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Metro Universum / Universe knihy.

Kategória: Cudzojazyčná literatúra

rád by som odkúpil nasledovné knihy v nemčine (stav až tak nerozhoduje, len nech nechýbajú stránky):

In die Sonne , autor: Sergej Moskwin.

Die Reise in die Dunkelheit , autor: Andrej Djakow.

Das marmorne Paradies , autor: Sergej Kusnezow.

Im Tunnel , autor: Sergej Antonow.

Das Erbe der Ahnen , autor: Suren Zormudjan.

Die Wurzeln des Himmels , autor: Tullio Avoledo.

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Metro Universum / Universe knihy.
Podobné inzeráty
Paul Davies: Mind of God
Paul Davies' "The Mind of God: Science and the Search for Ultimate Meaning" explores how modern science is beginning to shed light on the mysteries of our existence. Is the universe - and our place in it - the result of random chance, or is there an ultimate meaning to existence? Where did the laws of nature come from? Were they created by a higher force, or can they be explained in some other way? How, for example, could a mechanism as complex as an eye have evolved without a creator? Paul Davies argues that the achievement of science and mathematics in unlocking the secrets of nature mean that there must be a deep and significant link between the human mind and the organization of the physical world. In this quest for an ultimate explanation of the universe, he examines the origin of the cosmos, the possibility of other universes and the claim that we inhabit a kind of gigantic computer. The universe is, he concludes, no mere quirk of fate but a meaningful place for thinking beings. Through science, we can truly glimpse the mind of God. "Makes us re-examine the great questions of existence". ("The New York Times"). "The greatest achievement of the book is to provide an insight into the nature of science itself and the uncertainties that lie in the physical realm". (John Gribbin, "Sunday Times"). "For those brought up on a diet of Adam and Eve, "The Mind of God" will make surprising reading". ("Independent"). Paul Davies is Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, and co-Director of the Cosmology Initiative, both at Arizona State University. An internationally-acclaimed physicist, writer and broadcaster, Davies is the author of some twenty award-winning books, including "The Eerie Silence: Searching for Ourselves in the Universe", "The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life?" and "About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution".
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predam knihy v nemeckom jazyku, rozne, vo velmi dobrom stave, cena za jeden je 5-7 eur plus postovne (pri viacerych knizkach - cena dohodou): 1. Dan Brown – Illuminati 2. Jo Nesbo – Die Larve 3. Jo Nesbo – Schneemann 4. Jussi Alder Olsen – Takeover 5. Jo Nesbo – Leopard 6. Sebastian Fitzek – Die Therapie 7. Dan Brown – Meteor 8. Tom Clancy – Das Echo Aller Furcht 9. Tom Clancy – Im Sturm 10. Tom Clancy – Power Plays 11. Tom Clancy – Schwarzer Sonntag 12. Tom Clancy – Der Kardinal im Kreml 13. Tom Clancy – OP-Center 5 Machtspiele 14. Tom Clancy – Net Force 2 Fluchtpunkt 15. Jo Nesbo – Kakerlaken 16. Jo Nesbo – Headhunter 17. Hakan Nesser – Die Lebenden und Toten von Winsford 18. Jussi Alder Olsen – Schändung 19. Jussi Alder Olsen – Das Washington Dekret 20. Jussi Alder Olsen – Verachtung 21. Jussi Alder Olsen – Erbarmen 22. Jo Nesbo – Der Sohn 23. Jo Nesbo – Messer 24. Jussi Alder Olsen – Das Alphabet Haus 25. Noah Gordon – Der Medicus 26. Thomas Keneally – Schindlers Liste 27. Max Allan Collins – Stadt Der Stunde (CSI) 28. Terry Dratcher – Trucker 29. Terry Dratcher – Flügel 30. Terry Dratcher – Wühler 31. J Nesbo – Das Versteck (Blood on snow) 32. Jo Nesbo – Die Larve 33. Dmitry Glukhovsky – Metro 2033, 2034, 2035 34. Jussi Alder Olsen – Das Washington Dekret 35. Dan Brown – Illuminati 36. Elizabeth Gilbert – Eat Pray Love 37. John LE Carré – Der Ewige Gärtner 38. Helen Fielding – Am Rande des Wahnsinns 39. Torkil Damhaug – Feuermann 40. Michael Moore – Stupid white men 41. Tom Clancy – Das Kartell 42. John Grisham – Die Firma 43. Andreas Eschbach – Der letzte seiner Art 44. J.F Cooper – Lederstrumpf 45. Geschichten aus Don Quijote 46. Helmut Reinalter – Die Welt-Verschwörer 47. John Dickie – Costa Nostra 48. Paulo Coelho – Veronika beschliesst zu sterben 49. Christoph Hein – Der fremde Freund Drachenblut 50. Claus -Peter Lieckfeld- Das Buch Haithabu 51. Franz S.Sklenitzka – Nicht wirklich 52. Die drei??? Kids Panik im Paradies 53. Bianka Minte- Konig – Hexentricks und Liebeszauber 54. Bianka Minte- Konig – Liebequiz und Pferdekuss
