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Marketing služieb

Kategória: Hobby, odborné knihy

Marketing služieb
Marketing služieb
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Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies
ASIN: 1119560233 Jazyk: angličtina Typ: paperback – ilustrovaný Datum: 17.5.2019 Nepouzita, necitana. Osobny odber BA alebo posta (postovne hradi kupujuci). O knihe: Unlock the value in online marketing A well-executed digital marketing plan is a proven component of success in business, and Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies covers everything you need to build and implement a winning plan. Whether you're a novice in the online space or an expert marketer looking to improve your digital ROI, this book has easy-to-absorb tips and insights that will turn online prospects into loyal customers. This book compresses the essential information on 8 topics, so you have all the information you need and none of what you don't. You'll learn social media marketing, marketing to millennials, account-based marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing strategies, and more! * Use targeted, measurable marketing strategies to promote brands and products * Increase brand awareness, customer acquisitions, and audience engagement * Measure what your online traffic is worth and improve ROI on digital marketing * Develop a solid digital marketing plan and put it to work for your brand From SEO and SEM to brand awareness and why you need it, Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies will help you level up your digital marketing game and avoid the common mistakes that might be holding your business back. 15 eur
Knihy o (online) marketingu
Predám nasledujúce knihy s tématikou "marketing", "online marketing" "affiliate - provízny marketing" v TOP stave ako nové: a) Super Affiliate Academy ... 4€ (Affiliate sieť Dognet, ISBN:978-80-89969-00-5) b) Online marketing - tvorba zarábajúceho webu ... 4€ (Affiliate sieť Dognet, ISBN:978-80-89969-02-9) DORUČENIE: a) osobný odber v KANIANKE/ PRIEVIDZI ... ZDARMA b) balíček na poštu ... +3€ PLATNÉ DO ZMAZANIA. KLIKNITE NA MOJE MENO PRE ZOBRAZENIE OSTATNÝCH INZERÁTOV :-)
Online marketing -
Dobrý deň, predám knihu online marketing. Kniha je nová, nečítaná. Info mailom. Nevolať číslo je vymyslené. Plus poštovné, alebo osobne v Prešove, občas sa nachádzam aj Košiciach. Super Affiliate Academy - Online marketing Tvorba zarábajúceho webu Kolektív autorov, dognet Affiliate sieť Dognet
Knihy marketing a eshop
Predám nasledovné knihy, všetky sú vo vynikajúcom stave ako nové. Prosím, kontaktujte ma mailom cez formulár. Posielam len cez Packetu na dobierku (poštovné a balné 2€ k cene knihy: 1. ESHOP OD NÁPADU PO ÚSPECH 10€ 2. NOVÉ PRAVIDLÁ PREDAJA A ZÁKAZNÍCKEHO SERVISU 10€ 3. JAK NA SÍTĚ 10€ 4. TAKTO SA ROBÍ MARKETING 9€ 5. MARKETING NA FACEBOOKU A INSTAGRAMU 9€ 6. CREATIVNÍ COPYWRITING 7€ 7. PREČO ĽUDIA VERIA NEZMYSLOM 8€ 8. THE COACH 9€ 9. PETRA VLHOVÁ 9€
Marketing služieb -3€ Marketing -4.50€ Mediálne právo 1.50€ PREDANÉ Spolu 6€
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