Cosy room near Mileticova...
Podnájom, spolubývajúci
Cosy room for rent, near to Mileticova market, suitable for couple or single person... rent is
24O€ with wifi and utilities included... two nice & relaxed english speaking flatmates are expecting you...!
24O€ with wifi and utilities included... two nice & relaxed english speaking flatmates are expecting you...!

Podobné inzeráty

Ponúkam na prenájom 3izbový (65 m2) byt vo vynikajúcej lokalite na železníkoch. Byt sa nachádza na Krakovskej ulici na vyvýšenom prízemí. Výborná občianska vybavenosť, v bezprostrednej blízkosti bytu sú potraviny (50m), električková a autobusová zastávka (300m)...
Typický pražský byt je po kompletnej rekonštrukcii, vynikajúco riešený a kompletne zariadený.
V byte sa nachádzajú dve samostatné, nepriechodné izby. Priestranná obývačka spojená s kuchyňou a jedálňou. Veľká kúpeľňa s toaletou a taktiež aj vnutorný balkón.
Súčasťou je aj odkladacia miestnosť na chodbe.
Depozit vo výške dvojmesačného nájmu.
K dispozícií od 1. februára 2023
Rent offer - 2-bedroom apartment + living room, dining room and kitchen (65 m2)
Excellent location – 15 min walk to the city center.
The apartment is located on Krakovska street on the 1st floor. Market, tram, bus whiten 500 m distance.
This apartment is after a complete renovation and is fully furnished.
The apartment has two separate bedrooms. Living room connected with the kitchen and dining room. Large bathroom with toilet.
The apartment has a large (5 m2) balcony.
There is also a storage room in the hallway outside the apartment.
Deposit is paid in the amount of the 2 month rent.
Available From the 1st of February 2023

Ponúkam podnájom v centre BA na Medenej ul. samostatnú 1 izbu-obývačku 2,5x4,5 m s príslušenstvom v 3 izbovom bytovom dome s výťahom aj s energiami.
I offer a sublease in the Bratislava center on Medena ul. separate 1 room-living room 2,5x4,5 m with accessories in a 3-room apartment building with an elevator and utility

Ponúkam podnájom v centre BA I na Medenej ul. samostatnú 1 izbu-obývačku 5x5 m s loggiou a príslušenstvom v 3 izbovom bytovom dome s výťahom aj s energiami.
I offer a sublease in the BA I center on Medena ul. separate 1 room-living room 5x5 m with a loggia and accessories in a 3-room apartment building with an elevator and utili

Hello, am looking for someone to share a room in a three-room appartment in prievidza. so that we can rent together -950867017

Prenajmem 1,5 izbovy, komplet zariadeny byt (vratane 4k TV) v novostavbe Urban Residence. Byt je na 4. poschodi. Idealny pre 2 alebo 1 osobu. Byt ma klimu.
Byt ma velku 9m2 loggiu.
Nachadza sa rovno vedla zastavky elektricky, výborná dostupnost do vsetkych casti mesta.
V cene sú zahrnute energie + Internet.
Pre tych mobilnych, moznost prenajat parkovacie statie, ktore sa nachadza v podzemi novostavby (na rospoznavanie SPZ + cip)(dohodou)
Cena: 590 + 160 energie
Fully furnished 1.5 apartment available for RENT
1.5 bedroom apartment (45 m2) is situated on the 4th floor in a new project Urban Residence (finished November 2018) near "Racianske myto" and is fully furnished (4k TV included)
Tram stop is just in front of the building which is recommended as the tram avoids traffic jams completely. It is an important transport junction so get everywhere very easily.
If interested, Parking included directly underneath the building - licence number recognition (not included in price)
Walking distance to the historical city center about 25 mins.
Energy costs + Internet are included.
don't hesitate to contact me:
Price: 590 + 160 energy costs
1.5 Zimmer Wohnung in Bratislava zur Miete
Die soeben neu errichtete Wohnanlage Urban Residence kennzeichnet sich durch ausgezeichnete Infrastruktur und ist daher an diejenigen empfohlen, die nicht im Stau stehen wollen. Direkt vor der Tür befindet sich die Straßenbahnhaltestelle. Die Erreichbarkeit aller Stadtbezirke ist daher hervorragend.
Die Wohnung beträgt 45 m2 und befindet sich im 4. Stock. Lift ist eine Selbstverständlichkeit.
Überwachter Parkplatz direkt im Haus im Untergeschoss. Einfahrt durchs Kennzeichen Erkennung möglich.
Alle möglichen Geschäfte des täglichen Bedarfs im Erdgeschoss.
Energiekosten + Internet im Preis inbegriffen.
Preis: 590 + 160 energiekosten