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FOR RENT - 1,5-room flat (NOVA TERASA)

Kategória: Byty

FOR RENT - 1,5-room flat (NOVA TERASA)

I offer for rent 1,5-room flat in location of Nova Terasa - street Inovecka 3 (opposite VUSCH).
Appartment is new, and it has approx 40 m2.
It's fully furnished with all appliances.
There is a lot of storage spaces (built in wardrobes in the entrance hall and big one next to the bed).
Location - 5 mins walking to medical school and approx 10 mins to city center.
High speed internet and cable TV is provided.
Big balcony is west oriented, thus flat is equipped with air conditioning.
Price = 690 Eur/month including all utilities and internet.
In case of long term rental contract (several years), price could be negotiable.
Deposit of 1 monthly rent is required.
Available immediatelly.
FOR RENT - 1,5-room flat (NOVA TERASA)
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Trnavske myto 1room apartment for rent
Hello, Location: Its located very close to Trnavske Myto - street Bartoskova Based on the real estate comments - this is the best location to live in Bratislava :)) as you have here everything, including - Hockey Stadium, Football Stadium, National Tennis Stadium, public open swimming pool, public covered swimming pool (Pasienky), National Basketball Stadium (pasienky), Central shopping centre, Vivo shopping centre, Lidl very close by, Kraj same, Billa same in central, next bigger Lidl in Vivo, Bigger Kaufland 10m walk on Trnavska cesta street. By 20m walk or by 5m tram, you are easily in the city centre. You have public transport connection to any part of Bratislava. Also other possibilities as to go by bike - public or your own etc. Flat building location - very calm, no busy roads, footpaths, all windows rotated into quiet ""yard"" Building - fully reconstructed as well. Flat: its bigger 1room flat, fully reconstructed, coming through hallway with coat hanger and shoe storage, then main room, from there to separate kitchen with oven, new fridge, new microvawe, also have a lot of space for your stuff, from kitchen to nice bathroom with shower and new washing machine with dryer, main room has a lot of space for your stuff and sofa and table, working table + chair, currently without bed, in case it will be required I will arange that as well. There is also bigger storage included in the -1 floor to store some stuff you dont use or bike or anything. The price is 620e/month as total cost internet from UPC included + depozit 620€ In case parking is required, I can also offer that. There are 2 options - parking in the separate garage - very close to flat - in case you need your car for ""daily"" use parking in the shared covered garade house, but on specific parking spot - in case you dont need your car for ""daily"" use - 10m walk Would like to rent it to 1person - I am ok with small dog, no cats. In case of interest, can also rent it to couple + 30€ Attached photos are not fresh, there were taken before the reconstruction - the kitchen is the same + there is new fridge, main room - new floor, bathroom is currently as per photo Flat is available from 1.3.2023, can offer few days before to move your stuff in as well. All is up to agreement. Something about you: responsible working person, who will be use and care about the flat as his own. If you like the offer and meet the ""criteria"", I look forward for your message. Thank you.
New 2 room apartment for rent
New 2 room apartment for rent, Street: Narcisová 6. I am offering a modern 2-room apartment for rent. It is fully furnished, situated in a new building (final inspection done in November 2020), 5 minutes from the Steel Arena. The apartment is located on the ideal 1st floor with a view to the east. The apartment has 1 separate room - bedroom (luxury boxed double bed with storage space, built-in roll door wardrobes) and a common living room (new sofa bed with double bed for daily sleeping, LED TV) with dining room and fully equipped kitchen (built-in appliances Electrolux, microwave, oven, induction hob, dishwasher, refrigerator and freezer), bathroom with shower and a separate toilet. Hallway is equipped with a hanging wall and storage space. The apartment has a loggia. It is possible to pay extra for parking space in front of the building. The apartment is available from 8.2.2023. Min. 3 months - 800,- € / month, or short time rent based on our agreement, payment in advance: 1x rent and deposit in the amount of 800, - €. Prices include energy and other fees. Maximum number of people - 3. Animals are not allowed.
