Disney My Book of everything príbehy a aktivity
Hobby, odborné knihy
Disney Junior
My Book of Everything
Knižka má 221 strán, obsahuje 4 príbehy, 4 strany so samolepkami, vyše 50 strán s aktivitami (hlavolami, omaľovánky, spájačky...).
Celá knižka je napísaná v jednoduchj angličtine, vhodnej pre deti a začiatočníkov.
My Book of Everything
Knižka má 221 strán, obsahuje 4 príbehy, 4 strany so samolepkami, vyše 50 strán s aktivitami (hlavolami, omaľovánky, spájačky...).
Celá knižka je napísaná v jednoduchj angličtine, vhodnej pre deti a začiatočníkov.

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The Amazing Book is Not on Fire
The World of Dan and Phil
In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil’s teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan’s a fail. Learn how to draw the perfect cat whiskers, get advice on how to make YouTube videos and discover which of our dining chairs represents you emotionally. With everything from what we text each other, to the time we met One Direction and what really happened in Vegas... This is The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire!
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Dan and Phil Go Outside
Dan Howell Phil Lester
Dan Howell and Phil Lester, avoiders of human contact and direct sunlight, actually went outside. Travelling around the world on tour, they have collected hundreds of exclusive, intimate and funny photos, as well as revealing and captivating side notes, to show the behind-the-scenes story of their adventure.
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The Amazing Book is Not on Fire
The World of Dan and Phil
In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil’s teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan’s a fail. Learn how to draw the perfect cat whiskers, get advice on how to make YouTube videos and discover which of our dining chairs represents you emotionally. With everything from what we text each other, to the time we met One Direction and what really happened in Vegas... This is The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire!
855 g
Dan and Phil Go Outside
Dan Howell Phil Lester
Dan Howell and Phil Lester, avoiders of human contact and direct sunlight, actually went outside. Travelling around the world on tour, they have collected hundreds of exclusive, intimate and funny photos, as well as revealing and captivating side notes, to show the behind-the-scenes story of their adventure.
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1kniha za 8 eur

The bestselling author of The Black Swan and 'the hottest thinker in the world' (Sunday Times) is back with a book challenging many of our long-held beliefs about risk, reward, politics, religion and financeHow can a stubborn minority easily end up ruling? Should you take advice from a salesperson? Is the pope atheist?More than the foundation of risk management, skin in the game is an astonishingly complex worldview that, as Nassim Nicholas Taleb shows in this provocative book, applies to all aspects of our lives and drives history. In his inimitable style, he draws on everything from Antaeus the Giant to Donald Trump to Seneca to the ethics of disagreement to how to buy a used car, to create a jaw-dropping tapestry for understanding this idea in a brand new way. Full of philosophical tales and practical stories, Skin in the Game offers a key rule to live by: do not do to others what you don't want them to do to you, with its practical extension: never take advice from someone who gives advice for a living.

ASIN: 1119560233
Jazyk: angličtina
Typ: paperback – ilustrovaný
Datum: 17.5.2019
Nepouzita, necitana. Osobny odber BA alebo posta (postovne hradi kupujuci).
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Unlock the value in online marketing
A well-executed digital marketing plan is a proven component of success in business, and Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies covers everything you need to build and implement a winning plan. Whether you're a novice in the online space or an expert marketer looking to improve your digital ROI, this book has easy-to-absorb tips and insights that will turn online prospects into loyal customers.
This book compresses the essential information on 8 topics, so you have all the information you need and none of what you don't. You'll learn social media marketing, marketing to millennials, account-based marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing strategies, and more!
* Use targeted, measurable marketing strategies to promote brands and products
* Increase brand awareness, customer acquisitions, and audience engagement
* Measure what your online traffic is worth and improve ROI on digital marketing
* Develop a solid digital marketing plan and put it to work for your brand
From SEO and SEM to brand awareness and why you need it, Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies will help you level up your digital marketing game and avoid the common mistakes that might be holding your business back.
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ako nova, osobne od Simona z Londyna
This is a FANTASTIC cocktail book. The layout is beautiful and it's got some amazing recipes. Mindblowingly complete. Drinks are listed alphabetically, with easy directions and a photo of each cocktail. Want to find a specific drink featuring a key ingredient? Feel like something with Chambord but not sure what? Flip to the back section and troll by ingredient, then find it in the book (alphabetically, remember?). Staggeringly beautiful design. If I could have one book in my collection, this would be it.

Každý z nás sa niekedy bojí, pociťuje strach a úzkosť. Ako pomôcť dieťaťu? V knihe sú tri príbehy, pomocou ktorých deti nájdu v sebe odvahu a dokážu si poradiť so strachom. Príbehy oveľa viac ako poúčanie pomáhajú deťom vcítiť sa do situácie, orientovať sa v nej a nájsť z nej východisko. Rodičom ponúka kniha odporúčania a rady, ako pomôcť dieťaťu na ceste k odvahe, ako ho podporiť a ako sa správne pýtať, aby sa nám zdôverilo. Rozvíjajte emocionálnu inteligenciu dieťaťa, prečítajte si príbehy o strachu a odvahe, spoločne, s láskou a v objatí.
PaedDr. Petra Arslan Šinková, detská psychologička
Knihu odporúčame všetkým rodičom, ktorí hľadajú možnosti, ako komunikovať s dieťaťom o jeho emóciách. Pomocou príbehov a rozhovorov s deťmi sa rozvíjajú ich emocionálne kompetencie a dá sa tak predchádzať aj sociálnopatologickým javom, ako je šikana.
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