LP platňa Scorpions
Predám LP
⏩Scorpions - Gold Ballads
⏩pôvodné vydanie,
⏩platňa aj obal je v bezchybnom stave
⏩vynikajúca dynamika nahrávky
⏩inzerát aktuálny do zmazania
⏩CENA 16€+poštovné, posielam poštou
Pri platbe prevodom vopred na účet poštovné 3€, dobierka 4€
⏩ Inf. gramo@, nie SMS
Pozrite aj moje ostatné inzeráty na LP⏬
⏩Scorpions - Gold Ballads
⏩pôvodné vydanie,
⏩platňa aj obal je v bezchybnom stave
⏩vynikajúca dynamika nahrávky
⏩inzerát aktuálny do zmazania
⏩CENA 16€+poštovné, posielam poštou
Pri platbe prevodom vopred na účet poštovné 3€, dobierka 4€
⏩ Inf. gramo@, nie SMS
Pozrite aj moje ostatné inzeráty na LP⏬

Podobné inzeráty

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Dvorana slávy 5. ( obsahuje dve LP platne ), obal aj platne vo výbornom stave cena 10 eur
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Abba - Björn, Benny, Agnetha & Frida, zachovala, cena 5 eur
Nana Mouskouri – The Unique Nana Mouskouri, obal zachovalý platňa vo výbornom stave, cena 7 eur
Šimek & Grossmann - Návštěvní den 2, obal opotrebovaný platňa zachovalá, cena 6 eur
Petra Zamecnikova, Jiri Strnad - Litame v tom, obal aj platňa vo výbornom stave, cena 5 eur
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Moravská Cimbálová Muzika – Moravské Lidové Písně - Moravian Folk Songs, obal aj platňa zachovalé, cena 5 eur
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Jiří Grossmann - To byl Jiří Grossmann + obsahuje prílohu, obal aj platňa vo výbornom stave, cena 6 eur
Pavel Bobek - Veď Mě Dál, Cesto Má, obal aj platňa zachovalé, cena 5 eur
Petra Černocká – Lidí Se Ptej, obal aj platňa vo výbornom stave, cena 7 eur
Luděk Sobota, Miloslav Šimek – Ze Soboty Na Šimka, obal aj platňa zachovalé, cena 7 eur
Team 3, obal bežne stopy po používaní platňa vo výbornom stave ako nová, cena 12 eur
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Ľudová Hudba Jána Berkyho-Mrenicu – Káli Sľom = Čierna Som = Black I Am (Cigánske Piesne = Gipsy Songs), obal zachovalý platňa vo výbornom stave, cena 22 eur
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Top Hits, obal aj platňa vo výbornom stave, cena 5 eur
Ivan Mládek uvádí Luďka Sobotu, obal aj platňa vo výbornom stave, cena 5 eur
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Ivan Stanislav – Ako Išlo Vajce Na Vandrovku / Sestričky Kozičky, obal aj platňa zachovalé, cena 7 eur
Môžem poslať aj na dobierku.
V prípade záujmu vás poprosím písať na e-mail.

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Black Sabbath- Attention Black Sabbath
Blondie The Hunter
Blondie best of blondie
Blondie plastic letters
Bon Jovi slippery when wet
Bon Jovi new jersey
Bruce Springsteen- Born in the USA
Bruce Springsteen- Tunnel of love
Cinderella heartbreak station
D.C. Lacroix crack of doom
D.C. Lacroix living by the sword
Deep purple storm bringer
Deep purple who do we think we are?