Prenájom 3 izbový byt / 3 room apartment for rent
Ponukám na prenájom 3 izbový byt. Lokalita: Košice, Staré Mesto, centrum – 5min. chôdze od hlavnej ulice. Rozloha bytu: 120m3 Vybavenie bytu: 1x izba – manželská posteľ, šatníková skriňa, 2x písací stôl 1x izba – manželská posteľ, 2x šatníková skriňa, písací stôl, konferenčný stôl 1x obývacia izba – obývacia stena, vitrína, gauč, konferenčný stôl, TV, router, kachľový krb 1x kuchyňa – sporák, chladnička, umývačka riadu, rýchlovarná kanvica, mikrovlna rúra, jedálenský stôl, ( taniere, riad, príbory ) 1x kúpeľňa – rohová vaňa, umývadlo, 2x zrkadlo, pračka 1x chodba – veľké zrkadlo, kreslo, šatníková skriňa, držiak na topánky 1x WC- wc, umývadlo. 1x skladový priestor – vysávač, mop, všetko ostatné čo nechcete mat na oči. 1x pivnica – nikto tam ešte nebol, neviem čo tam je. Byt je kompletne zariadený a pripravený k okamžitému nasťahovaniu sa. Cena nájmu, vrátane energií je 730Eur/mesiac Depozit je vo výške 1-2 mesačnej splátke. ******************************************** We speak english. A 3 room apartment for rent. Location: Košice, Old town, city center-5 min. walking distance from the main street. Apartment area: 120m3 Equipment of the apartment: 1x room - double bed, wardrobe, 2x desk 1x room - double bed, 2x wardrobe, desk, conference table 1x living room - living room wall, showcase, couch, conference table, TV, router, tiled fireplace 1x kitchen - stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, electric kettle, microwave oven, dining table, (plates, dishes, cutlery) 1x bathroom - corner bathtub, sink, 2x mirrors, washing machine 1x hallway - large mirror, armchair, wardrobe, shoe rack 1x toilet, sink. 1x storage space - vacuum cleaner, mop, everything else you don't want to see. 1x cellar - no one has been there yet, I don't know what's there. The apartment is fully furnished and ready for immediate occupancy. The rent, including utilities, is 730 Eur/month The deposit is in the amount of 1-2 monthly rent.
LUXUSNÝ, tehlový   3-izb. byt, Obrancov mieru, Košice-Sever
Ponúkame Vám na prenájom luxusný, tehlový 3-izbový byt s balkónom, na ulici Obrancov mieru, v mestskej časti Košice - Sever. Byt má rozlohu 64m2, je kompletne zrekonštruovaný, nachádza sa na 2./4. poschodí v zateplenom bytovom dome. Byt sa prenajíma sa kompletne dizajnovo zariadený nábytkom a vybavený spotrebičmi. DISPOZÍCIA vstupná chodba, kuchyňa s jedálňou, obývacia izba s výstupom na balkón, spálňa, hosťovská izba/pracovňa, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC VYBAVENIE A ZARIADENIE BYTU kuchyňa - plne vybavená: vstavané spotrebiče - elektrická rúra, mikrovlnná rúra, indukčná varná doska, digestor, umývačka riadu, práčka, veľká chladnička s mrazničkou, jedálenský stôl so 4 stoličkami obývacia izba - veľká pohodlná pohovka, konferenčný stolík, taburet, TV, dizajnový elektrický krb, stolík pod TV spálňa - manželská posteľ, skriňa hosťovská izba - skrinková zostava, písací stolík, kreslo, válenda s úložným priestorom, skriňa kúpeľňa - vaňa, umývadlo so skrinkou a zásuvkami, veľké zrkadlo ZHODNOTENIE Luxusný, dizajnovo zariadený tehlový 3-izbový byt vo výbornej lokalite, blízko centra - veľmi dobrá dostupnosť do centra (autom do 5 minút). Tichá lokalita, z bytu je výhľad do parku. Dobré možnosti parkovania priamo pred bytom. CENA NÁJMU: 690€/mesiac vrátane energií, TV a vysokorýchlostného internetu Preferovaný je dlhodobý prenájom pre 1-2 dospelé osoby. ------------------------------------------ For rent a luxurious, brick 3-room apartment (1 bedroom + 1 quest room) with a balcony, on Obrancov Mieru, near the center. The apartment has an area of ​​64 m2, it is completely renovated, located on the 2nd/4th floor, completely designed with furniture and appliances. DISPOSITION entrance hall, kitchen with dining room, living room with access to the balcony, bedroom, guest room/study, bathroom with bathtub and toilet EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHING kitchen - fully equipped: built-in appliances - electric oven, microwave oven, induction hob, hood, dishwasher, washing machine, large fridge with freezer, dining table with 4 chairs living room - large comfortable sofa, coffee table, stool, TV, designer electric fireplace, TV table bedroom - double bed, wardrobe guest room - cabinet set, desk, armchair, wardrobe bathroom - bath, sink with cabinet and drawers, large mirror EVALUATION Luxurious, design-furnished brick 3-room apartment in an excellent location, close to the center (within 5 minutes by car). Quiet location, the apartment has a view of the park. Good parking possibilities right in front of the apartment. RENT PRICE: 690€/month including utilities, TV and high-speed internet Long-term rental for 1-2 adults is preferred.
NA PRENÁJOM - zariadený 3 izbový byt na KVP - Bauerova ulica
Typ: 3-izbový byt Ulica: Bauerova Obec: Košice-Sídlisko KVP Ak hľadáte rodinný byt či bývanie s nepriechodnými izbami pre 2 - 3 osoby, práve ste ho našli! NA PRENÁJOM EXKLUZÍVNE -  SKUTOČNE atraktívny 3 izbový byt s rozlohou 70 m2. Útulný, veľmi vkusne zariadený 3 izbový byt - takéto prívlastky prináležia bývaniu na sídlisku KVP na Bauerovej ulici. 5. posch. z 8 s výťahom, s loggiou, v prípade potreby predmetom prenájmu je aj pivnica na prízemí zatepleného bytového domu. Všetky 3 izby sú samostatné, nepriechodné - veľký benefit. Pokiaľ ide o svetové strany, kuchyňa (+loggia) s obývačkou sú orientované na Západ, spálňa s detskou izbou na Východ. Dispozícia: po vstupe do bytu Vás privíta chodba v tvare štvorca so vstavanou skriňou a veľkoryso riešenými úložnými priestormi. Po ľavej ruke obývačka, za ňou kuchyňa. Kuchynská linka bola len nedávno vymenená za novú, je vybavená plynovým sporákom, el. rúrou, chladničkou s mrazničkou, nachádza sa tu aj práčka z dôvodu šetrenia priestoru v kúpeľni. Tá sa nachádza oproti vchodovým dverám, toaleta je jej súčasťou. Na pravej strane chodby sú ďalšie 2 izby: spálňa a detská izba. Váš nový príbytok je vybavený tak, aby ste mali k dispozícii všetko potrebné, zároveň to spĺňa aj estetickú funkciu, napokon, posúďte sami na základe pripojenej fotodokumentácie. Občianska vybavenosť v tejto časti časti sídliska KVP je bohatá, nájdete tu všetko potrebné, na dosah. K dispozícii: od 16.05.2023 Cena: 670 Eur mesačne vrátane energií, internetu a TV Depozit: vo výške 1 mes.nájmu. If you are looking for a family apartment or housing with non-passable rooms for 2-3 people, you have just found it! FOR RENT EXCLUSIVELY - REALLY attractive 3-room apartment with an area of ​​70 m2. A cozy, very tastefully furnished 3-room apartment - such attributes belong to living in the KVP housing estate on Bauerová Street. 