Lego 75275 A Wing UCS
predám nerozbalene lego 75275 A Wing UCS
krabica zabalená vo fólii
osobný odber v Bratislave, po dohode viem doviezť
krabica zabalená vo fólii
osobný odber v Bratislave, po dohode viem doviezť
Podobné inzeráty
Mal by som na predaj LEGO 75275 UCS: A-wing Starfighter™, ešte nerozbalené (v podstate v stave ako dorazilo pred 3 rokmi - nebolo ho nakoniec kam dať a potom sa nejak zabudlo); ideálne osobný odber v Nitre
Kupim nasledujuce modely Lego:
Lego Architecture 21024 Louvre
Lego Architecture 21001 John Hancock Center
Lego Architecture 21002 Empire State Building
Lego Architecture 21003 Seattle Space Needle
Lego Architecture 21004 The Guggenheim Museum
Lego Architecture 21005 Fallingwater
Lego Architecture 21007 Rockefeller Center
Lego Architecture 21008 Burj Khalifa
Lego Architecture 21011 Brandenburg Gate
Lego Architecture 21012 Sydney Opera House
Lego Architecture 21013 Big Ben
Lego Architecture 21016 Sungnyemun Gate
Lego Architecture 21015 Leaning Tower Of Pisa
Lego Architecture 21018 United Nations Headquarters
Lego Architecture 21019 The Eiffel Tower
Lego Architecture 21020 The Trevi Fountain
Lego Architecture 21021 Marina Bay Sands
Lego Architecture 21022 Lincoln Memorial
Lego Architecture 21023 Flatiron Building
Lego Architecture 21029 Buckingham Palace
Lego Architecture 21035 The Guggenheim Museum
Lego Architecture 21036 Arc De Triomphe
Lego Architecture 21042 Statue Of Liberty
Lego Architecture 21045 Trafalgar Square
Iba nove/zabalene v original krabici s navodom.
Cena dohodou.
Predam nerozbalene LEGO STAR WARS UCS sety:
Lego Star Wars R2 D2 10225
Lego Star Wars set 75060 Slave I
Lego Star Wars UCS 75095 Tie Fighter
Lego Star Wars UCS Sandcrawler 75059
Cena kazdeho setu je 480€
Kupim nasledujuce modely Lego:
Lego Architecture 21024 Louvre
Lego Architecture 21001 John Hancock Center
Lego Architecture 21002 Empire State Building
Lego Architecture 21003 Seattle Space Needle
Lego Architecture 21004 The Guggenheim Museum
Lego Architecture 21005 Fallingwater
Lego Architecture 21007 Rockefeller Center
Lego Architecture 21008 Burj Khalifa
Lego Architecture 21011 Brandenburg Gate
Lego Architecture 21012 Sydney Opera House
Lego Architecture 21013 Big Ben
Lego Architecture 21016 Sungnyemun Gate
Lego Architecture 21015 Leaning Tower Of Pisa
Lego Architecture 21018 United Nations Headquarters
Lego Architecture 21020 The Trevi Fountain
Lego Architecture 21021 Marina Bay Sands
Lego Architecture 21022 Lincoln Memorial
Lego Architecture 21023 Flatiron Building
Lego Architecture 21029 Buckingham Palace
Lego Architecture 21035 The Guggenheim Museum
Iba nove/zabalene v original krabici s navodom.
Cena dohodou.
Predám modely aj s 1.0/2.0 komponentami pre Star Wars X-wing Miniatures game:
Rebel Alliance:
2x X-wing (1.0 and 2.0 components)
2x A-wing (1.0 and 2.0 components)
1x B-wing (1.0 and 2.0 components)
2x Sheathipede-Class Shuttle (2.0 components)
PREDANÉ 1x YT-1300 aka Millennium Falcon (1.0 and 2.0 components)
1x PREDANÉ 2x YT-2400 (1.0 and 2.0 components - only one 1.0 movement dial)
PREDANÉ 1x U-wing (2.0 components)
Galactic Empire:
3x Tie Interceptor (1.0 components)
1x Tie Advanced x1 (1.0 and 2.0 components)
PREDANÉ 1x VT-49 Decimator (1.0 and 2.0 components)
Scum & Villainy:
PREDANÉ 1x M3-A Interceptor (2.0 components)
PREDANÉ Firespray aka Slave 1 (2.0 components, possibility of 1.0 Empire components)
PREDANÉ 1x Y-666 aka Hound's Tooth (2.0 components)
1x Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft (2.0 components)
- malá loď 10,-
- stredná/veľká loď 20,-
Pri väčšom odbere možná zľava.
