Looking for flat
I am looking to buy a 2 room separated flat(1 bedroom + 1 living room/kitchen) in BA
Relevant locations: Staré Mesto, Nové Mesto, Ružinov, Kramare
I am not interested in: basements, low ground floors, attic spaces, non-residential flats
Please send offers to axelroseba@
I am looking to buy a 2 room separated flat(1 bedroom + 1 living room/kitchen) in BA
Relevant locations: Staré Mesto, Nové Mesto, Ružinov, Kramare
I am not interested in: basements, low ground floors, attic spaces, non-residential flats
Please send offers to axelroseba@
![Looking for flat](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Podobné inzeráty
![NOVOSTAVBA BYTU S VÝHĽADOM NA HRAD, SK/EN](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/291/100368921265.jpg)
Ponúkame Vám unikátnu novostavbu 3 izbového bytu v rezidencii Schön v NADŠTANDARTNOM PRÉMIOVOM PREVEDENÍ s klimatizáciou, podlahovým kúrením a DVOMA KÚPEĽŇAMI pre každú izbu samostatne vo výbornej lokalite Starého mesta neďaleko Michalskej brány. Byt sa predáva aj s PIVNIČNOU KOBKOU, kompletne MODERNE ZARIADENÝ!
BYT: Úžitková plocha bytu je 89,19m2. K bytu prislúcha pivnica. Nachádza sa na 4. poschodí s výťahom. Byt ponúka dostatok úložného priestoru, ktorý je dômyselne doladený do interiéru bytu. Z izieb je krásny výhľad na hrad. V bytovom dome sa nachádza iba 16 bytov, čo zabezpečuje maximálne súkromie.
Rezidencia Schön sídliaca na začiatku Obchodnej ulice spája komfortné bývanie so zachovaním originálnych funkčných prvkov navrhnutých významným slovenským architektom Fridrichom Weinwurmom.
ZARIADENIE: Kuchynská linka so zabudovanými spotrebičmi a umývačkou riadu.
Francúzske okná Aluprof so zvukovou izoláciou a trojsklom, podlahové kúrenie, klimatizácia v každej izbe, videovrátnik a vstupné bezpečnostné dvere Sherlock. Vysoké stropy a funkčne riešená dispozícia bytu zaručujú maximálne komfortné bývanie.
DISPOZÍCIA: Vstupná chodba s úložným priestorom, 2x samostatná izba, 2x kúpeľňa s toaletou a obývačka spojená s kuchyňou.
LOKALITA: Zabezpečuje pre majiteľa každodenné pohodlie a dostupnosť všetkých služieb. Iba pár metrov od nehnuteľnosti sa nachádza Michalská brána, historické centrum mesta, obchody, kaviarne, banka, pošta, školy, škôlky a služby.
+ výborná lokalita pri Michalskej bráne
+ výhľad na hrad
+ výborná investičná príležitosť
+ ideálne na prenájom, keďže každá izba disponuje vlastnou kúpeľňou s toaletou
+ v byte ešte nikto nebýval
+ v každej izbe klimatizácia
+ podlahové kúrenie
CENA: 459 000 €
(K uvedenej cene sa pripočíta provízia pre RK vo výške 2,5%. Provízia zahŕňa vypracovanie rezervačnej a kúpnej zmluvy advokátskou kanceláriou, notárske poplatky, základný poplatok na katastri a hypotekárne poradenstvo.)
Would you like to be in the centre of everything? So this flat is just for you. The address is with perfect potencial and it is suitable for the most pretentious client.
We offer you perfect 3 rooms flat in Schön residence which is situated in perfect location of the Old town next to Michael’s gate.
FLAT: The useful area of the flat is 89,19 m2. The flat has also basement. The flat is situated on the 4.th floor with the lift. The flat has enough cargo space. There is a nice view on the Bratislava’s castle from the rooms. There is only 16 flats in the flat buliding.
![Trnavske myto 1room apartment for rent](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Location: Its located very close to Trnavske Myto - street Bartoskova
Based on the real estate comments - this is the best location to live in Bratislava :)) as you have here everything, including - Hockey Stadium, Football Stadium, National Tennis Stadium, public open swimming pool,
public covered swimming pool (Pasienky), National Basketball Stadium (pasienky), Central shopping centre, Vivo shopping centre, Lidl very close by, Kraj same, Billa same in central,
next bigger Lidl in Vivo, Bigger Kaufland 10m walk on Trnavska cesta street.
By 20m walk or by 5m tram, you are easily in the city centre. You have public transport connection to any part of Bratislava. Also other possibilities as to go by bike - public or your own etc.
Flat building location - very calm, no busy roads, footpaths, all windows rotated into quiet ""yard""
Building - fully reconstructed as well.
Flat: its bigger 1room flat, fully reconstructed, coming through hallway with coat hanger and shoe storage, then main room, from there to separate kitchen with oven, new fridge, new microvawe, also have a lot of space for your stuff,
from kitchen to nice bathroom with shower and new washing machine with dryer,
main room has a lot of space for your stuff and sofa and table, working table + chair, currently without bed, in case it will be required I will arange that as well.
