Crisix the menace
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Podobné inzeráty

Rolling StonesAngie***Buggles-video killed...***Nazareth Dream on***Laid Back-Sunshine Reggae***Thé Twins-Love systém***Confettis-The sound od C***Erasure-Star***Righeira-Vamos a la playa***Eruption-One way tickets***Communards-Dont leave mě...***Pet Shop Boys-Suburbia+it s sin***Londonbeat-I ve Been thinking...***London Boys-Harlem Disire***KLF-America,What tíme...*Moon Ray-Comanchero***Kool And band-Get Down on it***Technotronic -Pomp up the jam***Boney m-Megamix***Hithouse-Jack to thé sound od the underground a ďalšie.Každe 10. zdarma. Cena 3-5€

Predám vinylové single Roxette-+Joyride+Thé look.3-5 €.10.kus bude zdarma.A ďalšie ...z 90 tých rokov.

Predám vinylové single KIM WILDE -Cambodia***Leila K And Rob n Raz-Got to get*** Sabrina-Boys***Bananarama-Love im thé...+Venus***Salt n pepaLets talk about sex*** Samantha Fox-Touch me*** C V Cath Heaven And Hell*** Sandra -Hi,Hi+Everlasting love***Black Box-I don't know anybody else a ďalšie cena -3-5€ Každý 10.vinyl grátis.

Punk :
R.A.M.B.O. - Bring it - 8,5€
Výbor veřejného blaha - 21€
Sin dios - solidarita - 50€
N.V.Ú. - obchází mě dokola/tak jsme došli ( limit 2lp 29 z 80 LP s masivní přílohou) - 50€
Harum scarum - thé last light - 21€
Harum scarum - suppose se try - 21€
Hip hop
Metabaron ( německý hip hop ) - 6,5€
Sugar hill express - 6,5€
Paulie Garand - Boomerang ( zabalené 2 LP ) - 65,5€
Rythme streets - bussinez records ( cz kompilace ) - 21,5€
+ 4€ zasilkovna z ČR
Všechny desky jsou v pořádku , případným zájemcům pošlu podrobnější fotky

Seth Marsh-"Whole lotta noise" 42:49 1991 JRS 73333 35801-2 300Kč
Seven -"Sevens"48:25 2004 300Kč
Seven -"Light of souls" 55.00 2007 ? JI-HO 039 300Kč
Seventh Avenue-"Between theworlds"66:31 2003 Massacre Records MAS CD0351 250Kč
Seventh One-"Sacrifice" 49:44 2002 Massacre Records MAS CD0325 300Kč
Shadow Gallery-"Legacy" 71:57 2001 Magna Carta 22 201 802 350Kč
Shadow Gallery -"Room V."75:34 2005 Inside Out Music IOMCD 207 350Kč
Shadow King -"Shadow king" 44:39 1991 Atlantic 7 82324-2 300Kč
Shadowland-"Ring of roses"58:32 1991 SI-Evromusic EVSR 293025 250Kč
Shaking Family-"Dreaming indetail"36:46 1990 Elektra 9 60900-2 200Kč
Shakra -"Shakra" 47:40 1998 Point Music 10043 300Kč
Shakra -"Moving force" 51:27 1999 Point Music 10082 300Kč
Shakra -"Power ride" 47:28 2001 Point Music 10183 350Kč
Shakra -"Fall" 52.25 2005 AFM Records AFM 098-9 300Kč
Shakra -"Infected" 61.33 2007 AFM Records AFM 145-9 300Kč
Shallow Reign -"Strangeworld" 55:41 1989 Reigndrop 250Kč
Sharon -"Edge of time"45:50 1999 Limb Music LMP 9905-011 CD 200Kč
Shaw + Blades-"Hallucination" 43:06 1995 Warner Bros.9 45835-2 250Kč
Shiva -"Shiva" 42:43 2002 Z Records ZR 1997077 250Kč
Shok Paris-"Steel and starlight"46:29 1987 IRS IRSD-42051 nabídněte min.700 (Disgos 40-100Eur)
Shooters-"Solid as a rock" 34:20 1989 Epic EK 44326 200Kč
Shooting Star -"It´s not over" 45:09 1991 V & R VR-0777-2 300Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Shotgun messiah"38:35 1989 Relativity 88561-1012-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Second coming" 56:59 1991 Relativity 88561-1060-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Violent newbreed"43:50 1993 Relativity 88561-1164-2 250Kč
School Of Fish-"Human cannonball"55:33 1993 Capitol CDP 7 98930 2 200Kč
Schubert"Toilet songs" 62:52 1995 Mausoleum 904 154. 150Kč
Siam-"The language of menace" 50:23 1994 Now and Then 9 60011-2 300Kč
Siam -"Prayer" 62:45 1996 A2 Z 85009 300Kč

Atrox 5€ Nové zabalené (NZ)
Concede 4€ NZ
Complete Failure 4 NZ
Consumption 6€ NZ
The Dillinger Escape Plan 6€ NZ
Enthroned 6€ NZ
Hypnosia 5€ NZ
Indica 6€ cd/dvd
Menace 4€ NZ
Megadeth 5€ ako nové
Mastodon 6€ cd/dvd ako nové
Ozzy 6€ 2cd
Outrage 5€ NZ
Perversity 2x 5€
Shadow Keep 5€
Star Gazer 5€ NZ
Twilight Of The Gods 6€ NZ
Volbeat 5€
Video Nasty 6€ NZ
Pozri aj moje ostatné inzeráty.