Hand Made bábika
Predám novú ručne háčkovanú bábiku , dĺžka 35cm.
Jedinečná handmade hračka pre vaše dievčatko
Cena 23€
Jedinečná handmade hračka pre vaše dievčatko
Cena 23€

Podobné inzeráty

Foto 1: Bábika Barbie Snehulienka s oblečením- Hraná bábika Snehulienka, má pristrihnuté vlasy, inak bez chybičky. Predaj len spolu aj s oblečením a doplnkami na fotke, cena 15 eur.
Foto 2: Bábika typ Barbie blond 1 s oblečením- Hraná bábika Barbie, bez poškodenia. Predaj len spolu aj s oblečením a doplnkami na fotke, cena 15 eur.
Foto 3: Bábika typ Barbie blond 2 s oblečením- Hraná bábika typ Barbie, bez poškodenia. Predaj len spolu aj s oblečením a doplnkami na fotke, cena 15 eur.
Foto 4: Bábika typ Barbie hnedovláska s oblečením- Hraná bábika typ Barbie, bez poškodenia. Predaj len spolu aj s oblečením a doplnkami na fotke, cena 15 eur.
Foto 5: Bábika Barbie Chelsea Mattell originál- Dve bábiky Barbie Chelsea nehrané, bez chybičky, originál Mattel, kupované v Dráčiku. Cena za jednu 4 eur. Pri kúpe obidvoch pridám zdarma nehranú bábiku, nie je to Barbie. Motorka skúter za 2 eur.

Luxusná hovoriaca španielska detská bábika-dievčatko Berbesa Kristýnka. Táto nádherná roztomilá bábika vyzerá skutočne ako živá. Bábika má mäkké látkové telo, gumové ručičky a nohy, prepracované do najmenších detailov. Bábika má na chrbte hrací modul, ktorý sa aktivuje po vybratí poistky. Stačí stlačiť bábike telíčko a bábika začne vydávať zvuk smejúceho sa dieťaťa a hovoriť "mama" a "papá". Tento zvuk sa sám vypne po jednom cykle. Bábika má modré oči, mihálnice a nádherné svetlé a husté vlásky. Súčasťou bábiky je fialový kabátik, hviezdičkové šatôčky, biele kraťasky, šál a ponožky s bielymi topánočkami. Oblečenie sa dá vyzliecť. Telíčko bábiky má jemnú vôňu po vanilke. Dĺžka bábiky je cca 52 cm. Vhodné pre deti od 3 rokov. Pri výrobe sú používané výhradne kvalitné materiály. Batérie sú súčasťou hracieho modulu.

Fantastická bábika Lovely Baby v rôznom oblečení a vďaka milému vzhľadu sa určite bude páčiť deťom. Bábika má pohyblivé končatiny a so svojimi zvukovými efektmi výborne pobaví deti počas hry. Bábika vďaka oblečeniu s rôznymi motívmi je skutočne výnimočná. Bábika meria približne 30 cm.
- bábika Lovely Babies
- v oblečení s rôznymi motívmi
- s pohyblivými končatinami
- materiál: plast / textil
- so zvukom - plače a smeje sa a hovorí
Veľkosť: cca. 25 cm
Cena: 12,00€
Posielam poštou podľa aktuálneho cenníka Slovenskej pošty

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!