Deep purple fireball
Deep purple burn
Deep purple Singles A's & B's
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Deep purple Made in Europe
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Deep Purple- In rock
Def Leppard Hysteria
Dio lock up the wolves
Dire straits on every street
Doors- Light my fire
Doors- Strange days
Doors- Morrison hotel
Doors- Star Collection
Doors Greatest hits
Doors L.A. Woman
Elvis Presley-Pure Gold
Elvis Presley-Promised Land
Eurythmics- Revenge
Guns and Roses- Use your ilusion 2
Jethro Tull too old to rocknroll too young to die
Jethro Tull A
Jethro Tull Stormwatch
Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin- Untitled
Metallica- Garage days revisited
Motorhead- Ace of Spades
Motorhead- Death or Glory
Nazareth- Hair of the dog
Nazareth 2XS
Nazareth malice in wonderland
Nazareth- Cinema
Pink Floyd- Wish you were here
QUEEN- The works
QUEEN- Hot Space
Queen- Greatest hits
Queen- A kind of magic
Rainbow down to Earth
REM- Out of time
Rolling Stones Stone Age
Rolling Stones through the past darkly
Rolling Stones Sticky fingers
Rolling Stones Exile on main street
Rolling Stones Goats head soup
Rolling Stones Steel wheels
Rolling Stones Made in the shade
Rolling Stones Rewind
Rolling Stones Lady Jane
Rolling Stones Play with fire
Rolling Stones All together
Raxy music- Country life
Roxy music- Roxy music
Roxy music- Siren
Scorpions In trance
Scorpions- Love at first sting
Scorpions- Lovedrive
Scorpions Live
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Status Quo Never too late
Status Quo hello
Status Quo Rock til you drop
Status Quo If you can stand in the heat
Status Quo just supposin
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Supertramp- Famous last words
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U2- Rattle and hum
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Whitesnake- Live
ZZ Top Eliminator

Rammstein Herzeleid 7,00 €
Rammstein Reise,reise (digipak) 5,00 €
Rammstein Rosenrot (digipak) 8,00 €
Ray Alder What the water wants (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Razorback Animal anger 5,00 €
Redemption Snowfall on judgement day (Inside Out/Soyuz) 10,00 €
Rhapsody Legendary tales 10,00 €
Rhapsody Symphony of enchanted lands 9,00 €
Rhapsody Dawn of victory 9,00 €
Rhapsody Rain of a thousand flames 8,00 €
Rhapsody Power of the dragonflame 8,00 €
Rhapsody Symphony of enchanted lands II - The dark secret 9,00 €
Rhapsody Of Fire Triumph or agony (digipak) 7,00 €
Riot Armor of light (digipak,2CD) 8,00 €
Rise Against End game 3,00 €
Riverside Second life syndrome 10,00 €
Riverside Rapid eye movement 10,00 €
Riverside Anno domini high definition (InsideOut Russia) 8,00 €
Ronnie Atkins One shot (Irond) 8,00 €
Running Wild Ready for boarding 10,00 €
Running Wild The rivalry 8,00 €
Running Wild Victory 8,00 €
Sabu Between the light 8,00 €
Savage Circus Dreamland manor (digipak) 8,00 €
Savage Circus Of doom and death (digipak) 13,00 €
Savatage Gutter ballet 6,00 €
Savatage Hall of the mountain king 7,00 €
Savatage Streets 7,00 €
Savatage Handful of rain 6,00 €
Saxon Wheels of steel (digibook,nový) 10,00 €
Saxon Innocence is no excuse (digibook,nový) 8,00 €
Saxon Rock the nations (digibook,nový) 10,00 €
Saxon Heavy metal thunder (2CD) 10,00 €
Scorpions Pure instinct 8,00 €
Scorpions Face the heat 5,00 €
Scorpions Unbreakable 6,00 €
