CD Saga,
Seth Marsh-"Whole lotta noise" 42:49 1991 JRS 73333 35801-2 300Kč
Seven -"Sevens"48:25 2004 300Kč
Seven -"Light of souls" 55.00 2007 ? JI-HO 039 300Kč
Seventh Avenue-"Between theworlds"66:31 2003 Massacre Records MAS CD0351 250Kč
Seventh One-"Sacrifice" 49:44 2002 Massacre Records MAS CD0325 300Kč
Shadow Gallery-"Legacy" 71:57 2001 Magna Carta 22 201 802 350Kč
Shadow Gallery -"Room V."75:34 2005 Inside Out Music IOMCD 207 350Kč
Shadow King -"Shadow king" 44:39 1991 Atlantic 7 82324-2 300Kč
Shadowland-"Ring of roses"58:32 1991 SI-Evromusic EVSR 293025 250Kč
Shaking Family-"Dreaming indetail"36:46 1990 Elektra 9 60900-2 200Kč
Shakra -"Shakra" 47:40 1998 Point Music 10043 300Kč
Shakra -"Moving force" 51:27 1999 Point Music 10082 300Kč
Shakra -"Power ride" 47:28 2001 Point Music 10183 350Kč
Shakra -"Fall" 52.25 2005 AFM Records AFM 098-9 300Kč
Shakra -"Infected" 61.33 2007 AFM Records AFM 145-9 300Kč
Shallow Reign -"Strangeworld" 55:41 1989 Reigndrop 250Kč
Sharon -"Edge of time"45:50 1999 Limb Music LMP 9905-011 CD 200Kč
Shaw + Blades-"Hallucination" 43:06 1995 Warner Bros.9 45835-2 250Kč
Shiva -"Shiva" 42:43 2002 Z Records ZR 1997077 250Kč
Shok Paris-"Steel and starlight"46:29 1987 IRS IRSD-42051 nabídněte min.700 (Disgos 40-100Eur)
Shooters-"Solid as a rock" 34:20 1989 Epic EK 44326 200Kč
Shooting Star -"It´s not over" 45:09 1991 V & R VR-0777-2 300Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Shotgun messiah"38:35 1989 Relativity 88561-1012-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Second coming" 56:59 1991 Relativity 88561-1060-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Violent newbreed"43:50 1993 Relativity 88561-1164-2 250Kč
School Of Fish-"Human cannonball"55:33 1993 Capitol CDP 7 98930 2 200Kč
Schubert"Toilet songs" 62:52 1995 Mausoleum 904 154. 150Kč
Siam-"The language of menace" 50:23 1994 Now and Then 9 60011-2 300Kč
Siam -"Prayer" 62:45 1996 A2 Z 85009 300Kč
Seven -"Sevens"48:25 2004 300Kč
Seven -"Light of souls" 55.00 2007 ? JI-HO 039 300Kč
Seventh Avenue-"Between theworlds"66:31 2003 Massacre Records MAS CD0351 250Kč
Seventh One-"Sacrifice" 49:44 2002 Massacre Records MAS CD0325 300Kč
Shadow Gallery-"Legacy" 71:57 2001 Magna Carta 22 201 802 350Kč
Shadow Gallery -"Room V."75:34 2005 Inside Out Music IOMCD 207 350Kč
Shadow King -"Shadow king" 44:39 1991 Atlantic 7 82324-2 300Kč
Shadowland-"Ring of roses"58:32 1991 SI-Evromusic EVSR 293025 250Kč
Shaking Family-"Dreaming indetail"36:46 1990 Elektra 9 60900-2 200Kč
Shakra -"Shakra" 47:40 1998 Point Music 10043 300Kč
Shakra -"Moving force" 51:27 1999 Point Music 10082 300Kč
Shakra -"Power ride" 47:28 2001 Point Music 10183 350Kč
Shakra -"Fall" 52.25 2005 AFM Records AFM 098-9 300Kč
Shakra -"Infected" 61.33 2007 AFM Records AFM 145-9 300Kč
Shallow Reign -"Strangeworld" 55:41 1989 Reigndrop 250Kč
Sharon -"Edge of time"45:50 1999 Limb Music LMP 9905-011 CD 200Kč
Shaw + Blades-"Hallucination" 43:06 1995 Warner Bros.9 45835-2 250Kč
Shiva -"Shiva" 42:43 2002 Z Records ZR 1997077 250Kč
Shok Paris-"Steel and starlight"46:29 1987 IRS IRSD-42051 nabídněte min.700 (Disgos 40-100Eur)
Shooters-"Solid as a rock" 34:20 1989 Epic EK 44326 200Kč
Shooting Star -"It´s not over" 45:09 1991 V & R VR-0777-2 300Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Shotgun messiah"38:35 1989 Relativity 88561-1012-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Second coming" 56:59 1991 Relativity 88561-1060-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Violent newbreed"43:50 1993 Relativity 88561-1164-2 250Kč
School Of Fish-"Human cannonball"55:33 1993 Capitol CDP 7 98930 2 200Kč
Schubert"Toilet songs" 62:52 1995 Mausoleum 904 154. 150Kč
Siam-"The language of menace" 50:23 1994 Now and Then 9 60011-2 300Kč
Siam -"Prayer" 62:45 1996 A2 Z 85009 300Kč

