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Predám vypracované témy na maturitu z podnikovej ekonomiky v anglickom jazyku na úrovni C1, ktoré som poctivo vypracovala. Obsahuje 24 tém, vypracované sú na 5-8 strán. Témy som vypracovala počas štúdia na obchodnej akadémiii, bilingválna sekcia. Témy sú spracované vo Worde. Sú spracované podľa pokynov, čo sa týka obsahu aj počtu strán, podľa knižky Complete Business Studies (viď. foto), zrozumiteľne, ľahko na učenie. Vďaka týmto témam som zmaturovala bez problémov na jednotku. Témy:
- Business growth and measurement of size
- Business objectives and their importance
- Government economic policies
- Business reaction to market changes and the competitive environment
- Mixed and market economies
- International trade
- Types of business organization
- Organizational structure, organizational hierarchies and management
- Financing business activity, internal and external resources of finance for a business
- Role of marketing, marketing research
- Market segmentation and product in the marketing mix
- Price, price elasticity of demand, pricing methods and strategies, distribution channels
- Promotion, promotion methods, marketing strategy and marketing budget
- Production and productivity, methods of production, lean production practices
- Cost and cost classification, break-even level of production
- Increasing the scale of production, business location
- Cash and cash flow forecasts
- Profit, profit and loss account, purpose and main elements of balance sheet
- Analysing financial accounts, financial budgets
- Human needs and rewards, motivation methods in work
- Human resources management
- Workforce and the working environment
- The external impact of business decisions on people, the economy and the environment
- Basics of macroeconomics