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looking for a house

Kategória: Byty

Hello I am looking for a house or apartment for rent for a family of four people ,up to 500 euro,
looking for a house
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1-i byt (43 m2) so samostatnou kuchyňou v Bratislave - Lamač
Možno je to Váš budúci nový domov - 1-izbový byt s výmerou, ktorá je asi najväčšia v tejto kategórii (43 m2). Ak hľadáte miesto na príjemné bývanie, tento byt je dobrým riešením, lebo: * sa nachádza v tichej lokalite, ktorá je plná odrastenej zelene. * má dobré dispozičné riešenie (samostatná kuchyňa s dostatkom priestoru na jedálenský stôl, samostatné WC). * dom je zateplený, má vymenené zvislé potrubné rozvody, zrenovovanú strechu, výťah udržiavaný a nevyžaduje si investície. * pred domom vždy nájdete voľné parkovacie miesto. * zastávka množstva spojov MHD je blízko. * občianska vybavenosť je v blízkom okolí. * prešiel kompletnou rekonštrukciou - vrátane výmeny rozvodov elektro za medené. * poskytuje pekný výhľad na okolie. Byt sa nachádza na 5. podlaží (celkovo 8). Na podlaží sú len 2 byty. Vchod do domu je na čip. Byt má bezpečnostné dvere Sherlock. Vo vstupnom schodisku je konštrukcia pre transport osôb, ktoré potrebujú bezbariérové riešenie. Okná bytu sú orientované na SV a JZ. Na oknách sú sieťky proti hmyzu. K bytu prislúcha aj pivničná kobka s oceľovými deliacimi stenami. Pozrite si aj videoprehliadku: Cena: 154.990,- EUR Perhaps this is your future new home - a 1-room apartment with an area that is probably the largest one in this category (43 m2). If you are looking for a pleasant place to live, this apartment is a good solution, because: * is located in a quiet location, which is full of greenery and old trees. * has a good layout (separate kitchen with big enough space for a dining table, separate toilet). * the house is insulated, has replaced vertical pipelines, renovated roof, elevator is maintained and does not require any investments. * you will always find a free parking space in front of the house. * public transport with a lot of connection possibilities is nearby. * all civic amenities are nearby. *the apartment was completely renovated - including the replacement of electrical distribution for copper. * provides a nice view of the surroundings. The apartment is located on the 5th floor (8 in total). There are only 2 apartments on the floor. The entrance to the house is secured by chip. The apartment has a Sherlock security door. In the entrance staircase there is a steel structure for the transport of people who need a barrier-free solution. The windows of the apartment are oriented to the NE and SW. There are insect screens on the windows. The underground cellar with steel partition walls belongs to the apartment. Watch the video tour: The Price: EUR 154.990,-
Charming 1 bedroom apartment
We offer a charming little studio/1-bedroom apartment in the Old town for rent in a very quiet location, ideal for a single professional or professional couple (proof of employment will be required). Not available to students. It's 28m2 but it's bigger than it sounds. Location: Martinengova street near Horsky Park (10 min walking distance). Town center 10 min by bus. Buses will take you directly to the Main Train station in 10 min. 15 min walking distance to Sport areal Patronka (tennis and volleyball courts). There are plenty of restaurants around and supermarket is just around the corner, Yeme shop 10 min walking distance and Kaufland below the hill. Free parking on the street. This place is perfect for people who want to be close to center, but don't want the noise with it. About the apartment: Renovated and rented fully furnished with sufficient storage space for a couple. Located on 2nd floor of an apartment building with elevator. Apartment consists of fully equipped kitchen (full hob, oven, fridge/freezer, washing machine with dryer), bathroom (walk-in shower) with toilet and room with full size bed, sofa, open closet, and plenty of other storage space. There is no balcony as that has been incorporated into the room for more space. Internet is strong, great for streaming and working from home, download speed of 200+Mbps, upload speed 20Mbps. The TV has only basic channels, but that can be changed based on an agreement. Building has a room for bicycles and a laundry drying room. Apartment comes with a storage unit of 2m2 with hanging space and shelving. No smoking and no pets allowed. Price: 650 EUR with all utilities included. Holding deposit of 1300 euros returnable at the end of tenancy. Available from middle of March, 2023. Minimal rental contract is 12 months. Please message me and I will schedule a quick call with you to find out if our apartment is what you are looking for. No RK please.
