FIFA 22 + SIMS 4 PS 4
FIFA 22 - 20€
Sims 4 - 10€
Sims 4 - 10€

Podobné inzeráty

Predávam použité hry pre PS2 a PSP herné konzoly.Všetky hry sú otestované,niektoré obsahujú škrabančeky ale sú plne funkčné.
Záruka - 12 mesiacov
Stav - bazár
-Použité PS2 hry:
007 Agent Under Fire-7€(bez obalu)
Arsenal Club Football 2005-5€
Battlefield Modern Combat-7€
Ben 10 Protector of Earth-9€(bez obalu)
Buzz!:The Music Quiz-5€
Crash of the Titans PS2/bonus DVD/nálepky-50€
Der Herr der Ringe,Die Zwei Turme(The Lord of the Rings)-10€
Die Sims 2 Haustiere-7€
Die Sims-3€(bez obalu)
Disney Pixar Die Monster AG Schrenkens Insel-15€
Disney Pixar Monsters Inc.Scare Island-15€
DJ Hero-5€
FIFA 06-8€
FIFA 07-9€
FIFA 11-13€
FIFA 12-14€
FIFA 2004-8€
FIFA 2005-8€
Fifa Street 2(bez obalu)5€
FIFA Street-7€
From Russia With Love-7€
GT Racers-5€
GTA 3-15€
GTA Double Pack-89€
GTA La Trilogia-130€
GTA Liberty City Stories-15€
GTA San Andreas-15€
GTA The Trilogy-135€
GTA Vice City-15€
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin-7€
Indiana Jones und der Stab der Könige-10€
Jak and Dexter the Precursor Legacy-15€
LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures-15€
Madagascar-10€(bez obalu)
Medal of H.European Assault-10€
Medal of H.Frontline-10€
Medal of H.Vanguard-10€(bez obalu)
Medal of H.Vanguard-15€
Monopoly Party-10€
NBA Live 08-8€
Need for Speed Carbon-10€
Pirates of the Caribean The Legend of Jack Sparrow-10€(nemecký obal)
Play it Chess Challenger-5€
Prince of Persia The Two Thrones-10€
Ratchet & Clank 3-15€
Rollercoaster World-5€
Shrek SuperSlam-15€
Smack Down Just Bring It!-8€
Smack Down vs Raw 2008-9€
Smack Down vs Raw 2011-10€
Snow Rider-5€
Spider Man 3-10€
Spider Man-10€
Stuart Little 3 Big Photo Adventure-10€
The Flinstones Bedrock Racing-15€
The Sims 2 Castway-9€
The Sims 2 Mazličci-20€
The Sims 2 Trosečníci-20€
The Sims 2-9€
The Sims-9€
Tom C.Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter-7€
Tom C.Ghost Recon2-7€
Tom C.Splinter Cell Chaos Theory-7€
Tom C.Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow-7€
Tom C.Splinter Cell-7€
Top Spin-5€
True Crime Streets of LA-5€
TT Superbikes-7€
Warhammer 40000 Fire Warrior-5€
World Series of Poker-5€
World Wrestling Championship-7€
Xtreme Speed-10€
-Nové PS2 hry:
24:The Game-10€
G.I.JOE-The Rise of Cobra-10€
PES 2008-10€
SingStar ABBA-10€
Komplet zoznam na mail...
> Kontakt:
> Tel. číslo :
> E-mail : gamingbazarsk@
> Alebo dole cez formulár

Predávam použité hry pre PS2,PS1 a PSP herné konzoly.Všetky hry sú otestované,niektoré obsahujú škrabančeky ale sú plne funkčné.