Podobné inzeráty

Triumvirat - Spartacus
Triumvirat - Old loves die hard
Triumvirat - Pompeii
Pulp - Different class
Pulp - We love life
Pulp - Countwodn 2-CD
Rush – Hemispheres
Rush – Hold your fire
Rush – Power windows
Rush - Permanent waves
Pink Floyd – The final cut
Candlemass – Chapter IV
Candlemass – From the 13th sun
Nirvana – Incesticide
Pendragon – Pure
Saga – Umbrellas
Saga – Generation 13
Saga – Full circle
Saga – House of cards
Saga – Marathon
Saga – Trust
Kreator – Endless pain
Kreator – Extreme aggression
Kreator – Pleasure to kill
Kreator - Renewal
Kreator – Cause for conflict
Kreator – Violent revolution
Asphyx - Deathhammer
Kreator – Enemy of god
Rainbow – Long live rock 'n' roll
Rainbow – Rising
Bullet for my Valentine – The Poison
Bullet for my Valentine – Temper temper
Bullet for my Valentine – Scream aim fire
Pearl Jam – Vitalogy
Tormentor – Recipe Ferrum!
Blind Guardian – Tales from the twilight world
Pretty Maids – Stripped
Chris Rea – The road to hell
Borknagar – Epic
My Dying Bride – As the flowers withers
My Dying Bride – The llight at the end of the world
CD zasielam po pripísaní (nie odoslaní) dohodnutej sumy môj na účet, alebo odovzdám osobne v Košiciach.
K cene CD sa pripočítava cena doporučeného poštovného podľa cenníka Slovenskej pošty.
Na dobierku nezasielam.
Pre ďalšiu ponuku si pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty.

Triumvirat - Spartacus
Triumvirat - Old loves die hard
Triumvirat - Pompeii
Pulp - Different class
Pulp - We love life
Pulp - Countwodn 2-CD
Pink Floyd – The final cut
Candlemass – Chapter IV
Candlemass – From the 13th sun
Nirvana – Incesticide
Saga – Generation 13
Saga – Full circle
Saga – House of cards
Kreator – Enemy of god
Rainbow – Long live rock 'n' roll
Bullet for my Valentine – The Poison
Bullet for my Valentine – Temper temper
Bullet for my Valentine – Scream aim fire
Pearl Jam – Vitalogy
Tormentor – Recipe Ferrum!
Blind Guardian – Tales from the twilight world
Pretty Maids – Stripped
Chris Rea – The road to hell
Borknagar – Epic
My Dying Bride – As the flowers withers
My Dying Bride – The llight at the end of the world
CD zasielam po pripísaní (nie odoslaní) dohodnutej sumy môj na účet, alebo odovzdám osobne v Košiciach.
K cene CD sa pripočítava cena doporučeného poštovného podľa cenníka Slovenskej pošty.
Na dobierku nezasielam.
Pre ďalšiu ponuku si pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty.

SAGA „Heads or Tales „ /Polydor 1983/ + vnut. ob/texty, povodne dobove vydanie LP made in West Germany!
posielam :/ihned!/
Postovne: . 2.80 /doporucene pri platbe vopred na ucet/,dobierka: 4.00, doporucujem zasielkovnu

10 CC Profile. BEST
10CC How dare you
bob dylan greatest hits
bob dylan soundtrack
bob dylan slow train coming
bruce springsteen the river
eagles one of these nights
Eric clapton 45 ocean boulevard
Eric clapton another ticket
guns n roses live
chris rea wired to the moon
joe cocker i can stand a little rain
joe cocker jamaica , say you will
joe cocker one night of sin
joe cocker joe cocker
joe cocker stingray
joe cocker sheffield steel
joe cocker civilised man
joe cocker luxury you can afford
living color vivid
NEKTAR A Tab In The Ocean
NEKTAR Recycled
OLDFIELD Mike Crises
OLDFIELD Mike Discovery
OLDFIELD Mike Five miles out
PHILLIPS Anton Wise after the event
PLANT Robert The principle of moments
REA Chris New light through old windows. BEST
RENAISSANCE Carnegie hall Live
RENAISSANCE Debut album.
RETURN TO FOREVER Romantic warior
rod steward every picture tells a story
rod steward a night on the town
ROXY MUSIC Flesh + Blood
RUSH 3 x LP Box Chronicles
RUTHERFORD Mike Smallcreeps day
SAGA Heads or Tales
SAGA Worlds Apart
SANTANA Barboletta
SANTANA Greatest hits 1969-1971. BEST
SANTANA Marathon
SIMON & GARFUNKEL Bridge over troubled water
SIMON Paul Crazy affter all there years
SIMON Paul Graceland
SMITH Patti Easter SKY II...1980 180gr.LP
SMITH Patti Wave
SPIRIT Twelve dreams of. Dr. Sardonicus
SPOCKS BEART Beware of darkness
STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest hits 1974-1978. BEST
STEVENS Cat Mona Bone Jakon
STEVENS Cat Tea for the tillerman
STEVENS Cat Teaser and the firecat
STEWART Rot Camouflange
STRAWBS Bursting at the seams
STRAWBS Hero and heroine
STRAWBS Chost STRAWBS Greatest hits
STYX Crystal ball
STYX Equinos
SWEET Fanny adams...1974
SYLVAN Nad The bride saind no.
T.REX & Marc BOLAN 20 century boy. BEST
TALKING HEADS Little creatures
the eagles hotel california
TIKARAM Tanita Ancient heart
TOTO Hydra
TOWNSHEND Pete White city
TRIUMPH Just a Game
U.K. Danger money
U.K. U.K.
VOLENWEIDER Caverna magica
WAKEMAN Rick The six wives of Henry VIII.
WALS Joe / Eagles vois The best of. BEST
WEATHER REPORT Weather report
WINWOOD Steve debut LP
WONDER Stevie Songs in the key of life
YES Relayer
YOUNG Paul No Parlez
YOUNG Paul The secret of association