There is also bigger storage included in the -1 floor to store some stuff you dont use or bike or anything.
The price is 620e/month as total cost internet from UPC included + depozit 620€
In case parking is required, I can also offer that.
There are 2 options - parking in the separate garage - very close to flat - in case you need your car for ""daily"" use
parking in the shared covered garade house, but on specific parking spot - in case you dont need your car for ""daily"" use - 10m walk
Would like to rent it to 1person - I am ok with small dog, no cats.
In case of interest, can also rent it to couple + 30€
Attached photos are not fresh, there were taken before the reconstruction - the kitchen is the same + there is new fridge, main room - new floor, bathroom is currently as per photo
Flat is available from 1.3.2023, can offer few days before to move your stuff in as well.
All is up to agreement.
Something about you: responsible working person, who will be use and care about the flat as his own.
If you like the offer and meet the ""criteria"", I look forward for your message.
Thank you.
![Studio or 1 bedroom flat near UVLF](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
I am a 4th year vet student looking for a 1 bedroom or studio apartment near UVLF. Maximum €650 per month including utilities. Internet must be included. Looking for a flat for the next 2 years.
![3 Bedroom Flat for Rent right the city Town - Martin](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/291/4986024172.jpg)
Property Reference:
Available July 2022. A stunning 3 double bedroom flat in a highly sought in the middle of the city town Martin. Location is ideal for students walking distance to city Centre as well as universities. The area is 75m2 . Cellar 15m2. Flat is also well connected with frequent bus routes allowing easy to get to the University. The flat is located on the second floor with garden. The property is fully furnished and briefly comprises: Spacious entrance/hallway with storage cupboard, diner and modern kitchen with all necessary appliances, two recently redecorated bedrooms, living room and fully tiled bathroom.
Bills are included. Up to 4 people sharing - joint tenancy. Summary & Exclusions:-
Rent Amount: 600 €/per month -3 people Deposit 600€ .
Rent Amount: 650€/per month -4 people Deposit 650€ .
Minimum tenancy term is 12 months- Maximum number of tenants is 4 . Students welcome to enquire- No Pets.
Contact today to book a viewing to show you round! However if you require any further clarification or information please contact us.
Zabezpečíme Vám kompletný právny servis, zastupovanie na Katastri, hypotekárne poradenstvo, konzultáciu s projektantom, konzultáciu so statikom.
Dávame do pozornosti našu službu BEZPLATNÉ PORADENSTVO vrátane diskrétneho riešenia DLHOV, EXEKÚCIÍ, DRAŽIEB.
![2-izbový byt s parkovaním, FLAT FOR SALE](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/291/100024791779.jpg)
Exclusive - for sale Two-bedroom apartment/flat near Downtown.
Flat after COMPLETE RECONSTRUCTION/partly furnished/2 PARKING PLACES available. Floor area of the flat is 65 m2 including the glass-covered loggia.
The room layout: corridor, separate toilet WC, bathroom, kitchen, pantry, two bedrooms and loggia. Cellar available. FOR INVESTMENT OR FOR LIVING.
Exkluzívne Vám ponúkam na predaj priestranný 2 izbový byt po kompletnej peknej rekonštrukcii o výmere 65 m2 vrátane loggie. Dispozične pozostáva: chodba, samostatné WC, kúpeľňa, kuchyňa, špajza, loggia, obývacia izba, spálňa. V byte boli použité kvalitné materiály, medená elektrika, plastové okná trojsklo, plávajúca podlaha, dlažba, murované jadro, kompletne zariadená kuchynská linka, bezpečnostné dvere. K bytu prislúchajú DVE PARKOVACIE MIESTA vo dvore a pivnica. Pôdorys na vyžiadanie. V blízkosti veľmi dobrá občianska vybavenosť: Energetický certifikát k nehnuteľnosti nie je vytvorený. Odporúčam na bývanie alebo ako investíciu. Bližšie info na t.č. , maklér Ing. Lucia Macková
![3 Bedroom Flat for Rent right the city Town - Martin](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Property Reference:
Available July 2022. A stunning 3 double bedroom flat in a highly sought in the middle of the city town Martin. Location is ideal for students walking distance to city Centre as well as universities. The area is 75m2 . Cellar 15m2. Flat is also well connected with frequent bus routes allowing easy to get to the University. The flat is located on the second floor with garden. The property is fully furnished and briefly comprises: Spacious entrance/hallway with storage cupboard, diner and modern kitchen with all necessary appliances, two recently redecorated bedrooms, living room and fully tiled bathroom.
Bills are included. Up to 4 people sharing - joint tenancy. Summary & Exclusions:-
Rent Amount: 600 €/per month -3 people Deposit 600€ .
Rent Amount: 650€/per month -4 people Deposit 650€ .
Minimum tenancy term is 12 months- Maximum number of tenants is 4 . Students welcome to enquire- No Pets.
Contact today to book a viewing to show you round! However if you require any further clarification or information please contact us.