon 12,00 €
Deep Purple Infinite 6,00 €
Dire Straits Brothers in arms 6,00 €
Dire Straits On every street 6,00 €
Dreadful Shadows Beyond the maze (2CD,nový) 4,00 €
Europe The collection 6,00 €
Europe The final countdown 5,00 €
Europe The final countdown (RM,nový) 6,00 €
Europe Prisoners in paradise 7,00 €
Evanescence Fallen 5,00 €
Firebird Firebird 5,00 €
Firehouse Hold your fire 7,00 €
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters 5,00 €
Foo Fighters One by one (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Echoes, silence, patience & grace 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Skin and bones 4,00 €
Foo Fighters In your honour (2CD) 8,00 €
Foreigner Double vision 8,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 2,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 7,00 €
Foreigner Inside information 8,00 €
Freddie Mercury The album 7,00 €
Frontline The state of rock 10,00 €
Gamalon Aerial view 10,00 €
Gary Moore Victim of the future (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Corridors of power (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Wild frontier 6,00 €
Gary Moore After the war 6,00 €
Gary Moore Still got the blues 6,00 €
Gary Moore Scars (nový) 4,00 €
Gary Moore After hours 6,00 €
Gary Moore Back to the blues 8,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Buckcherry Black butterfly 8,00 €
Bulletboys Bulletboys 12,00 €
Coldplay X&Y 4,00 €
Coldplay A rush of blood to the head 6,00 €
Coldplay Viva la vida or death and all his friends 5,00 €
Contagious The calling 8,00 €
Coverdale - Page Coverdale - Page (japan) 8,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Damn Yankees Damn Yankees 8,00 €
Damn Yankees Don't tread 8,00 €
Danger Danger Four the hard way 15,00 €
Dangerous Toys Dangerous Toys 12,00 €
David Coverdale Into the light 7,00 €
David Gilmour David Gilmour (nový) 7,00 €
David Gilmour On an island (digibook) 7,00 €
David Gilmour Rattle that lock (digibook) 7,00 €
David Wilcox Underneath 2,00 €
Deep Purple Machine head - Anniversary edition (2CD) 9,00 €
Deep Purple In rock - Anniversary edition 7,00 €
Deep Purple Fireball 7,00 €
Deep Purple Made in Japan (2CD,RM) 8,00 €
Deep Purple Nobody's perfect 5,00 €
Deep Purple Come hell or high water 5,00 €
Deep Purple Perpendicular 7,00 €
Deep Purple Abandon 12,00 €
Deep Purple Infinite 6,00 €
Dire Straits Brothers in arms 6,00 €
Dire Straits On every street 6,00 €
Dreadful Shadows Beyond the maze (2CD,nový) 4,00 €
Europe The collection 6,00 €
Europe The final countdown 5,00 €
Europe Prisoners in paradise 7,00 €
Evanescence Fallen 5,00 €
Firebird Firebird 5,00 €
Firehouse Hold your fire 7,00 €
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters 5,00 €
Foo Fighters One by one (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Echoes, silence, patience & grace 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Skin and bones 4,00 €
Foo Fighters In your honour (2CD) 8,00 €
Foreigner Double vision 8,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 2,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 7,00 €
Foreigner Inside information 8,00 €
Freddie Mercury The album 7,00 €
Frontline The state of rock 10,00 €
Gamalon Aerial view 10,00 €
Gary Moore Victim of the future (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Corridors of power (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Wild frontier 6,00 €
Gary Moore After the war 6,00 €
Gary Moore Still got the blues 6,00 €
Gary Moore Scars (nový) 4,00 €
Gary Moore After hours 6,00 €
Gary Moore Back to the blues 8,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Buckcherry Black butterfly 8,00 €
Coldplay X&Y 4,00 €
Coldplay A rush of blood to the head 6,00 €
Coldplay Viva la vida or death and all his friends 5,00 €
Contagious The calling 8,00 €
Coverdale - Page Coverdale - Page (japan) 8,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Damn Yankees Damn Yankees 8,00 €
Damn Yankees Don't tread 8,00 €
Danger Danger Four the hard way 15,00 €
Dangerous Toys Dangerous Toys 12,00 €
David Coverdale Into the light 7,00 €
David Gilmour David Gilmour (nový) 7,00 €
David Gilmour On an island (digibook) 7,00 €
David Gilmour Rattle that lock (digibook) 7,00 €
David Wilcox Underneath 2,00 €
Deep Purple Machine head - Anniversary edition (2CD) 9,00 €
Deep Purple In rock - Anniversary edition 7,00 €
Deep Purple Fireball 7,00 €
Deep Purple Made in Japan (2CD,RM) 8,00 €
Deep Purple Nobody's perfect 5,00 €
Deep Purple Come hell or high water 5,00 €
Deep Purple Perpendicular 7,00 €
Deep Purple Infinite 6,00 €
Dire Straits Brothers in arms 6,00 €
Dire Straits On every street 6,00 €
Dreadful Shadows Beyond the maze (2CD,nový) 4,00 €
Europe The collection 6,00 €
Europe The final countdown 5,00 €
Europe Prisoners in paradise 7,00 €
Evanescence Fallen 5,00 €
Firebird Firebird 5,00 €
Firehouse Hold your fire 7,00 €
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters 5,00 €
Foo Fighters One by one (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Echoes, silence, patience & grace 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Skin and bones 4,00 €
Foo Fighters In your honour (2CD) 8,00 €
Foreigner Double vision 8,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 2,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 7,00 €
Foreigner Inside information 8,00 €
Freddie Mercury The album 7,00 €
Frontline The state of rock 10,00 €
Gamalon Aerial view 10,00 €
Gary Moore Victim of the future (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Corridors of power (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Wild frontier 6,00 €
Gary Moore After the war 6,00 €
Gary Moore Still got the blues 6,00 €
Gary Moore Scars (nový) 4,00 €
Gary Moore After hours 6,00 €
Gary Moore Back to the blues 8,00 €
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