inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

Dlhodobý krytý/nekrytý parking

Kategória: Garáže

Dlhodobé a krátkodobé parkovanie na krytom / nekrytom parkovacom mieste v Parkovacom dome Cassovar

-Parkovanie motorových vozidiel
-Parkovanie dodávok do 3,5 t
-Parkovanie motoriek
-Privátne prémiové parkovanie

od 50 € / mesiac

-10 min pešo od centra
-monitorované dohľadovými kamerami
-nabíjanie elektromobilov
-garancia parkovacieho miesta

Kontaktný formulár
Dlhodobý krytý/nekrytý parking
Podobné inzeráty
Parkovacie miesto v Urban Residence
Prenajmem kryté parkovacie miesto v Lokalite Račianske Mýto, Račianska, Šancová, preferujem prenájom dlhodobý osoby alebo aj firma. Cena je final aj s poplatkom. Možná zľava pri rýchlom jednaní. Jedna sa o cisto nove a najbezpecnejsie parkovisko. Parkovisko je chranene najmodernejsim kamerovym systemom kde je aj 24h/7 sukromna SBS spolocnost, ktora fyzicky strazi vstup aj podzemne poriestory na parkovanie. V pripade akehokolvek problemu vedia hned zakrocit. Prenajmem 1 miesto na parkovanie so službami v cene. (Zaujemca bude mat presne vyhradene miesto na parkovanie.) LOKALITA: Bratislava - Centrum mesta - Urban residence - oproti zástavke Ursínyho na Račianskej ulici. It is purely new and safest parking. The parking lot is protected by the most modern camera system where there is also a 24h / 7 private SBS company that physically guards the entrance and underground parking spaces. In case of any problem they can take action immediately. Rent 1 premium parking space with services included. (The interested person will have a reserved parking space.) It is a premium wide space for comfortable parking even with a car - there is no need to worry that someone will damage your car, because parking is a physical barrier and parking is separated from standard places comfortably get off. LOCATION: Bratislava - City center - Urban residence - opposite Ursiny's stop on Racianska street. PRICE: 160€ / month MAIL: karol.voltemar@ CENA: 140€/mesiac MAIL: karol.voltemar@ SLUŽBY V CENE: Najmodernejší kamerový systém Automatické rozpoznávanie evidenčného čísla Vyhradené parkovacie miesto Čipová karta na použitie v prípade poškodeného alebo znečisteného evidenčného čísla Nonstop bezpečnostná služba (na vrátnici) Deratizácia priestorov Elektrická energia garáže Elektrický požiarny systém Garážová brána/Rampa Havarijná služba garáže Požiarna ochrana Upratovanie garáže Vzduchotechnika Zrážková voda
Garage parking in Bratislava - inside (covered) parking lot
I offer a garage parking lot, size approx. 2.4m x 5.5m for a long-term rent. Price includes all energy cost and fees, payment in advance: for 12 months - 600e (50e a month) for 6 months - 360e (60e a month) for 3 months - 210e (70e a month) Security collateral (refundable for the keys / remote control) is 100e. If you are interested, please write me an e-mail and state your desirable location and nr. of parking lots. Possible locations in BA are: Dubravka (from 50e), Petrzalka (from 66e), Zahorska Bystrica (from 65e) You will recieve an official invoice for the parking rent (tax deductible), the company is not a VAT payer. edu@ Parking is also available for motorcycles, 1/2 size of the regular parking lot (1,2 x 5,5 metres, so enough for 2 bikes in a row) for a discounted price.
Garage parking in Bratislava - district Zahorska Bystrica
I offer a garage parking lot, size approx. 2.4m x 5.5m for a long-term rent. Price includes all energy cost and fees, payment in advance: for 12 months - 695e (58e a month) for 6 months - 390e (65e a month) for 3 months - 210e (70e a month) Security collateral (refundable for the keys / remote control) is 100e. If you are interested, please write me an e-mail and state your desirable location and nr. of parking lots. You will recieve an official invoice for the parking rent (tax deductible), the company is not a VAT payer. edu@ Parking is also available for motorcycles, size 1,3m x 2,4m for a discounted price.
Parkovacie miesto v Košiciach Parking space,center of Kosice
Prenajmem vonkajšie parkovacie miesto za rampou v objekte Rezidencia pri Radnici, Strojárenská 11, Košice 04001. Parkovacie miesto je v blízkosti Starej radnice, Hlavná ulica je vzdialená len 3 minút pešo,OD URBAN 5 minút. Cena 40€/mesiac + záloha 50€ For rent outdoor parking space behind the ramp in the Residence at the Town Hall, Strojárenská 11, Košice 04001. Parking space is close to the Old Town Hall, Main Street is only a 3 minutes walk, shopping mall URBAN 5 minutes. Price 40€/month + deposit 50€.
Parking for rent center of Kosice
Parking place for rent in the center of Kosice city. Parking is in garage with remote ramp. 50€/ MONTHLY
Prenájom - Garážové státie v centre BA, Panorama City
Od 1. jula 2023, prenajmem garážové státie #191 na 2. poschodí v Panorama City, Tower 2 na Landererovej 6 v centre Bratislavy. Garážový dom je zasklený, 24 hodín strážený vrátnikom a kamerovým systémom, vstup je len na kartu. Pešia dostupnosť do Eurovea, Tower 115, Twin City a CBC. Cena: 130 EUR/mesiac Kontakt: +41 79 783 8036 For rent – Parking lot in the BA centre, Panorama City From 1 July 2023, I offer a parking lot #191 on the 2nd floor in Panorama City, Tower 2 on Landererova 6 in the centre of Bratislava for rent. The parking house is covered by glass, guarded by camera system and security 24/7, entry is by card only. Walking distance to Eurovea, Tower 115, Twin City and CBC. Price: 130 EUR/month Contact: +41 79 783 8036