predam knihy v nemeckom jazyku
predam knihy v nemeckom jazyku, rozne, vo velmi dobrom stave, cena za jeden je 5-7 eur plus postovne (pri viacerych knizkach - cena dohodou): 1. Dan Brown – Illuminati 2. Jo Nesbo – Die Larve 3. Jo Nesbo – Schneemann 4. Jussi Alder Olsen – Takeover 5. Jo Nesbo – Leopard 6. Sebastian Fitzek – Die Therapie 7. Dan Brown – Meteor 8. Tom Clancy – Das Echo Aller Furcht 9. Tom Clancy – Im Sturm 10. Tom Clancy – Power Plays 11. Tom Clancy – Schwarzer Sonntag 12. Tom Clancy – Der Kardinal im Kreml 13. Tom Clancy – OP-Center 5 Machtspiele 14. Tom Clancy – Net Force 2 Fluchtpunkt 15. Jo Nesbo – Kakerlaken 16. Jo Nesbo – Headhunter 17. Hakan Nesser – Die Lebenden und Toten von Winsford 18. Jussi Alder Olsen – Schändung 19. Jussi Alder Olsen – Das Washington Dekret 20. Jussi Alder Olsen – Verachtung 21. Jussi Alder Olsen – Erbarmen 22. Jo Nesbo – Der Sohn 23. Jo Nesbo – Messer 24. Jussi Alder Olsen – Das Alphabet Haus 25. Noah Gordon – Der Medicus 26. Thomas Keneally – Schindlers Liste 27. Max Allan Collins – Stadt Der Stunde (CSI) 28. Terry Pratchett – Trucker 29. Terry Pratchett – Flügel 30. Terry Pratchett – Wühler 31. J Nesbo – Das Versteck (Blood on snow) 32. Jo Nesbo – Die Larve 33. Dmitry Glukhovsky – Metro 2033, 2034, 2035 34. Jussi Alder Olsen – Das Washington Dekret 35. Dan Brown – Illuminati 36. Elizabeth Gilbert – Eat Pray Love 37. John LE Carré – Der Ewige Gärtner 38. Helen Fielding – Am Rande des Wahnsinns 39. Torkil Damhaug – Feuermann 40. Michael Moore – Stupid white men 41. Tom Clancy – Das Kartell 42. John Grisham – Die Firma 43. Andreas Eschbach – Der letzte seiner Art 44. J.F Cooper – Lederstrumpf 45. Geschichten aus Don Quijote 46. Helmut Reinalter – Die Welt-Verschwörer 47. John Dickie – Costa Nostra 48. Paulo Coelho – Veronika beschliesst zu sterben 49. Christoph Hein – Der fremde Freund Drachenblut 50. Claus -Peter Lieckfeld- Das Buch Haithabu 51. Franz S.Sklenitzka – Nicht wirklich 52. Die drei??? Kids Panik im Paradies 53. Bianka Minte- Konig – Hexentricks und Liebeszauber 54. Bianka Minte- Konig – Liebequiz und Pferdekuss
How To Make Friends With The Dark
Kathleen Glasgow - How To Make Friends With The Dark Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** The story of an awful, universe-gone-mad-mistake, and one girl's emotional battle for clarity and forgiveness. Tiger's mother has always been her whole world, but now she's sixteen her mother's control over everything in her life is suffocating. Just when Tiger feels she can no longer bear the way her life is managed, the unimaginable happens and her mother dies. As she slowly begins to make a way for herself, Tiger creates a new kind of family, some related and some not, who will love her and travel forward with her. This is how you make friends with the dark.
The Discomfort of Evening
Marieke Lucas Rijneveld - The Discomfort of Evening. Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** I asked God if he please couldn't take my brother Matthies instead of my rabbit. 'Amen.' Ten-year-old Jas has a unique way of experiencing her universe: the feeling of udder ointment on her skin as protection against harsh winters; the texture of green warts, like capers, on migrating toads; the sound of 'blush words' that aren't in the Bible. But when a tragic accident ruptures the family, her curiosity warps into a vortex of increasingly disturbing fantasies - unlocking a darkness that threatens to derail them all.