First bike limitka fat
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HOY Bonaly detsky bicykel 16" kolesa, lahucky (5.9kg), na vek 4-6 rokov, vo velmi dobrom stave. Dizajn bicykla navrhol britsky olympijsky cyklista Sir Chris Hoy.
The Bonaly is our best-selling children’s bike, named after the area of the Pentland Hills where a younger Sir Chris Hoy first rode his mountain bike. Everything about this bike has been designed to make it equally likely to be a part of an illustrious cycling career as those hills were. Understanding that a child’s bike is a much greater percentage of their weight than an adult’s bike is, we reduced the weight of the redesigned Bonaly wherever we could – and it was a light bike to begin with.

Predam pouzivany First Bike, ma zopar skrabancov ale plne funkcny, s kosikom. Osobny odber - Bratislava.

Ponúkam odrážadlo First bike, po jednom dieťati. K nemu pribalím aj adaptér na zníženie sedadla. Odrážadlo má pevný rám, kvalitné pneumatiky a nastaviteľnú výšku sedadla.

Predam lahucke odrazadlo first bike limited edition, bezne znamky pouzivania , v cene kosik, zvoncek a ski set, takze vyuzitelne aj v zime, osobny odber v Poprade