Flat ball, splošťovacia lopta
Predám loptu, ktorá sa počas hodu vystrie. Cena 4 eurá+ poštovné, alebo osobný odber. Posielam až po prevedení peňazí na účet. Číslo je vymyslené.
Podobné inzeráty
Plne funkcna pri pohnuti zahra pesničku.
Kupovana v obchode (nie z druhej ruky)
2 pesničky
3 zvukove efekty
Monkey on ball baby activity toy
The Fisher Price Crawl Along Musical Ball is a brightly colored baby toy with a monkey that stays balanced on top. Babies are encouraged to push on the monkey by an entertaining tune or funny sound effect that plays when the monkey is moved. There are two tunes and three sound effects that play when the ball rolls and the monkey balances on top. The Fisher-Price monkey ball engages attention with bright colors, fun sounds and entertaining movements. The majority of the ball is a bright blue with a yellow star and purple swirl. On top of the ball there is an orange monkey with pink cheeks. The monkey keeps balanced even as the ball rolls. This product is suitable for both boys and girls.
Plne funkcna pri pohnuti zahra pesničku. Po jednom dietati.
Kupovana v obchode (nie z druhej ruky). Hudobna hračka.
2 pesničky
3 zvukove efekty
Monkey on ball baby activity toy
The Fisher Price Crawl Along Musical Ball is a brightly colored baby toy with a monkey that stays balanced on top. Babies are encouraged to push on the monkey by an entertaining tune or funny sound effect that plays when the monkey is moved. There are two tunes and three sound effects that play when the ball rolls and the monkey balances on top. The Fisher-Price monkey ball engages attention with bright colors, fun sounds and entertaining movements. The majority of the ball is a bright blue with a yellow star and purple swirl. On top of the ball there is an orange monkey with pink cheeks. The monkey keeps balanced even as the ball rolls. This product is suitable for both boys and girls.
Predám pokémon karty trainerov,v 9/10 stave:
Lanette's net search 77/106 2€
Potion 5€ 92/100
Poké turn 118/127 5€
Night Maintenance 113/133 2€
Night teleporter 138/147 2€
Bill's Maintenance 87/112 1€
Pokédex 114/127 1,5€ (španielska karta)
Full heal 95/114 2€
Switch 93/100 2€
Switch 102/112 1€
Poké ball 97/114 3€
Magnetic storm 91/101 2€
Quick ball 86/100 1€
Level Max 107/127 2€
Energy switch holo 94/114 5€
Switch 2€
Dusk ball 2x 80/100 - 3€
Luxury ball 86/100 2€
Prosím písať MAIL.
Plastové loptičky (červená, žltá, zelená): 1,5 (spolu 3ks)
Farebná lopta s menšou loptou vo vnútri: 2€
Gumová lopta s hrkálkou červeno-zelená: 3€
Skladacia veža s kačičkou: 2€
Lopta s číslami: 2€
Plážová lopta Peppa Pig: 1.50€
Osobný odber v Lučenci.