Dvouhlavá zvaracka Murat Kč 258 k výrobě okien
Drevoobrábacie stroje
Stroje z roku 2007, ale je nepoužitý, zabaleny v bedně .
Doprava SK +540 eur
Cena bez dph
Strongly welds two corners of PVC profiles with single operation.
Fixed left head allows welding at variable angles between 60° - 180°.
Welds both colored and white profiles with 0,2 mm. welding seam restriction.
Manually movable right head welds 90°.
Movable head is moved to the desired position manually and fixed by pneumatic brakes.
All operations are controlled by the digital touchscreen display.
Long lasting heating plates distribute heat homogenously.
Ability to clean the heater plates easily.
Long lasting Teflon usage and easy change by special Teflon system.
Practical welding fixture changing system
Doprava SK +540 eur
Cena bez dph
Strongly welds two corners of PVC profiles with single operation.
Fixed left head allows welding at variable angles between 60° - 180°.
Welds both colored and white profiles with 0,2 mm. welding seam restriction.
Manually movable right head welds 90°.
Movable head is moved to the desired position manually and fixed by pneumatic brakes.
All operations are controlled by the digital touchscreen display.
Long lasting heating plates distribute heat homogenously.
Ability to clean the heater plates easily.
Long lasting Teflon usage and easy change by special Teflon system.
Practical welding fixture changing system

Podobné inzeráty

Automatická fréza na sloupky na dvě frézovací sady k výrobě PVC a ALU oken.
FA 533 Automatic End Milling Machine
For end milling of transom in PVC and Aluminium profiles
Automatic feed of the milling unit
Ability to rout at varying angles up to 45° left and 30° right
Vertical pneumatic profile clamping system enables optimum work piece fixing
Positioning of the tools with pneumatic feed cylinder
Fully guarded
Without changing the cutter set, two different series of transom profiles can be processed
Power supply 415V, 3ph, 50-60Hz
Power output 1.1 kW
Max. cutter diameter 160mm
Spindle speed 2,800rpm
Maximum routing height 90mm
Maximum routing depth 30mm
Maximum profile width 120mm
Maximum profile height 90mm
Air pressure 6-8bar
Machine height 1,220mm
Machine length 960mm
Machine width 820mm
Machine weight 95kg
Cena 2000 eur bez dph

Fréza na kanalky
Na PVC okna
FT-387 Automatic Weephole Opening Machine with Easy Adjustment (3 High Frequency Motors)
Video zde:
Podobný stroj jako schuring wm3D a Urban ws 103
Cena nyní 3300 eur bez dph

Inv. číslo: 5869
Typ: SD 13
Výrobce: WEGOMA
Vyrobeno: 1975
Délka řezu: 3000 mm
Výška řezu: 60 mm
Hloubka řezu: 120 mm
Změny a pochybení v technických údajích, informacích a cenách vyhrazeny. Nabídka platí s výhradou meziprodeje.

Inv. číslo: 5869
Typ: SD 13
Výrobce: WEGOMA
Vyrobeno: 1975
Délka řezu: 3000 mm
Výška řezu: 60 mm
Hloubka řezu: 120 mm
Změny a pochybení v technických údajích, informacích a cenách vyhrazeny. Nabídka platí s výhradou meziprodeje.