Gloryhammer - Sanctus... tričko M
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Predám originál CD - DARK FUNERAL - Attera Totus Sanctus 2005 /DIGIPACK-LIMITED EDITION/REGAIN RECORDS/BLACK METAL/ CD aj booklet je vo veľmi dobrom stave, cena = 12€ + poštovné, len email, telefón je vymyslený.

Rozpredaj zbierky metalových VHS, CD s bookletmi
Po 25 rokoch rozpredávam svoju zbierku CD ( plus 2 VHS). V niektorých prípadoch sa jedná o raritné, limitované a dnes okrem ebay a amazonu nedostupné kúsky, ktoré boli kupované v dobe vzniku toho ktorého albumu, teda žiadna reedícia. Tomu v niektorých prípadoch zodpovedá vyššia cena. Minimálny odber, aspoň 2 ks
VHS HYPOCRISY - Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken 98 40 eur
VHS BEHEMOTH – Live Eschaton 15 eur
DARK FUNERAL - De Profundis Clamavi Ad Te Domine 17 eur
DARK FUNERAL – Diabolis interium, DIGI 17 eur
DARK FUNERAL –Attera totus sanctus, na booklete sú originálne podpisy členov kapely!!! 40 eur
KRABATHOR – Lies 25 eur
VADER – Revelation 12 eur
VADER – Reign forever world 12 eur
VADER – De profundis, DIGI 15 eur
VADER – The darkest age, Live in Krakov 1993 15 eur
VADER – Live in Japan 12 eur
VADER – Litany 12 eur
VADER – Reborn in chaos 15 eur
BEHEMOTH – Thelema 6, DIGI 15 eur
MARDUK – Le grande danse macabre 12 eur
MARDUK – The world funeral 12 eur
GOREFEST – False 12 eur
GOREFEST – Ultimate collections ,Mindloss and demos, 2CD 25 eur
OBITUARY – Cause of death 15 eur
HYPOCRISY - Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken plus 4 studio tracks 20 eur
HYPOCRISY – Penetralia, limited edtition,DIGI 25 eur
HYPOCRISY – Maximum abduction 10eur
DIMMU BORGIR – Spiritual black dimension 15 eur
MYSTIC CIRCLE – Drachenblut 20 eur
A TRIBUTE TO MAYHEM – Originators of the nothern darkness 15 eur
DEPRESY – A grand magnificence 8 eur
DEPRESY- Sighting 8 eur
DEPRESY – Psychomantion phenomenon 10 eur
DISMEMBER – Indecent and obscene/ Pieces, limited edition, DIGI 30 eur
CULT OF FIRE – Ascetic meditation, DIGI 15 eur
CULT OF FIRE – Live, sex and death, DIGI 12 eur
DIES IRAE- The sin war 15 eur
FLESHCRAWL- As blood rains from... 25 eur
MY DYING BRIDE – As the flower withers 12 eur

Predám CD DARK FUNERAL –Attera totus sanctus, na booklete sú originálne podpisy členov kapely, cena 40 eur a VHS HYPOCRISY - Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken 98, cena 40 eur

Edgar Broughton Band -"Edgar Broughton Band" 55:06 1970/1 Repertoire REP 4409-WY 300Kč
Edgar Broughton Band -"Wasa wasa" 45:33 1969 EMI CDP 538-7 91747 2 300Kč
Edguy -"King of fools" 21:34 2004 Nuclear Blast NB 1240-2 250Kč
Edguy -"Kingdom of madness" 59:17 1997 Semaphore CD 37585-422 250Kč
Edguy -"Mandrake" 64:31 2001 AFM Records 0122922AFM 300Kč
Edguy -"Rocket ride" 65.59 2006 Nuclear Blast NB 1600-0 300Kč
Edguy -"The savage poetry" 53:05 2000 AFM Records 0046702 AFM 300kč
Edguy -"Theater of salvation"73:19 1999 FM Records 0046522 AFM 300K4
Edguy -"Tinnitus sanctus"(2CD)2008 Nuclear NB 2179-0 350Kč
Edguy -"Vain glory opera"51:40 1998 Semaphore CD 38760-422 300Kč
Magdallan -"Big bang" 56:29 1992 Intense PLD 9098 350Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Echoes" 49:13 1992 Electrola 1C 564-7 98836 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Midnight sun" 59:22 1993 Electrola 7243 8 27351 2 0 300Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Elena" 49:14 1996 EMI 7243 8 37563 2 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Starcrossed" 52:23 2000 EMI 7243 5 25415 2 250Kč
Legal Weapon -"Life sentence to love" 37:08 1988 MCA MCAD-42161 350Kč
Legend -"Legend" 35:30 1971 Repertoire RR 4061-CX 450Kč
Legend -"Legend" 42:24 1992 Word 7019302637 550Kč
Legs Diamond -"Town bad girl" 57:51 1990 Metal Blade CDZORRO 16 350Kč
Legs Diamond -"The wish" 63:27 2001 Zoom Club Records ZCRCD 64 350Kč