5th floor of 8 with an elevator, with a loggia, if necessary, the cellar on the ground floor of the insulated apartment building is also available for rent. All 3 rooms are separate, impassable - a big benefit. As for the cardinal points, the kitchen (+loggia) with the living room are oriented to the West, the bedroom with the children's room to the East. Disposition: upon entering the apartment, you will be greeted by a square-shaped hallway with a built-in wardrobe and generously designed storage spaces. On the left hand is the living room, behind it is the kitchen. The kitchen line was recently replaced with a new one, it is equipped with a gas stove, electric oven, refrigerator with freezer, there is also a washing machine here to save space in the bathroom. It is located opposite the entrance door, the toilet is part of it. On the right side of the corridor there are 2 more rooms: a bedroom and a children's room. Your new home is equipped so that you have everything you need at your disposal, it also fulfills an aesthetic function, finally, jud
FOR RENT 2-room apartment PRENÁJOM 2izb. byt Palisády - Konv
Ponúkame na prenájom - we offer to rent. The text in English you will find below. Ponúkame na prenájom 2-izb. byt v obnovenej kultúrnej pamiatke (obnova v r.2017), vo Feiglerovom dome na Konventnej ulici v Starom Meste - Palisády, je súčasťou bloku budov od rohovej historickej Auly Cervantes. Byt má 51m2 a nachádza sa na 2.p. bytového domu s výťahom. Orientácia na svetové strany - príjemná južná strana. K bytu prislúcha priestranný balkón pozdĺž spálne a obývačky o výmere 10,50m2. Dispozičné riešenie bytu: vstupná predsieň/lobby o výmere 5,50m2, kúpeľňa 4,39m2, kuchyňa 6,86m2, obývacia izba 16,87m2 a spálňa 17,41m2. Byt je čiastočne zariadený: v spálni – rolldor, dvojposteľ s úložným priestorom, kozmetický stolík so stoličkou, v obývačke – sedačka skonferenčným stolíkom, TV nábytok plus TV, police na knihy, v kuchyni – kuchynská linka so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (chladnička, mraznička, elektrický sporák, umývačka riadu, indukčná varná doska, digestor), jedálenský pult s dvomi stoličkami, v kúpeľni automatická práčka, elektrický radiátor. Stav bytu: kvalitné drevené okná s interiérovými žalúziami a sieťkami proti hmyzu, drevené vstupné dvere, plávajúce podlahy, kuchynská linka so značkovými vstavanými spotrebičmi, veľká vstavaná skriňa v predsieni a v spálni, kúpeľňa spoločná s WC, v kúpeľni je vaňa, umývadlo a elektrický radiátor. Nájom: 780,- eur plus energie pre dve osoby, kaucia: vo výške 1M nájomného pri podpise nájomnej zmluvy, dĺžka nájmu minimálne 12 mesiacov, vhodný ideálne pre pracujúci pár, nefajčiari, bez domácich miláčikov. We offer for rent 2-room apartment in historical building renovated in 2017, named after architect Feigler. It is centrally located in the Old Town of Bratislava – Palisády, not far from the Michal´s gate, allowing to access all locations rapidly by foot, bike or public transport. The apartment is on the 2-nd floor, a lift is available, and its orientation is to the South and to the quiet inner courtyard. Its size is 51 square metres plus a generous balcony of 10 square metres. It has a lobby, living room combined with the kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom with bath and toilet. The apartment is partially furnished: 2x wardrobe, double bed with storage space, small desk and chair, sofa with a coffe table, TV table plus TV, bookshelves, kitchen unit with built-in appliances (fridge with freezer, electric oven, induction hob, hood, dishwasher), bar counter with 2 bar chairs, washing machine, electric heater in bathroom. The apartment is ideal for a working couple, no smoking, no pets. Price of rent: 780,- euro plus utilities, security deposit amounting 1 month rent against the signing of the rental contract for minimum 12 months. The apartment is available immediately.