Záruka - 12 mesiacov
Stav - bazár
-Použité PS2 hry:
007 Agent Under Fire-7€(bez obalu)
Arsenal Club Football 2005-5€
Battlefield Modern Combat-7€
Ben 10 Protector of Earth-9€(bez obalu)
Burnout 2 Takedown-10€
Call of Duty 2 Big Red One-10€
Commandos 2:Men of Courage-8€
Conflict:Desert Storm 2-14€
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex-25€
Der Herr der Ringe,Die Zwei Turme(The Lord of the Rings)-10€
Die Sims 2 Haustiere-7€
Die Sims-3€(bez obalu)
Disney Pixar Die Monster AG Schrenkens Insel-15€
Disney Pixar Monsters Inc.Scare Island-15€
DJ Hero-5€
FIFA 06-8€
FIFA 09-9€
FIFA Football 2003-6€(bez obalu)
FIFA Football 2004-8€
FIFA Football 2005-8€
Fifa Street 2(bez obalu)5€
FIFA Street-7€
From Russia With Love-7€
GT Racers-5€
GTA 3-15€
GTA Double Pack-89€
GTA La Trilogia-130€
GTA Liberty City Stories-15€
GTA The Trilogy-135€
GTA Vice City-15€
GTC Africa-6€
Judge Dredd-Dredd vs Death-5€
LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures-15€
Madagascar-10€(bez obalu)
Max Payne 2-11€
Medal of Honor European Assault-10€
Medal of Honor Frontline-10€
Medal of Honor Rising Sun-10€
Medal of Honor Vanguard-10€(bez obalu)
Medal of Honor Vanguard-15€
Monopoly Party-10€
NBA Live 08-8€
Need for Speed Underground 2-15€
Pirates of the Caribean The Legend of Jack Sparrow-10€(nemecký obal)
Play it Chess Challenger-5€
Prince of Persia The Two Thrones-10€
Ratchet & Clank 3-15€
Rollercoaster World-5€
Shrek 2-10€
Smack Down vs Raw 2008-9€
Snow Rider-5€
Space Invaders:Invasion Day-8€
Space Race-8€
Spider Man 3-10€
Spider Man-10€
Stuart Little 3 Big Photo Adventure-10€
Tekken 4-15€
The Flinstones Bedrock Racing-15€
The Sims 2 Castway-9€
The Sims 2 Mazličci-20€
The Sims 2 Trosečníci-20€
The Sims-9€
This is Football 2004-5€
Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter-7€
Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon2-7€
Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory-7€
Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow-7€
Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell-7€
Top Spin-5€
True Crime Streets of LA-5€
V-Rally 3-8€
Warhammer 40000 Fire Warrior-5€
World Series of Poker-5€
Komplet zoznam na mail...
> Kontakt:
> Tel. číslo :
> E-mail : gamingbazarsk@
> Alebo dole cez formulár

Predávam použité hry pre PS2,PS1 a PSP herné konzoly.Všetky hry sú otestované,niektoré obsahujú škrabančeky ale sú plne funkčné.
Záruka - 12 mesiacov
Stav - bazár
-Použité PS2 hry-
007 Agent Under Fire-7€(bez obalu)
Arsenal Club Football 2005-5€
Battlefield Modern Combat-7€
Ben 10 Protector of Earth-9€(bez obalu)
Burnout 3 Takedown-10€
Call of Duty 2 Big Red One-10€
Commandos 2:Men of Courage-8€
Conflict:Desert Storm 2-14€
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex-25€
Crash of the Titans(vytlačený cover)-19€
Crash Tag Team Racing-20€
Der Herr der Ringe,Die Zwei Turme(The Lord of the Rings)-10€
Die Sims 2 Haustiere-7€
Die Sims-3€(bez obalu)
Disney Pixar Die Monster AG Schrenkens Insel-15€
Disney Pixar Monsters Inc.Scare Island-15€
DJ Hero-5€
ESPN NHL 2K5-10€
FIFA 06-8€
FIFA 09CZ-9€
FIFA Football 2003-6€(bez obalu)
FIFA Football 2004-8€
FIFA Football 2005-8€
Fifa Street 2(bez obalu)5€
FIFA Street-7€
From Russia With Love-7€
GT Racers-5€
GTA 3-15€
GTA Double Pack-89€
GTA La Trilogia-130€
GTA Liberty City Stories-15€
GTA San Andreas(vytlačený cover)-15€
GTA The Trilogy-135€
GTA Vice City Stories(vytlačený cover)-29€
GTA Vice City Stories-69€
GTA Vice City-15€
GTA Vice City-15€(double pack obal)
GTC Africa-6€
Judge Dredd-Dredd vs Death-5€
LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures-15€
Madagascar-10€(bez obalu)
Max Payne 2-11€
Medal of Honor European Assault-10€
Medal of Honor Vanguard-10€(bez obalu)
Medal of Honor Vanguard-15€
Monopoly Party-10€
NBA Live 08-8€
Need for Speed Underground 2-15€