Prešov-Košice osobne alebo Packeta.
Predam zberatelske karticky 2012 Topps Star Wars Force Attax Movie Edition Series 1. Karticky su v dobrom stave a na poziadanie viem zaslat fotky. Pri odbere viacej kusov sa vieme dohodnut na lepsej cene.
Na predaj mam tieto karty :
002 - Princess Leia - 1.50€
004 - Chewbacca - 1.50€
007 - R2-D2 - 1.50€
008 - Lando Calrissian - 1.50€
009 - General Rieekan - 1€
010 - Crix Madine - - 1€
011 - Admiral Ackbar - 1€
013 - Ten Numb - 1€
014 - A-Wing Pilot - 1€
015 - Wicket - 1€
017 - Millennium Falcon - 1€
018 - X-Wing Fighter - 1€
019 - Y-Wing Fighter (2x) - 1€
020 - A-Wing Fighter - 1€
022 - Mon Calamari Star Cruiser - 1€
023 - Rebel Transport - 1€
025 - FX-7 Medical Droid - 1€
027 - Emperor Palpatine - 1€
030 - General Veers - 1€
031 - Admiral Ozzel - 1€
035 - Imperial Royal Guard - 1€
036 - Stormtrooper - 1€
037 - Snowtrooper - 1€
040 - AT-AT Pilot - 1€
041 - Probe Droid - 1€
044 - TIE Fighter - 1€
046 - Darth Vader's TIE Fighter - 1€
056 - Boushh - 1€
058 - Jabba The Hutt - 1€
059 - Bib Fortuna - 1€
061 - Max Rebo - 1€
065 - Jabba's Sail Barge - 1€
066 - Desert Skiff - 1€
067 - Sandcrawler - 1€
071 - Yoda - 1.50€
074 - Kit Fisto - 1€
076 - Eeth Koth - 1€
077 - Adi Gallia (2x) - 1€
082 - Shaak Ti - 1€
083 - Barriss Offee - 1€
086 - Coleman Trebor - 1€
087 - Commander Cody - 1.50€
090 - Shock Trooper - 1€
094 - Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - 1.50€
096 - Mas Amedda - 1€
097 - Sio Bibble - 1€
101 - Captain Tarpals - 1€
102 - Boss Nass - 1€
104 - Naboo Palace Guard - 1€
109 - Tarfful - 1€
110 - Shmi Skywalker - 1.50€
111 - AT-TE - 1€
112 - Republic Gunship (2x) - 1€
118 - Republic Cruiser - 1€
119 - Anakin's Airspeeder - 1€
122 - V-Wing Starfighter - 1€
125 - General Grievous - 1.50€
127 - Nute Gunray - 1€
129 - Daultay Dofine - 1€
130 - Poggle the Lesser - 1€
132 - Battle Droid - 1€
134 - Buzz Droid - 1€
136 - Droideka - 1€
143 - Droid Control Ship - 1€
144 - STAP - 1€
147 - Zam Wesell - 1€
148 - Aurra Sing - 1€
150 - Pit Droid - 1€
154 - Tauntaun - 1€
159 - Eopie - 1€
160 - Boga - 1€
161 - Reek - 1€
162 - Acklay - 1€
163 - Nexu - 1€
165 - Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul - 1.50€
167 - Yoda vs Count Dooku - 1.50€
168 - Mace Windu vs Darth Sidious - 1.50€
171 - Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Anakin Skywalker - 1.50€
172 - Yoda vs Darth Sidious - 1.50€
174 - Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader - 1.50€
175 - Rebel Alliance #1 - 1€
176 - Rebel Alliance #2 - 1€
183 - Jedi Knights #1 - 1€
185 - Jedi Knights #3 - 1€
186 - Jedi Knights #4 - 1€
187 - Jedi Knights #5 - 1€
189 - Sith #2 - 1€
190 - Sith #3 - 1€
194 - Obi-Wan Kenobi - 1.50€
196 - Yoda - 1.50€
198 - Qui-Gon Jinn - PREDANE
208 - General Grievous - 2€
209 - Stormtrooper 1.50€
210 - Boba Fett - 1.50€
212 - Jabba the H