Scorpions Humanity hour I 7,00 €
Seether Disclamer 8,00 €
Seether Karma and effect 7,00 €
Seether One cold night (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Serj Tankian Elect the dead (digipak) 3,00 €
Serj Tankian Elect the dead (digipak) 7,00 €
Serj Tankian Imperfect harmonies 7,00 €
Shadow Gallery Prime cuts (digi) 5,00 €
Siam Prayer (CD-Maximum,nový) 9,00 €
Sinbreed Master creator (digipak) 9,00 €
Sinner One bullet left (digipak) 8,00 €
Sixx A.M. The heroin diaries soundtrack 10,00 €
Sixx A.M. Prayers for the damned 10,00 €
Sixx A.M. Prayers for the blessed 10,00 €
Skid Row Skid Row 2,00 €
Skid Row Skid Row 7,00 €
Skid Row Slave to the grind 7,00 €
Slaughter Mass slaughter 7,00 €
Slaughter Eternal live 7,00 €
Slave of the System Slave of the System (nový) 7,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Rammstein Herzeleid 7,00 €
Rammstein Sehnsucht 7,00 €
Rammstein Reise,reise 8,00 €
Ray Alder What the water wants (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Razorback Animal anger 5,00 €
Redemption Snowfall on judgement day (Inside Out/Soyuz) 10,00 €
Rhapsody Legendary tales 10,00 €
Rhapsody Symphony of enchanted lands 9,00 €
Rhapsody Power of the dragonflame 8,00 €
Rhapsody Of Fire Triumph or agony (digipak) 7,00 €
Rhapsody Of Fire The cold embrace of fear 8,00 €
Riot Armor of light (digipak,2CD) 8,00 €
Rise Against End game 3,00 €
Riverside Second life syndrome 10,00 €
Riverside Rapid eye movement 10,00 €
Riverside Anno domini high definition (InsideOut Russia) 8,00 €
Ronnie Atkins One shot (Irond) 8,00 €
Running Wild Ready for boarding 10,00 €
Running Wild The rivalry 8,00 €
Running Wild Victory 8,00 €
Savage Circus Dreamland manor (digipak) 8,00 €
Savatage Gutter ballet 6,00 €
Savatage Hall of the mountain king 7,00 €
Savatage Streets 7,00 €
Savatage Dead winter dead 7,00 €
Saxon Wheels of steel (digibook,nový) 10,00 €
Saxon Innocence is no excuse (digibook,nový) 8,00 €
Saxon Rock the nations (digibook,nový) 10,00 €
Saxon Heavy metal thunder (2CD) 10,00 €
Scanner The judgement 9,00 €
Scorpions Pure instinct 8,00 €
Scorpions Face the heat 5,00 €
Scorpions Unbreakable 6,00 €
Scorpions Humanity hour I 7,00 €
Seether Disclamer 8,00 €
Seether Karma and effect 7,00 €
Seether One cold night (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Serj Tankian Elect the dead (digipak) 3,00 €
Serj Tankian Elect the dead (digipak) 7,00 €
Serj Tankian Imperfect harmonies 7,00 €
Shadow Gallery Prime cuts (digi) 5,00 €
Siam Prayer (CD-Maximum,nový) 9,00 €
Sinbreed Master creator (digipak) 9,00 €
Sixx A.M. The heroin diaries soundtrack 10,00 €
Sixx A.M. Prayers for the damned 10,00 €
Sixx A.M. Prayers for the blessed 10,00 €
Skid Row Skid Row 7,00 €
Skid Row Slave to the grind 7,00 €
Skid Row Subhuman race (digipak) 8,00 €
Slaughter Mass slaughter 7,00 €
Slaughter Eternal live 7,00 €
Slave of the System Slave of the System (nový) 7,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Rammstein Herzeleid 7,00 €
Rammstein Sehnsucht 7,00 €
Rammstein Reise,reise 8,00 €
Ray Alder What the water wants (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Razorback Animal anger 5,00 €
Redemption Snowfall on judgement day (Inside Out/Soyuz) 10,00 €
Rhapsody Legendary tales 10,00 €
Rhapsody Symphony of enchanted lands 9,00 €
Rhapsody Power of the dragonflame 8,00 €
Rhapsody Of Fire Triumph or agony (digipak) 7,00 €