Pirates of the Caribean The Legend of Jack Sparrow-10€(nemecký obal)
Play it Chess Challenger-5€
Prince of Persia The Two Thrones-10€
Rollercoaster World-5€
Shrek 2-10€
Smack Down Just Bring It!-8€
Smack Down vs Raw 2008-9€
Smack Down vs Raw 2011-10€
Snow Rider-5€
Space Invaders:Invasion Day-8€
Space Race-8€
Spider Man 3-10€
Spider Man-10€
Stuart Little 3 Big Photo Adventure-10€
Tekken 4-15€
The Flinstones Bedrock Racing-15€
The Sims 2 Castaway-9€
The Sims 2 Mazličci-20€
The Sims 2 Trosečníci-20€
The Sims-9€
This is Football 2004-5€
Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter-7€
Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon2-7€
Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory-7€
Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow-7€
Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell-7€
Top Spin-5€
Komplet zoznam na mail...
> Kontakt:
> Tel. číslo :
> E-mail : gamingbazarsk@
> Alebo dole cez formulár

Dobrý deň.
Predám uvedené hry v koláži.
2-3 hry -5%
4-5 hier -10%
6-9 hier -15%
10 a viac hier -20%
Ceny nájdete na každej hre v koláži na foto. Ohľadom dostupnosti ma kontaktujte. Hry sú zoradené podľa žánrov a abecedy. V prípade záujmu pošlem aj zoznam v PDF, kde je poznačený aj možný počet hráčov na jednej konzole.
Osobne BA alebo pošta(podľa váhy)/Packeta. Dobierka od+3,7€ bez dobierky od+2,7€
ČASŤ ZOZNAMU (celý nevošiel)
An American Tail 7 €
BCV: Battle Construction Vehicle 8 €
Ben 10 Protector of Earth 8 €
Bionicle 7 €
Britney´s dance beat 5 €
Bust-A-Bloc 8 €
Casper: And the ghostly trio 10 €
Cel Damage Overdrive 8 €
CRASH Nitro Kart PLATINUM 20 €
Crazy Frog Racer 9 €
Crazy Frog Racer 2 10 €
Disney Golf 12 €
Dog´s Life 8 €
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 8 €
Finding Nemo PLATINUM 8 €
Football Mania 18 €
Charlie and the chocolate factory 7 €
Charlottes Web 7 €
Jet Ion GP 7 €
Lego Drome Racers 13 €
Lemony Snickets a serious of Unfortunate events 7 €
Metal Slug 3 12 €
Monster House 8 €
Mr. Golf 10 €
Music 3000 10 €
Open Season 8 €
Over The Hedge 9 €
Play it Pinball 14 €
Power Rangers Dino Thunder 15 €
Power Rangers - Power Rangers: Super Legends 14 €
Ratchet and Clank 2 Locked and Loaded 14 €
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc 10 €
Rayman M 10 €
Roller coaster world 6 €
Savage Skies 10 €
Sega Bass Fishing Duel 12 €
Shrek 2 9 €
Shrek The Third 10 €
SpongeBob Squarepants - Creature from the Krusty Krab 12 €
Stuart Little 3: Big Photo Adventure 10 €
Super Bust-a-Move 10 €
Super Farm 10 €
Tak and The Power of Juju 7 €
Taz Wantd 10 €
The Cat in the Hat 7 €
The Golden Compas 8 €
The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The witch and the Wardrobe 10 €
The Incredibles (disney) 12 €
The Simpsons Game 10 €
The Simpsons Road Rage 12 €
The Simpsons Skateboartding 12 €
The Sims 7 €
The Sims (Platinum) 10 €
The Sims The Urbz: Sims in the City 10 €
The Sims Bustin´out 9 €
The Sims Bustin´out (Platinum) 9 €
The Sims 2: Castaway 12 €
The Sims 2 Pets 9 €
The Spiderwick Chronicles 7 €
Theme Park World 8 €
Top Trumps: Dogs and Dinosaurs 10 €
Transformers the Game 10 €
TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2 : Bush Rescue 7 €
Wallace ang Gromit The Curse of the Were.Rabbit 8 €
Woody Woodpecker 10 €
Worms 4: Mayhem 10 €
FightBox 8 €
Fight Night 2004 10 €
Fight Night Round 2 10 €
Fight Night Round 3 10 €
Knockout Kings 2001 10 €
Rocky Legends 10 €
Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum) 12 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 7 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 6 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 €
SmackDown Shut Your Mouth 7 €
SmackDown Shut Your Mouth (Platinum) 8 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 €
Bournout 3 Take Down

Dobrý deň.