Def Leppard On through the night (nový) 6,00 €
Def Leppard High'n'dry 7,00 €
Def Leppard Hysteria 7,00 €
Def Leppard Adrenalize 7,00 €
Def Leppard Adrenalize (digipak) 9,00 €
Def Leppard Slang 7,00 €
Def Leppard Slang (2CD) 8,00 €
Def Leppard X 8,00 €
Def Leppard Def Leppard 8,00 €
Def Leppard Retro active 7,00 €
Def Leppard Best of 6,00 €
Def Leppard Vault 6,00 €
Demons & Wizards Demons & Wizards 8,00 €
Demons & Wizards III (nový) 8,00 €
Dio Holy diver (Mercury 811 021-2) 8,00 €
Dio The last in line (Vertigo 822 366-2) 8,00 €
Dio The last in line (Vertigo 822 366-2,nový) 9,00 €
Dio Sacred heart (nový) 7,00 €
Dio Dream evil (nový) 7,00 €
Dio Lock up the wolves (nový) 7,00 €
Dio Angry machines (digibook,2CD,nový) 10,00 €
Dio Magica (digibook,2CD,nový) 10,00 €
Dio Killing the dragon (digibook,2CD,nový) 10,00 €
Dio Master of the moon (digibook,2CD,nový) 10,00 €
Distorted Wonderland Distorted Wonderland 8,00 €
Dope Stars Inc. Gigahearts 3,00 €
Doro Force majeure 9,00 €
Doro Doro 7,00 €
Doro True at heart 7,00 €
Doro Angels never die 6,00 €
Doro Calling the wild 7,00 €
Doro Fight 7,00 €
Doro Live 5,00 €
Doro A whiter shade of pale (17 tracks best of) 5,00 €
Dragonforce Ultra beatdown 6,00 €
Dragonforce Maximum overload 7,00 €
Dream Evil The book of heavy metal 8,00 €
Dream Theater A view from the top of the world (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Edguy Mandrake 8,00 €
Edguy Hellfire club 8,00 €
Edguy Rocket ride 7,00 €
Edguy Rocket ride (digibook) 8,00 €
Edguy Tinnitus sanctus (digipak,2CD) 9,00 €
Edguy Space police - Defenders of the crown (digibook,2CD) 9,00 €
Eldritch Headquake (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
End Of Green The painstream (digipak,nový) 6,00 €
Enforcer Zenith (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Epica Requiem for the indifferent (nový) 8,00 €
Evergrey Torn (digipak) 8,00 €
Extreme Extreme 7,00 €
Extreme II Pornografitti 6,00 €
Extreme III Sides to every story 6,00 €
Extreme Waiting for the punchline 7,00 €
Fair Warning Rainmaker (japan) 9,00 €
Fair Warning 4 (nový) 5,00 €
Fair Warning Brother's keeper 8,00 €
Fair Warning Sundancer (nový) 8,00 €
Faith No More Real thing 6,00 €
Faith No More Angel dust 6,00 €
Faith No More Live at the Brixton Academy 5,00 €
Faith No More King for a day fool for a lifetime 5,00 €
Faith No More Album of the year 6,00 €
Fatal Smile Neo natural freaks 8,00 €
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Def Leppard On through the night (nový) 6,00 €
Def Leppard High'n'dry 7,00 €
Def Leppard Hysteria (nový) 8,00 €
Def Leppard Adrenalize 7,00 €
Def Leppard Adrenalize (digipak) 9,00 €
Def Leppard Euphoria (special case) 9,00 €
Def Leppard Slang (2CD) 8,00 €
Def Leppard X 8,00 €
Def Leppard Def Leppard 8,00 €
Def Leppard Retro active 7,00 €
Def Leppard Best of 6,00 €
Def Leppard Vault 6,00 €
Demons & Wizards Demons & Wizards 8,00 €
Demons & Wizards Touched by the crimson king 10,00 €
Dio Holy diver (Mercury 811 021-2) 8,00 €
Dio Sacred heart (nový) 7,00 €
Dio Dream evil (nový) 8,00 €
Dio Lock up the wolves (nový) 7,00 €
Dio Angry machines (digibook,2CD,nový) 10,00 €
Dio Killing the dragon ( 12,00 €
Distorted Wonderland Distorted Wonderland 8,00 €
Dope Stars Inc. Gigahearts 3,00 €
Doro Force majeure 9,00 €
Doro True at heart 7,00 €
Doro Angels never die 6,00 €
Doro Calling the wild 7,00 €
Doro Live 5,00 €
Doro A whiter shade of pale (17 tracks best of) 5,00 €
Dragonforce Ultra beatdown 6,00 €
Dragonforce Maximum overload 7,00 €
Dream Theater A view from the top of the world (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Edguy Mandrake 8,00 €
Edguy Hellfire club 7,00 €
Edguy Rocket ride (digibook) 8,00 €
Edguy Tinnitus sanctus (digipak,2CD) 9,00 €
Edguy Space police - Defenders of the crown (digibook,2CD) 9,00 €
End Of Green The painstream (digipak,nový) 6,00 €
Enforcer From beyond (digi) 9,00 €
Enforcer Zenith (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Epica Requiem for the indifferent (nový) 8,00 €
Extreme Extreme 7,00 €
Extreme II Pornografitti 7,00 €
Extreme III Sides to every story 6,00 €
Extreme Waiting for the punchline 8,00 €
Fair Warning Go! 8,00 €
Fair Warning 4 (nový) 5,00 €
Fair Warning Rainmaker 8,00 €
Fair Warning Sundancer (nový) 8,00 €
Faith No More Real thing 6,00 €
Faith No More Angel dust 6,00 €
Faith No More Live at the Brixton Academy 5,00 €
Faith No More King for a day fool for a lifetime 6,00 €
Faith No More Album of the year 6,00 €
Fates Warning Perfect symmetry 10,00 €
Fates Warning Inside out 10,00 €
Fates Warning A pleasant shade of gray 8,00 €
Fates Warning FWX 10,00 €
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