Go - programovanie, web
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Predám knihu Perl and CGI for the world wide web - 2nd edition.
Visual quick start guide.
Autor: Elizabeth Castro.
Kniha je v anglickom jazyku.
Popis knihy: Perl is by far the most popular programming language for creating scripts that add powerful interactive features to Web pages. Included on most UNIX platforms and available free of charge for Windows and Macintosh, Perl lets you place forms on your Web site that collect and process user input such as product orders and comments, enable visitors to conduct keyword searches for information on your site, and integrate a database into your site, among many other capabilities.Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide gets you to the heart of Perl scripting with CGI. Even first-time programmers will be able to create interactive Web pages and, more importantly, you'll be able to use your new-found familiarity with Perl to understand and customize the multitude of scripts that already exist on the Web.
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Art of Computer Programing 2, Seminumerical Algorithms-Knuth
Art of Computer Programing 3, Sorting and Searching-Knuth
C++ programovací jazyk-Stroustrup
CSS pro zelenáče-Snížek
Iné programovanie, Stretnutie s jazykom LISP-Kalaš
Matematické metódy a programovanie analógových počítačov-Plander
Microsoft Basic pre samoukov-Antoni
Objektovo-orientovaná tvorba systémov a jazyk C++-Šešera
Programátorské poklesky-Kopeček
Programování v jazyku BASIC-Machačka
Programujeme v Microsoft Visual C++-Kruglinski
Skúste to s Basicom-Turnovec
SQL příručka programátora-Houlette
Štruktúry dát-Berztiss
Visual C++ 5.0-Virius
Predám knihy o programovaní. Všetky sú v peknom a zachovalom stave.
V prípade vážneho záujmu rád pošlem podrobnejšie informácie aj detailné fotografie kníh. Ak si vyberiete viacej titulov, je možná dohoda.
Pozrite aj moje ďalšie inzeráty, nájdete tam ďalšie zaujímavé knihy.
!!!NETELEFONOVAŤ!!! Odpovede prosím píšte len mailom cez kontaktný formulár telefón je neexistujúci!

predám zbierku kníh na programovanie v jazyku Go
knihy sú čisto nové, nepoužívané
predávam aj knihy na linux
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Robert Richards: Pro PHP XML and Web Services (Books for Professionals by Professionals) - 20
Thomas A. Bruce: Designing Quality Databases With IDEF1X Information Models - 40
Brian A. White: Software Configuration Management Strategies and Rational Clearcase: A Practical Introduction (Addison-wesley Object Technology Series) - 20
Johnny Long: Google Hacking - 8
Guy Harrison: MySQL Stored Procedure Programming: Building High-Performance Web Applications in MySQL - 30
Steven Holzner: XSLT - Příručka internetového vývojáře - 10
Jakub Steiner: GIMP - ilustrovaný průvodce - 12
Josef Vybíral: GIMP Grafický editor pro Linux a Windows (bez CD) - 5
Joe Celko: Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming - 25
Joe Celko: Joe Celko's Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) - 25
Neil Matthew , Richard Stones: Linux - začínáme programovat - 10
Brian W.Kernighan, Dennis M.Ritchie: Programovací jazyk C - 4
Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Transition and Production Phases : Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Elaboration Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Inception Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
Pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty

Robert Richards: Pro PHP XML and Web Services (Books for Professionals by Professionals) - 20
Thomas A. Bruce: Designing Quality Databases With IDEF1X Information Models - 40
Brian A. White: Software Configuration Management Strategies and Rational Clearcase: A Practical Introduction (Addison-wesley Object Technology Series) - 20
Johnny Long: Google Hacking - 8
Guy Harrison: MySQL Stored Procedure Programming: Building High-Performance Web Applications in MySQL - 30
Steven Holzner: XSLT - Příručka internetového vývojáře - 10
Jakub Steiner: GIMP - ilustrovaný průvodce - 12
Josef Vybíral: GIMP Grafický editor pro Linux a Windows (bez CD) - 5
Joe Celko: Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming - 25
Joe Celko: Joe Celko's Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) - 25
Neil Matthew , Richard Stones: Linux - začínáme programovat - 10
Brian W.Kernighan, Dennis M.Ritchie: Programovací jazyk C - 4
Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Transition and Production Phases : Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Elaboration Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Inception Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
Pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty