Jean Paul Dubois - Vie Francaise
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Predám knihu od J.P. Dubois - Vie Francaise
- tragikomický román o francúzskej spoločnosti
Jazyk: anglický
Cena: 3€

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Paul Davies' "The Mind of God: Science and the Search for Ultimate Meaning" explores how modern science is beginning to shed light on the mysteries of our existence. Is the universe - and our place in it - the result of random chance, or is there an ultimate meaning to existence? Where did the laws of nature come from? Were they created by a higher force, or can they be explained in some other way? How, for example, could a mechanism as complex as an eye have evolved without a creator? Paul Davies argues that the achievement of science and mathematics in unlocking the secrets of nature mean that there must be a deep and significant link between the human mind and the organization of the physical world. In this quest for an ultimate explanation of the universe, he examines the origin of the cosmos, the possibility of other universes and the claim that we inhabit a kind of gigantic computer. The universe is, he concludes, no mere quirk of fate but a meaningful place for thinking beings. Through science, we can truly glimpse the mind of God. "Makes us re-examine the great questions of existence". ("The New York Times"). "The greatest achievement of the book is to provide an insight into the nature of science itself and the uncertainties that lie in the physical realm". (John Gribbin, "Sunday Times"). "For those brought up on a diet of Adam and Eve, "The Mind of God" will make surprising reading". ("Independent"). Paul Davies is Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, and co-Director of the Cosmology Initiative, both at Arizona State University. An internationally-acclaimed physicist, writer and broadcaster, Davies is the author of some twenty award-winning books, including "The Eerie Silence: Searching for Ourselves in the Universe", "The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life?" and "About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution".

Paul Burrell 'A ROYAL DUTY', 396s, tvrdá väzba s prebalom, ako nová, v angličtine, 8 EUR.
'The untold story behind one of the most sensational chapters in the history of the House of Windsor. Paul Burrell fought to clear his own name. Now he reveals new truths about Princess Diana – and presents for the first time as faithful an account of her thoughts as we can ever hope to read. He was the favourite footman who formed a unique relationship with the Queen. He was the butler who the Princess of Wales called ‘my rock’ and ‘the only man I can trust’. He was accused of theft, then acquitted following the historic intervention of the monarch. He was the Princess’ most intimate confidante – and is the only person able to separate the myth from the truth of the Diana years. Now at last Paul Burrell cuts through the gossip and the lies and takes us closer to the complex heart of the Royal Family than ever before.'
Jamier Oliver 'Happy Days with the Naked Chef', 320s, väčší formát, kriedový papier, ako nová, v angličtine, 10€.
Like Jamie's first two books, Happy Days is filled with fantastic recipes for different occassions. Along with his perfect curry for a night in, Jamie gives you his version of some old favourites in 'Comfort Grub' - try his Steak and Guinness Pie or indulge in his to-die-for pancakes! And in 'Quick Fixes' he whips up some really simple, tasty dinners - just right for when you get home late from work. Plus there's a 'Kid's Club' chapter, all about catching kid's attention and getting them interested in food. It's a starting point for children, to encourage them to have a go at other things in the book with their parents. Get them squashing tomatoes, pouring olive oil, pitting olives and making bread in no time - they'll love it. So, enjoy yourself, get stuck in ... happy days!

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