For rent
For rent three room furnished apartment for 2 students in Komenského street near the University.
Price 790€/ month including energy and internet
Required 1 month deposit
flat Appartement rent TUKE UPJS UVLF technical university veterinary medic
Price 790€/ month including energy and internet
Required 1 month deposit
flat Appartement rent TUKE UPJS UVLF technical university veterinary medic

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Ponúkame na prenájom - we offer to rent.
The text in English you will find below.
Ponúkame na prenájom 2-izb. byt v obnovenej kultúrnej pamiatke (obnova v r.2017), vo Feiglerovom dome na Konventnej ulici v Starom Meste - Palisády, je súčasťou bloku budov od rohovej historickej Auly Cervantes.
Byt má 51m2 a nachádza sa na 2.p. bytového domu s výťahom. Orientácia na svetové strany - príjemná južná strana. K bytu prislúcha priestranný balkón pozdĺž spálne a obývačky o výmere 10,50m2.
Dispozičné riešenie bytu: vstupná predsieň/lobby o výmere 5,50m2, kúpeľňa 4,39m2, kuchyňa 6,86m2, obývacia izba 16,87m2 a spálňa 17,41m2.
Byt je čiastočne zariadený: v spálni – rolldor, dvojposteľ s úložným priestorom, kozmetický stolík so stoličkou, v obývačke – sedačka skonferenčným stolíkom, TV nábytok plus TV, police na knihy, v kuchyni – kuchynská linka so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (chladnička, mraznička, elektrický sporák, umývačka riadu, indukčná varná doska, digestor), jedálenský pult s dvomi stoličkami, v kúpeľni automatická práčka, elektrický radiátor.
Stav bytu: kvalitné drevené okná s interiérovými žalúziami a sieťkami proti hmyzu, drevené vstupné dvere, plávajúce podlahy, kuchynská linka so značkovými vstavanými spotrebičmi, veľká vstavaná skriňa v predsieni a v spálni, kúpeľňa spoločná s WC, v kúpeľni je vaňa, umývadlo a elektrický radiátor.
Nájom: 780,- eur plus energie pre dve osoby, kaucia: vo výške 1M nájomného pri podpise nájomnej zmluvy, dĺžka nájmu minimálne 12 mesiacov, vhodný ideálne pre pracujúci pár, nefajčiari, bez domácich miláčikov.
We offer for rent 2-room apartment in historical building renovated in 2017, named after architect Feigler. It is centrally located in the Old Town of Bratislava – Palisády, not far from the Michal´s gate, allowing to access all locations rapidly by foot, bike or public transport.
The apartment is on the 2-nd floor, a lift is available, and its orientation is to the South and to the quiet inner courtyard. Its size is 51 square metres plus a generous balcony of 10 square metres. It has a lobby, living room combined with the kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom with bath and toilet.
The apartment is partially furnished: 2x wardrobe, double bed with storage space, small desk and chair, sofa with a coffe table, TV table plus TV, bookshelves, kitchen unit with built-in appliances (fridge with freezer, electric oven, induction hob, hood, dishwasher), bar counter with 2 bar chairs, washing machine, electric heater in bathroom.
The apartment is ideal for a working couple, no smoking, no pets.
Price of rent: 780,- euro plus utilities, security deposit amounting 1 month rent against the signing of the rental contract for minimum 12 months.
The apartment is available immediately.

We offer for rent a spacious sunny one-room apartment in private ownership with an area of 44 m2 + balcony 3.70 m2 + cellar 4 m2 + 1 parking space
The apartment is located on the 1st floor of the recently approved apartment building "Jelšina" in the newly established modern residential district NOVÉ ZLATOVCE on Odevná Street in Trenčín, which offers urban living with complete civic amenities within easy reach and at the same time living in a quiet location surrounded by greenery.
Energy certificate of the apartment building: A0
Elevator, disabled access
Layout of the apartment/accessories:
- Spacious hallway
- Living room with kitchen
- Bathroom with bathtub and skylight
- Separate toilet
- Wardrobe
- Balcony
- A cellar in the basement of an apartment building
Equipment of the apartment:
- Kitchen with built-in appliances
- Dishwasher
- Combined refrigerator and freezer
- induction hob
- Security doors
Civic amenities:
- bus stop -1 min
- city center - 10 min on foot/5 min by car
- dam and river Váh – 5 min
- school, kindergarten – 5 min
- shopping network, restaurants – 5 min
- health center – 5 min
- highway feeder - 6 min
Monthly rent: EUR 390 plus a deposit for utilities
The monthly rent includes:
- Rent
- Use of the cellar
- 1 x parking space
Rent is due on the 1st of the month
The deposit is in the amount of 3 monthly rents
Notice period: 3 months
The apartment is available from November 1, 2022
The apartment is intended for non-smokers. Pets are not acceptable
390 eur plus 100 eur energy costs per month
see propositions of the flat on youtube:

New 2 room apartment for rent, Street: Narcisová 6.
I am offering a modern 2-room apartment for rent. It is fully furnished, situated in a new building (final inspection done in November 2020), 5 minutes from the Steel Arena. The apartment is located on the ideal 1st floor with a view to the east. The apartment has 1 separate room - bedroom (luxury boxed double bed with storage space, built-in roll door wardrobes) and a common living room (new sofa bed with double bed for daily sleeping, LED TV) with dining room and fully equipped kitchen (built-in appliances Electrolux, microwave, oven, induction hob, dishwasher, refrigerator and freezer), bathroom with shower and a separate toilet. Hallway is equipped with a hanging wall and storage space. The apartment has a loggia. It is possible to pay extra for parking space in front of the building. The apartment is available from 8.2.2023. Min. 3 months - 800,- € / month, or short time rent based on our agreement, payment in advance: 1x rent and deposit in the amount of 800, - €. Prices include energy and other fees. Maximum number of people - 3. Animals are not allowed.

Ponúkam na PRENÁJOM plne vybavený - úplne nový GOLDEN APARTMENT
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMÁN, Mlynská Bašta, Košice staré mesto
Ponúkam do prenájmu úplne nový, klimatizovaný, priestranný a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový byt ( 55 m2 ) s balkónom a výhľadom na centrum mesta .
Veľmi tichý byt /vnútroblok/ s vlastným parkovacím miestom.
štýlový a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový apartmán
nábytok vyrobený na mieru
obývacia izba s veľkou rohovou sedačkou a 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
kompletne vybavená kuchyňa, s modernými zabudovanými spotrebičmi.
chladnička s mrazničkou, Indukčná varná doska, rúra na pečenie, mikrovlnná rúra, umývačka riadu
samostatná spálňa s pohodlnou posteľou 200 x 180 cm s prémiovým matracom, úložným priestorom, vstavanými šatníkovými skriňami s veľkým zrkadlom a nočnými stolíkmi
kúpeľňa je vybavená vaňou, WC je oddelené
chodba so skriňou rolldoor s veľkým odkladacím priestorom
videovrátnik, klimatizácia LG
súkromné parkovacie miesto v podzemnej garáži
Byt je veľmi tichý, nakoľko sa nachádza vo vnútrobloku.
Byt je Pet friendly.
8OO,- EUR - vrátane energie a klimatizácie,+ 50 EUR- vlastné kryté garážové státie hneď vedľa vchodu do obytného domu.
Požadovaný 1 mesačný depozit ( bude vrátený pri ukončení nájmu )
LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMENT, Mlynská Bašta, Košice old town, for rent NOW AVAILABLE
We offer for rent a brand new, air-conditioned, spacious and fully furnished 2 rooms apartment (55 m2) with a balcony and a view of the city center.
Be the first tenants in this modern apartment in a sought-after location right in the pedestrian zone.
stylish and fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment
custom-made furniture
living room with large corner sofa and 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV
Fully equipped kitchen, with modern built-in appliances. Refrigerator with freezer, Induction hob, Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher
separate bedroom with a comfortable bed 200 x 180 cm with a premium mattress, storage space, built-in wardrobes with a large mirror and bedside tables
The bathroom is equipped with a bathtub, the toilet is separate
corridor with rolldoor wardrobe with large storage space
Wfree wi-fi, video entry phone, air conditioning LG
private parking space in the underground garage
The apartment is very quiet, as it is located in the courtyard.
The apartment is pet friendly.
800, - EUR/per month is including energy, internet and air conditioning, + 50 eur /per garage parking space.
Required 1 month deposit (will be returned at the end of the lease)
More informations on:

na prenájom komplet zariadený veľkometrážny 2 izbový byt v historickom centre mesta na Grosslingovej ulici . Byt má podlahovú plochu 110m2, nachádza sa na 4. nadzemnom podlaž 4/4 a má vlastné kúrenie.
Po vstupe do bytu sa ocitneme v hlavnej časti, v priestrannej obývacej izbe, byt má samostatnú kuchyňu, samostatné wc a samostatnú kúpelňu. Ak preferujete bývať v centre mesta tento byt so staromestskou atmosférou v modernom prevedení je pre Vás ako stvorený.
Moznost aj prenajat si samostatnu izbu cast podla dohody. Moznost rozdelenia 400,-Eur plus energie. Byt je voľný ihneď. Doplňujúce info a cena: Nájom: 1.200 €/mesačne+energie Parkovanie je možne zabezpečiť.
FOR RENT LARGE 2-ROOM APARTMENT IN THE HISTORIC CENTER OF THE CITY AT GROSSLINGOVA STREET, 4/4, OWN HEATING.With the possibility of dividing the space into 3 separate rooms!!!!
For rent, fully furnished, large-scale 2-room apartment in the historic center of the city on Grosslingová Street. The apartment has a floor area of 110m2, is located on the 4th floor above ground level 4/4 and has its own heating.
After entering the apartment, we find ourselves in the main part, in a spacious living room, the apartment has a separate kitchen, a separate toilet and a separate bathroom. If you prefer to live in the city center, this apartment with an old town atmosphere in a modern design is perfect for you.
Also u can rent for separatly place 400eur +energies.
The apartment is available immediately.
Additional info and price:
Rent: €1,200/month + energy
Parking can be provided.

Prenájom 3-izbového bytu na vyvýšenom prízemí s výmerou 65m2 v Prievoze neďaleko Gagarinovej ul. Byt prešiel pred 3 rokmi kompletnou rekonštrukciou. Pozostáva z predsiene, 2 samostatných, nepriechodných izieb, priechodnej obývačky, kuchyne so špajzou, kúpeľne a samostatného WC.
Kuchyňa je vybavená elektrospotrebičmi (chladnička s mrazničkou, umývačka riadu, mikrovlnka, plynový sporák, rúra). Práčka sa nachádza v kúpeľni. Obývačka a kuchyňa je kompletne zariadená, 2 nepriechodné izby sú nezariadené. Byt sa nachádza v tichej lokalite s veľmi dobrým pripojením do centra. Zastávka a supermarket sú len 300m od domu. Bezplatné parkovanie je možné na chodníku pred domom.
Byt bude dostupný od 01.02.2023
Mesačný nájom je 720eur (nájom 450 eur + 270 eur poplatky, energie a internet) Pri podpise zmluvy sa platí vratná kaucia vo výške 1500 eur. Kaucia slúži ako zábezpeka pre prípad poškodenia zariadenia bytu alebo neplatenia nájmu a vracia sa nájomníkovi pri vysťahovaní z bytu.
Byt je vhodný pre maximálne 4 osoby.
Byt priamo od majiteľa, bez provízie za sprostredkovanie.
3-room apartment located in Bratislava - Ružinov for rent. It was fully renovated 3 years ago. The property is situated in the ground floor of a 4-storey house in a quiet side road. The 65 sqm appartment consists of anteroom, storage room, fully furnished living and dining room, two not furnished bedrooms, kitchen with all appliances (dishwasher, microwave, baking oven, gas hob, fridge-freezer), bathroom with a bathtub and washing machine and separate toilet.
Bus station and grocery store is 300m nearby. It takes 20 minutes by bus to the city center of Bratislava.
Car parking in front of the house is for free.
The apartment is available from 01.02.2023
The monthly rent is 720 € (450€ rent + 270€ fees, energy costs and internet). Security deposit is 1500€ and it is refundable once you move out as all rent is paid and the rental is undamaged.
Maximum occupancy – 4 persons.