Rhapsody Of Fire The cold embrace of fear 8,00 €
Riot Armor of light (digipak,2CD) 8,00 €
Rise Against End game 3,00 €
Riverside Second life syndrome 10,00 €
Riverside Rapid eye movement 10,00 €
Riverside Anno domini high definition (InsideOut Russia) 8,00 €
Ronnie Atkins One shot (Irond) 8,00 €
Running Wild Ready for boarding 10,00 €
Running Wild The rivalry 8,00 €
Running Wild Victory 8,00 €
Savage Circus Dreamland manor (digipak) 8,00 €
Savatage Gutter ballet 8,00 €
Savatage Hall of the mountain king 8,00 €
Savatage Streets 7,00 €
Savatage Dead winter dead 7,00 €
Saxon Wheels of steel (digibook,nový) 10,00 €
Saxon Innocence is no excuse (digibook,nový) 8,00 €
Saxon Rock the nations (digibook,nový) 10,00 €
Saxon Heavy metal thunder (2CD) 10,00 €
Scanner The judgement 9,00 €
Scorpions Pure instinct 8,00 €
Scorpions Face the heat 5,00 €
Scorpions Unbreakable 6,00 €
Scorpions Humanity hour I 7,00 €
Seether Disclamer 8,00 €
Seether Karma and effect 7,00 €
Seether One cold night (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Serj Tankian Elect the dead (digipak,bez knižky) 3,00 €
Serj Tankian Imperfect harmonies 7,00 €
Shadow Gallery Prime cuts (digi) 5,00 €
Siam Prayer (CD-Maximum,nový) 9,00 €
Sinbreed Master creator (digipak) 9,00 €
Sixx A.M. The heroin diaries soundtrack 10,00 €
Sixx A.M. Prayers for the damned 10,00 €
Sixx A.M. Prayers for the blessed 10,00 €
Skid Row Skid Row 7,00 €
Skid Row Slave to the grind 7,00 €
Skid Row Subhuman race (digipak) 8,00 €
Slaughter Mass slaughter 7,00 €
Slaughter Eternal live 7,00 €
Slave of the System Slave of the System (nový) 7,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Rammstein Herzeleid 7,00 €
Rammstein Sehnsucht 7,00 €
Rammstein Reise,reise 8,00 €
Ray Alder What the water wants (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Razorback Animal anger 5,00 €
Redemption Snowfall on judgement day (Inside Out/Soyuz) 10,00 €
Rhapsody Legendary tales 10,00 €
Rhapsody Symphony of enchanted lands 9,00 €
Rhapsody Power of the dragonflame 8,00 €
Riot Armor of light (digipak,2CD) 8,00 €
Rise Against End game 3,00 €
Riverside Second life syndrome 10,00 €
Riverside Rapid eye movement 10,00 €
Riverside Anno domini high definition (InsideOut Russia) 8,00 €
Ronnie Atkins One shot (Irond) 8,00 €
Running Wild Ready for boarding 10,00 €
Savage Circus Dreamland manor (digipak) 8,00 €
Savatage Handful of rain 7,00 €
Saxon Wheels of steel (digibook,nový) 10,00 €
Saxon Innocence is no excuse (digibook,nový) 8,00 €
Saxon Heavy metal thunder (2CD) 10,00 €
Scanner The judgement 9,00 €
Scorpions Pure instinct 8,00 €
Scorpions Face the heat 5,00 €
Scorpions Unbreakable 6,00 €
Scorpions Humanity hour I 7,00 €
Seether Disclamer 8,00 €
Seether Karma and effect 7,00 €
Seether One cold night (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Serj Tankian Elect the dead (digipak,bez knižky) 3,00 €
Serj Tankian Imperfect harmonies 7,00 €
Shadow Gallery Prime cuts (digi) 5,00 €
Siam Prayer (CD-Maximum,nový) 9,00 €
Sixx A.M. The heroin diaries soundtrack 10,00 €
Sixx A.M. Prayers for the damned 10,00 €
Sixx A.M. Prayers for the blessed 10,00 €
Skid Row Skid Row 7,00 €
Skid Row Slave to the grind 7,00 €
Skid Row Subhuman race (digipak) 8,00 €
Slaughter Eternal live 7,00 €
Slave of the System Slave of the System (nový) 7,00 €
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