Predám uvedené hry v koláži.
2-3 hry -5%
4-5 hier -10%
6-9 hier -15%
10 a viac hier -20%
Ceny nájdete na každej hre v koláži na foto. Ohľadom dostupnosti ma kontaktujte. Hry sú zoradené podľa žánrov a abecedy. V prípade záujmu pošlem aj zoznam v PDF, kde je poznačený aj možný počet hráčov na jednej konzole.
Osobne BA alebo pošta(podľa váhy)/Packeta. Dobierka od+3,7€ bez dobierky od+2,7€
ČASŤ ZOZNAMU (celý nevošiel)
An American Tail 7 €
BCV: Battle Construction Vehicle 8 €
Ben 10 Protector of Earth 8 €
Bionicle 7 €
Britney´s dance beat 5 €
Bust-A-Bloc 8 €
Casper: And the ghostly trio 10 €
Cel Damage Overdrive 8 €
CRASH Nitro Kart PLATINUM 20 €
Crazy Frog Racer 9 €
Crazy Frog Racer 2 10 €
Disney Golf 12 €
Dog´s Life 8 €
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 8 €
Finding Nemo PLATINUM 8 €
Football Mania 18 €
Charlie and the chocolate factory 7 €
Charlottes Web 7 €
Jet Ion GP 7 €
Lego Drome Racers 13 €
Lemony Snickets a serious of Unfortunate events 7 €
Metal Slug 3 12 €
Monster House 8 €
Mr. Golf 10 €
Music 3000 10 €
Open Season 8 €
Over The Hedge 9 €
Play it Pinball 14 €
Power Rangers Dino Thunder 15 €
Power Rangers - Power Rangers: Super Legends 14 €
Ratchet and Clank 2 Locked and Loaded 14 €
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc 10 €
Rayman M 10 €
Roller coaster world 6 €
Savage Skies 10 €
Sega Bass Fishing Duel 12 €
Shrek 2 9 €
Shrek The Third 10 €
SpongeBob Squarepants - Creature from the Krusty Krab 12 €
Stuart Little 3: Big Photo Adventure 10 €
Super Bust-a-Move 10 €
Super Farm 10 €
Tak and The Power of Juju 7 €
Taz Wantd 10 €
The Cat in the Hat 7 €
The Golden Compas 8 €
The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The witch and the Wardrobe 10 €
The Incredibles (disney) 12 €
The Simpsons Game 10 €
The Simpsons Road Rage 12 €
The Simpsons Skateboartding 12 €
The Sims 7 €
The Sims (Platinum) 10 €
The Sims The Urbz: Sims in the City 10 €
The Sims Bustin´out 9 €
The Sims Bustin´out (Platinum) 9 €
The Sims 2: Castaway 12 €
The Sims 2 Pets 9 €
The Spiderwick Chronicles 7 €
Theme Park World 8 €
Top Trumps: Dogs and Dinosaurs 10 €
Transformers the Game 10 €
TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2 : Bush Rescue 7 €
Wallace ang Gromit The Curse of the Were.Rabbit 8 €
Woody Woodpecker 10 €
Worms 4: Mayhem 10 €
FightBox 8 €
Fight Night 2004 10 €
Fight Night Round 2 10 €
Fight Night Round 3 10 €
Knockout Kings 2001 10 €
Rocky Legends 10 €
Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum) 12 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 7 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 6 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 €
SmackDown Shut Your Mouth 7 €
SmackDown Shut Your Mouth (Platinum) 8 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 €
Bournout 3 Tak

Dobrý deň.
