Cestopisy v maď.j.
Cudzojazyčná literatúra
Predám cestopisy v maď.j. Rok vyd.1964-1972.
Cena 5e/ks + pošt.
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Cena 5e/ks + pošt.
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Predám maď.cestopisy. Cena viď.foto + pošt.
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Predám maď. cestopisné knihy .Rok vyd.1957-61.
Cena 6 e/ks.+pošt.
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Predám zachovalé maď.knihy pre mládež DELFIN-könyvek, 5 ks. Vhodný, ako vian.darček.
Cena spolu 8e+pošt.
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Kontakt e-mail, sms.

Kathleen Glasgow - How To Make Friends With The Dark
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
The story of an awful, universe-gone-mad-mistake, and one girl's emotional battle for clarity and forgiveness. Tiger's mother has always been her whole world, but now she's sixteen her mother's control over everything in her life is suffocating. Just when Tiger feels she can no longer bear the way her life is managed, the unimaginable happens and her mother dies. As she slowly begins to make a way for herself, Tiger creates a new kind of family, some related and some not, who will love her and travel forward with her. This is how you make friends with the dark.