looking for a house
Hello I am looking for a house or apartment for rent for a family of four people ,up to 500 euro,

Podobné inzeráty

Možno je to Váš budúci nový domov - 1-izbový byt s výmerou, ktorá je asi najväčšia v tejto kategórii (43 m2).
Ak hľadáte miesto na príjemné bývanie, tento byt je dobrým riešením, lebo:
* sa nachádza v tichej lokalite, ktorá je plná odrastenej zelene.
* má dobré dispozičné riešenie (samostatná kuchyňa s dostatkom priestoru na jedálenský stôl, samostatné WC).
* dom je zateplený, má vymenené zvislé potrubné rozvody, zrenovovanú strechu, výťah udržiavaný a nevyžaduje si investície.
* pred domom vždy nájdete voľné parkovacie miesto.
* zastávka množstva spojov MHD je blízko.
* občianska vybavenosť je v blízkom okolí.
* prešiel kompletnou rekonštrukciou - vrátane výmeny rozvodov elektro za medené.
* poskytuje pekný výhľad na okolie.
Byt sa nachádza na 5. podlaží (celkovo 8). Na podlaží sú len 2 byty.
Vchod do domu je na čip. Byt má bezpečnostné dvere Sherlock. Vo vstupnom schodisku je konštrukcia pre transport osôb, ktoré potrebujú bezbariérové riešenie.
Okná bytu sú orientované na SV a JZ. Na oknách sú sieťky proti hmyzu. K bytu prislúcha aj pivničná kobka s oceľovými deliacimi stenami.
Pozrite si aj videoprehliadku:
Cena: 154.990,- EUR
Perhaps this is your future new home - a 1-room apartment with an area that is probably the largest one in this category (43 m2).
If you are looking for a pleasant place to live, this apartment is a good solution, because:
* is located in a quiet location, which is full of greenery and old trees.
* has a good layout (separate kitchen with big enough space for a dining table, separate toilet).
* the house is insulated, has replaced vertical pipelines, renovated roof, elevator is maintained and does not require any investments.
* you will always find a free parking space in front of the house.
* public transport with a lot of connection possibilities is nearby.
* all civic amenities are nearby.
*the apartment was completely renovated - including the replacement of electrical distribution for copper.
* provides a nice view of the surroundings.
The apartment is located on the 5th floor (8 in total). There are only 2 apartments on the floor.
The entrance to the house is secured by chip. The apartment has a Sherlock security door. In the entrance staircase there is a steel structure for the transport of people who need a barrier-free solution.
The windows of the apartment are oriented to the NE and SW. There are insect screens on the windows. The underground cellar with steel partition walls belongs to the apartment.
Watch the video tour:
The Price: EUR 154.990,-

I came from India ,will be working with Deutsch Telekom and looking for a single bedroom apartment or a shared double bedroom apartment if anyone is interested

Hi! I'm a vet student looking to rent one bedroom apartment in the city center for long term.
my budget is around 500 euro.

I am looking to buy a 2 room separated flat(1 bedroom + 1 living room/kitchen) in BA
Relevant locations: Staré Mesto, Nové Mesto, Ružinov, Kramare
I am not interested in: basements, low ground floors, attic spaces, non-residential flats
Please send offers to axelroseba@

We are looking for a 2 room apartment or sublease in a 2-3 room apartment for a couple with a kid (3 years) in Bratislava. An English medium school nearby is an advantage.