Predám uvedené hry v koláži.
2-3 hry -5%
4-5 hier -10%
6-9 hier -15%
10 a viac hier -20%
Ceny nájdete na každej hre v koláži na foto. Ohľadom dostupnosti ma kontaktujte. Hry sú zoradené podľa žánrov a abecedy. V prípade záujmu pošlem aj zoznam v PDF, kde je poznačený aj možný počet hráčov na jednej konzole.
Osobne BA alebo pošta(podľa váhy)/Packeta. Dobierka od+3,7€ bez dobierky od+2,7€
ČASŤ ZOZNAMU (celý nevošiel)
An American Tail 7 €
BCV: Battle Construction Vehicle 8 €
Ben 10 Protector of Earth 8 €
Bionicle 7 €
Britney´s dance beat 5 €
Bust-A-Bloc 8 €
Casper: And the ghostly trio 10 €
Cel Damage Overdrive 8 €
Crazy Frog Racer 9 €
Crazy Frog Racer 2 10 €
Disney Golf 12 €
Dog´s Life 8 €
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 8 €
Finding Nemo PLATINUM 8 €
Football Mania 18 €
Charlie and the chocolate factory 7 €
Charlottes Web 7 €
Jet Ion GP 7 €
Lego Drome Racers 13 €
Lemony Snickets a serious of Unfortunate events 7 €
Metal Slug 3 12 €
Monster House 8 €
Mr. Golf 10 €
Music 3000 10 €
Open Season 8 €
Over The Hedge 9 €
Play it Pinball 14 €
Power Rangers Dino Thunder 15 €
Power Rangers - Power Rangers: Super Legends 14 €
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc 10 €
Rayman M 10 €
Roller coaster world 6 €
Savage Skies 10 €
Sega Bass Fishing Duel 12 €
Shrek The Third 10 €
Stuart Little 3: Big Photo Adventure 10 €
Super Bust-a-Move 10 €
Super Farm 10 €
Tak and The Power of Juju 7 €
Taz Wantd 10 €
The Cat in the Hat 7 €
The Golden Compas 8 €
The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The witch and the Wardrobe 10 €
The Incredibles (disney) 12 €
The Simpsons Game 10 €
The Simpsons Road Rage 12 €
The Simpsons Skateboartding 12 €
The Sims 7 €
The Sims (Platinum) 10 €
The Sims The Urbz: Sims in the City 10 €
The Sims Bustin´out 9 €
The Sims Bustin´out (Platinum) 9 €
The Sims 2: Castaway 12 €
The Sims 2 Pets 9 €
The Spiderwick Chronicles 7 €
Theme Park World 8 €
Top Trumps: Dogs and Dinosaurs 10 €
Transformers the Game 10 €
TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2 : Bush Rescue 7 €
Wallace ang Gromit The Curse of the Were.Rabbit 8 €
Woody Woodpecker 10 €
Worms 4: Mayhem 10 €
FightBox 8 €
Fight Night 2004 10 €
Fight Night Round 2 10 €
Fight Night Round 3 10 €
Knockout Kings 2001 10 €
Rocky Legends 10 €
Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum) 12 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 7 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 6 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 €
SmackDown Shut Your Mouth 7 €
SmackDown Shut Your Mouth (Platinum) 8 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 €
Bournout 3 Take Down 9 €
Crescent Suzuki Racing 7 €
Driver 3 8 €
Formula ONE 2003 12 €
Gran Turismo 3 Platinum 9 €
Grooverider Slot Car Racing 8 €
Juiced 8 €