just eucasol sol do kupela
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sol do kupela
![just eucasol sol do kupela](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
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![Monster energy - ULTRA GOLD](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Keď sa potrebuješ poriadne nakopnúť pred gymom a máš chuť na fakt niečo dobré čo sa nedá momentálne nikde zohnať.. siahni po ananásovom energetickom nápoji bez cukru, ktorý je schopný zaistiť ti dostatok energie na celý deň!
ZLOŽENIE: voda sýtená oxidom uhličitým, erythritol, taurín, kyselina (kyselina citrónová), prírodné a umelé arómy, regulátor kyslosti (citran sodný), aróma ženšenu, L-karnitín-L-tartarát, konzervačná látka (sorban draselný), kofeín, sladidlá (sukralóza, acesulfám K), konzervačná látka (benzoan sodný), jedlá soľ, inozitol, farbivá (E102, E129), vitamíny (B3, B5, B6, B12). Farbivá E102, E129 môžu mať nepriaznivé účinky na činnosť a pozornosť detí. Obsah kofeínu 32 mg/ 100 ml. Upozornenie: Pre vysoký obsah kofeínu nápoj nie je vhodný pre deti, tehotné a dojčiace ženy a osoby citlivé na kofeín.
Výživové údaje na 100 ml: Energia 9 kJ/ 2,1 kcal. Tuky 0 g z toho nasýtené mastné kyseliny 0 g. Sacharidy 1,1 g z toho cukry 0 g, z toho Erythritol 0,42 g. Bielkoviny 0 g. Soľ 0,04 g.
Cena je 2,60€ plechovka, 12ks kartón akciová cena 30€.
10 kartónov -5%
20 kartónov -8%
30 kartónov - 12%
Viac ako 30 kartónov a pravidelný odber - dohoda.
Kontakt mailom, rovno píšte objednávku. Odber aj na FA.
![Meditacny vankus na sedenie YOGISHA fialovy](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/200/13494171408.jpg)
Meditacny vankus YOGISHA (PC 52e) na sedenie 13cm vyska vacsi 30cm priemer, pohanka, 2 zipsy, fialova farba. Vonkajsi obal odolna bio bavlna.
Preferujem osobny odber Bratislava Stare mesto, inak postovne naklady pre Vas.
Pozri aj moje dalsie inzeraty.
This meditation cushion is 13 cm high, the standard size, and also the most commonly used meditation cushion. It is the ideal height for many people and also a recommended height for beginners.
The Yogisha meditation cushions are made of a super strong, wear-resistant organic cotton. The cushions are filled with buckwheat chaff, a relatively light but sturdy natural material. In the outer cover there is an inner cover made of a finer cotton, so the pillow does not leave dust on the floor.
Both covers are provided with a zipper. Refilling super easy: just open the two zippers. There are also separate refill bags with buckwheat chaff for sale at Yogisha. The outer cover is (hand) washable.
Our meditation cushions are handcrafted in an ethical and sustainable way in The Netherlands. They are of excellent quality, carefully finished, and produced with locally sourced raw materials. This makes our meditation cushions somewhat more expensive than most meditation cushions that you find online, which are mostly imported from India. At Yogisha we try to source as many products as possible close to home. With this we can guarantee the quality and we put as little pressure the environment as possible.
![Shooting range](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/200/4709544844.jpg)
operate the biggest indoor shooting range 20 minutes from Bratislava center, 40 minutes from Vienna, offering full power experience with military weapons and big calibre ammunition. Enjoy safe but stunning entertainment with legendary AK47, variety of assault rifles and submachine guns, heavy kick tactical shotgun Benelli M3 or sniper rifle SVD Dragunov or just waste a bunch of ammo with light machinegun RPK and many many more. Interested in WW2 history? Add Nazi MP40, Soviet PPS41 or US Army Thompson 1921 as extras to your package.