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Military Jets (Inside Out) - Jim Winchester

Kategória: Ostatné

Ponukam knihu Military Jets (Inside Out).

Autor: Jim Winchester
Jazyk: Anglictina
ISBN-10: 1782747281

Inzerat je platny do zmazania.
Military Jets (Inside Out) - Jim Winchester
Podobné inzeráty
Predám knihy po 3 eur
Vzkriesenie/Ken McClure Predátor/Patricia Cornwell Osudná cesta/Kathy Reichs Operácia na diaľku/Howard Olgin Zázračný liek/Kip Langello Nervové centrum/Jim DeFelice Dale Brown Paprsek smrti/Dale Brown Jim DeFelice Megafortress/Jim DeFelice & Dale Brown Stimul/Aron Maxell Izolačka/Joshua Spanogle
Veci do baru
Predám veci do baru: 4 ks obrazov Absolut vodka cca 100x60 cm 6 ks dávkovač Jim Beam 2 ks dávkovač Bols gin 1 ks tácka Absolut vodka 1ks džbán Absolut cca 0,7 l 2 ks vlajka Jim Beam cca 100 x 80 cm 2 ks baner Jim Beam cca 150 x 60 cm Veci sú nepoužívané,obrazy trochu poškodené. Cena 30 euro.Len osobný odber.
Predám knihy military a fantasy
Predám knihy military a fantasy v super stave,nepoškodené,raz,dvakrát prečítané. Military box=40eur Harry Potter 3=10eur Harry Potter 4=12eur 4knihy Narnie vid.foto=5eur ks Metro 2033=10eur Metro 2034=10 eur Metro 2035=vypredané!!! Knihy Zaklínač,Hry o trony,zvyšné knihy Harry Potter vypredané!!!,pri kúpe viac kníh dohodou poslanie,pri 1,2kníh najlepšie osobne!Dakujem za pochopenie.
Colonial viper mk2 1:32
Ship doesn’t have stand, ship is on thin 0.2 mm strong nylon. Batteries are incluced inside in the ship. Can be changeable without damaging the ship. The pilot have face in the helmet, helmet is light up like in the movie and pilot face as well. Face is behind the helmet glass. The ship have the manoeuvring jets for changing directions in the space. Also the ship have front leflectors.
Colonial raptor 1:32
Ship doesn’t have stand, ship is on thin 0.2 mm strong nylon. Batteries are incluced inside in the ship. Can be changeable without damaging the ship. The pilot have face in the helmet, helmet is light up like in the movie and pilot face as well. Face is behind the helmet glass. The ship have the manoeuvring jets for changing directions in the space. Also the ship have front leflectors.
Colonial viper mk7
Ship doesn’t have stand, ship is on thin 0.2 mm strong nylon. Batteries are incluced inside in the ship. Can be changeable without damaging the ship. The pilot have face in the helmet, helmet is light up like in the movie and pilot face as well. Face is behind the helmet glass. The ship have the manoeuvring jets for changing directions in the space. Also the ship have front leflectors.