Jordan June - Soldier a poet's childhood
Cudzojazyčná literatúra

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Bulgakob M.A., Belajagbardiaja, Zivot tocp.Moliera,kozena za 6e
Cmeljanskij A, Michail Bulgakob b chudozestvbenom teatre,za 6e
Cvetaeba M, Proza,1989,za 6e
Tolstoj J.N.,Detstvo-povest,izdav.Detskaja literat.1970 za 6eur
Leckob N.S,Levsa,Detskaja literatura.1982 za 2eur
Cechov A.P., Poviedky,Vydav.cudzoj.lit Moskva,za 3e
Gogol, Revizor, vyd Narodnaja biblioteka,CHL 1975 Moskva,za 3e
Moskva bcera i i sivodnja-miestopis za 3e
Slovo o polku Igoreve-poeticeskaja biblioteka, Chudozestvenaja literatura 1986,za 3e
Evtusenko E.A.,Poet v Rossii bolse cem poet,SR Moskva 1973 za 3e
Astafjeva N,G.: Zavety,CHL 1988,po rusky za 5e

Predám čítané knihy v anglickom jazyku. Knihy sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, ako nové, mäkká väzba. Cena za knihu 5 eur + poštovné a balné v závislosti od hmotnosti. Posielam nasledujúci pracovný deň pri platbe vopred, na dobierku neposielam. Na požiadanie pošlem detailnejšie fotky kníh. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte.
K dispozicií nasledovné tituly:
Esio Trot
Fantastic Mr Fox
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
The Witches
Danny the Champion of the World
James and the Giant Peach
The Magic Finger
The Giraffe and Pelly and Me
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Twits
George´s Marvellous Medicine
Going Solo
Boy Tales of Childhood

Sarah Winman - When God Was a Rabbit
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
When God Was a Rabbit is an incredibly exciting debut from an extraordinary new voice in fiction. Spanning four decades, from 1968 onwards, this is the story of a fabulous but flawed family and the slew of ordinary and extraordinary incidents that shape their everyday lives. It is a story about childhood and growing up, loss of innocence, eccentricity, familial ties and friendships, love and life. Stripped down to its bare bones, it's about the unbreakable bond between a brother and sister.

Sarah Winman - A Year of Marvellous Ways
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Marvellous Ways is eighty-nine years old and has lived alone in a remote Cornish creek for nearly all her life. Lately she's taken to spending her days sitting on a mooring stone by the river with a telescope. She's waiting for something - she's not sure what, but she'll know it when she sees it. Drake is a young soldier left reeling by the Second World War. When his promise to fulfil a dying man's last wish sees him wash up in Marvellous' creek, broken in body and spirit, the old woman comes to his aid. A Year of Marvellous Ways is a glorious, life-affirming story about the magic in everyday life and the pull of the sea, the healing powers of storytelling and sloe gin, love and death and how we carry on when grief comes snapping at our heels.

Predám za symbolickú cenu knihy v EN jazyku.
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Mike Tyson - Undisputed Truth
Roland Lazenby - Michael Jordan: The life
Arnold Schwarzenegger - Total recall
Walter Isaacson - Steve Jobs
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*Obrázok je ilustračný :)*

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