Change-able, J.. Stuart Ablon, PhD
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Na predaj publikácia Family and Social Change in Socialist and Post-Socialist Societies, Change and continuity in Eastern Europe and East Asia - Zsombor Rajkai, BRILL, 2014. Publikácia celá v anglickom jazyku, vynikajúci stav, nepoškodená, je veľmi dobrým zdrojom napr. pri záverečných prácach (plná grafov a štatistík). Cena: 10 eur. Osobný odber v Košiciach, v prípade odoslania cena 10 eur + poštovné. V prípade záujmu volajte alebo píšte mail.

Ponúkam na predaj knihu s názvom "Ultimate Back Fitness And Performance" od autora Stuart McGill. Autor sa v publikácii zaoberá športovým výkonom, tréningom, silou a fyziológiou človeka. Kniha bola 1x čítaná, výborný stav. Publikácia nemá pevnú väzbu (paperback), strany však veľmi dobre držia pokope bez rozpadania. Kniha bola zakúpená v zahraničí, jazyk: anglický.
Osobný odber alebo na dobierku, cena: 30 EUR.

Ponúkam na predaj knihu s názvom "Low Back Disorders" od autora Stuart McGill. Autor sa v knihe zaoberá športovým výkonom, rehabilitáciou a ochoreniami spodnej časti chrbtice - lumbálna časť. Kniha bola 1x čítaná. Na jednotlivých stranách boli prilepené papierové lepiace štítky, ktoré boli odstránené. Počas odstraňovania štítkov nastali v niektorých prípadoch drobné poškodenia, ktoré boli prelepené lepiacou páskou. Kniha je v pevnej väzbe a až na zopár drobných poškodení je prakticky ako nová, jazyk: anglický. Publikácia bola zakúpená v zahraničí.
Osobný odber alebo na dobierku, cena: 55 EUR.

Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 11,50€, predam za 7€.
O knihe:
Get ready for a night like no other . . .
Within days of wishing she could change her life, Fran Cooper is working for a celebrity, on a yacht, and en route to a tiny Italian island and the glittering Crystal Ball.
When she - quite literally - bumps into a handsome American called Evan the magic really begins. He makes her a promise: no last names, no life stories, just one unforgettable night.
But Evan belongs at the ball and Fran is a gatecrasher. Their lives are a world apart - unless, on a night like this, everything can change forever..

Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 11,50€, predam za 7€.
O knihe:
Get ready for a night like no other . . .
Within days of wishing she could change her life, Fran Cooper is working for a celebrity, on a yacht, and en route to a tiny Italian island and the glittering Crystal Ball.
When she - quite literally - bumps into a handsome American called Evan the magic really begins. He makes her a promise: no last names, no life stories, just one unforgettable night.
But Evan belongs at the ball and Fran is a gatecrasher. Their lives are a world apart - unless, on a night like this, everything can change forever..

Predam novu knihu Sophie Kinsella - The Tennis Party
It was Patrick's idea that they should have the tennis party. After all, he has the perfect setting - the White House, bought out of his bonuses as an investment banker. He hasn't actually told Caroline, his brash and beautiful wife, what the real reason for the party is.
She is glad to welcome Stephen and Annie, their impoverished former neighbours, less glad to see newly wealthy Charles and his aristocratic wife Cressida, and barely able to tolerate the deadly competitive Don and Valerie. But as the first ball is served over the net it signals the start of two days of tempers, shocks, revelations, the arrival of an uninvited guest, and the realization that the weekend is about anything but tennis.