Predám CD – METAL, ROCK A INÉ...
Ozzy Osbourne-Gets Me Through, Epic/Sony 2001, 4,00€
Rage-Lingua Mortis (w. symphonic orch. Prague), Gun Records 1996, 13,00€
Saga-House Of Cards, SPV Records 2001, 5,00€
Saga-Marathon, SPV Records 2003, 5,00€
Pink Cream 69-Pink Cream 69´s Mixery, Massacre Records 2000, digipack, 4,00€
Catch The Rainbow- A Tribute To Rainbow, Sanctuary 2001, 4,00€
Megadeth-Countdown To Extinction, Toshiba Japan 1992 + OBI, 2 bonus tracks, 22,00€
Megadeth-Youthanasia, Toshiba Japan 1994 + OBI, 4 bonus tracks, 22,00€
Megadeth-Cryptic Writings, Toshiba Japan 1997 + OBI, 1 bonus track, 22,00€
Megadeth-The World Needs A Hero, Sanctuary Records 2001, 5,00€
Megadeth-Capitol Punishment, Capitol Records 2000, 5,00€
Iced Earth-Horror Show, Century Media 2001, digipack, 9,00€
Spock´s Beard-Snow, Inside Out 2002, 2CD, 9,00€
Jadis-Fanatic, Inside Out 2003, digipack + 1 bonus, 20,00€
Without Warning-Step Beyond, Inside Out 1998, 9,00€
Martin Orford, Classical Music And Popular Songs, Giant Electric Pea 2000, 9,00€
Tracy Hitchings, From Ignorance To Ecstasy, Verglas Music 1999, 8,00€
Pendragon-Acoustically Challenged, Metal Mind Rec. 2002, digipack, 9,00€
Clive Nolan/Oliver Wakeman-Jabberwocky, Verglas Music 1999, 11,00€
Blue Oyster Cult-Curse Of The Hidden Mirror, Sanctuary Records 2001, 9,00€
Blue Oyster Cult-A Long Day´s Night, Sanctuary Records 2002, 9,00€
Blue Oyster Cult-Heaven Forbid, SPV Records 1998, 21,00€
Blue Oyster Cult-Tyranny and Mutation/Secret Treaties (Ltd. 3000 copies), Axe Killer 2000, 2CD LEATHER DIGIBOOK, 55,00€
Asia-Arena, Bullet Proof 1996, BOOTLEG CD, 6,00€
Asia-Aria, Snapper Music 1998, 1 bonus track, 8,00€
Asia-Quadra, Zoom Club Records 2002, 4CD DIGIPACK (LIVE), 14,00€
Asia-Asia, Victor Japan 1982 + OBI, 23,00€
Arena-Contagious E.P., Verglas Music 2003, 20,00€
Arena-Contagium E.P., Verglas Music 2003, 20,00€
Arena-Pepper´s Ghost, Verglas Music 2005, digibook, 12,00€
Arena-Immortal, Verglas Music 2000, 9,00€
Pendragon-The Masquerade Overture, Toff Records 1999, digipack (podpis C. Nolan), 20,00€
Back To Titanic- soundtrack, Sony Music 1998, 7,00€
The Godfather- soundtrack, MCA Records, 7,00€
Emerson, Lake and Palmer-Live At The Royal..., Sanctuary Records 2001, 8,00€
Meat Loaf-I´d Do Anything For Love Tour 1993, LSD Records 1994, 6,00€
The December People-Sounds Like Christmas, Magna Carta 2001, 8,00€
Mannerisms-A Celebration Of The Music Of Geoff Mann, Verglas Music 2001, 8,00€
Queen-Made In Heaven, EMI Records 1995, 7,00€
Vanessa Mae-The Classical Album, EMI Records 1996, 6,00€
Shania Twain-UP!, Mercury Records 2002, 4,00€
W.A.Mozart-Opera Overtures & Arias, 4,00€
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowsky-Francesca da Rimini..., Opus 1996, 4,00€
Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowsky-Swan Lake..., Opus 1996, 4,00€
Karel Kryl-Ocelárna (Doplněné vydání), Monitor 1994, prosím ponuku!!!