Looking for a 2 room apartment with a Kid - Max 450 EUR
We are looking for a 2 room apartment or sublease in a 2-3 room apartment for a couple with a kid (3 years) in Bratislava. An English medium school nearby is an advantage.
Studio or 1 bedroom flat near UVLF
I am a 4th year vet student looking for a 1 bedroom or studio apartment near UVLF. Maximum €650 per month including utilities. Internet must be included. Looking for a flat for the next 2 years.
NA PRENÁJOM - zariadený 3 izbový byt na KVP - Bauerova ulica
Typ: 3-izbový byt Ulica: Bauerova Obec: Košice-Sídlisko KVP Ak hľadáte rodinný byt či bývanie s nepriechodnými izbami pre 2 - 3 osoby, práve ste ho našli! NA PRENÁJOM EXKLUZÍVNE -  SKUTOČNE atraktívny 3 izbový byt s rozlohou 70 m2. Útulný, veľmi vkusne zariadený 3 izbový byt - takéto prívlastky prináležia bývaniu na sídlisku KVP na Bauerovej ulici. 5. posch. z 8 s výťahom, s loggiou, v prípade potreby predmetom prenájmu je aj pivnica na prízemí zatepleného bytového domu. Všetky 3 izby sú samostatné, nepriechodné - veľký benefit. Pokiaľ ide o svetové strany, kuchyňa (+loggia) s obývačkou sú orientované na Západ, spálňa s detskou izbou na Východ. Dispozícia: po vstupe do bytu Vás privíta chodba v tvare štvorca so vstavanou skriňou a veľkoryso riešenými úložnými priestormi. Po ľavej ruke obývačka, za ňou kuchyňa. Kuchynská linka bola len nedávno vymenená za novú, je vybavená plynovým sporákom, el. rúrou, chladničkou s mrazničkou, nachádza sa tu aj práčka z dôvodu šetrenia priestoru v kúpeľni. Tá sa nachádza oproti vchodovým dverám, toaleta je jej súčasťou. Na pravej strane chodby sú ďalšie 2 izby: spálňa a detská izba. Váš nový príbytok je vybavený tak, aby ste mali k dispozícii všetko potrebné, zároveň to spĺňa aj estetickú funkciu, napokon, posúďte sami na základe pripojenej fotodokumentácie. Občianska vybavenosť v tejto časti časti sídliska KVP je bohatá, nájdete tu všetko potrebné, na dosah. K dispozícii: od 16.05.2023 Cena: 670 Eur mesačne vrátane energií, internetu a TV Depozit: vo výške 1 mes.nájmu. If you are looking for a family apartment or housing with non-passable rooms for 2-3 people, you have just found it! FOR RENT EXCLUSIVELY - REALLY attractive 3-room apartment with an area of ​​70 m2. A cozy, very tastefully furnished 3-room apartment - such attributes belong to living in the KVP housing estate on Bauerová Street. 5th floor of 8 with an elevator, with a loggia, if necessary, the cellar on the ground floor of the insulated apartment building is also available for rent. All 3 rooms are separate, impassable - a big benefit. As for the cardinal points, the kitchen (+loggia) with the living room are oriented to the West, the bedroom with the children's room to the East. Disposition: upon entering the apartment, you will be greeted by a square-shaped hallway with a built-in wardrobe and generously designed storage spaces. On the left hand is the living room, behind it is the kitchen. The kitchen line was recently replaced with a new one, it is equipped with a gas stove, electric oven, refrigerator with freezer, there is also a washing machine here to save space in the bathroom. It is located opposite the entrance door, the toilet is part of it. On the right side of the corridor there are 2 more rooms: a bedroom and a children's room. Your new home is equipped so that you have everything you need at your disposal, it also fulfills an aesthetic function, finally, jud
Looking for a rented single bed room
I came from India ,will be working with Deutsch Telekom and looking for a single bedroom apartment or a shared double bedroom apartment if anyone is interested