new language leader intermediate coursebook
Učebnice, skriptá - Jazykové
Predám učebnicu anglického jazyka new language leader intermediate coursebook
Stav: nosená len v taške, úplne čistá - nepopísaná perom ani ceruzkou
K učebnici je nepoužité CD
Stav: nosená len v taške, úplne čistá - nepopísaná perom ani ceruzkou
K učebnici je nepoužité CD

Podobné inzeráty

The New International Webster's Pocket Dictionary
- kolekcia vreckových výkladových anglických slovníkov, spolu 8 zväzkov :
1. The new international Webster's pocket dictionary of the english language
2. The new international Webster's pocket spelling dictionary of the english language
3. The new international Webster's pocket thesaurus of the english language
4. The new international Webster's pocket computer dictionary of the english language
5. The new international Webster's pocket business dictionary of the english language
6. The new international Webster's pocket medical & first aid dictionary of the english language
7. The new international Webster's pocket quotation dictionary of the english language
8. The new international Webster's pocket grammar, speech & style dictionary of the english language
1998 edition
stav: zachovalý
cena: 20 eur spolu už aj s poštovným
- kontakt prosim mailom alebo sms
- platba prosím predom cez internet banking, vklad na účet

Predám staršie knihy/ učebnice angličtiny a francúzštiny pre stredoškolákov, používané, v zachovalom stave. Každá €4. Žilina centrum, prípadne viem poslať poštou, nie však na dobierku.
Headway Advanced Student’s book
Headway Upper-Intermediate Workbook with key
Headway Elementary Workbook
Headway Pre-Intermediate Student’s book
Headway Pre-Intermediate Workbook
New Headway Upper-Intermediate Student’s book
New Headway Upper-Intermediate Workbook
Ideas & Issues Intermediate
Streetwise Intermediate Student’s book
Streetwise Intermediate Workbook
Streetwise Upper-Intermediate Student’s book
Streetwise Upper-Intermediate Workbook
Le Nouveau sans frontières 1
Le Nouveau sans frontières 2

Cena dohodou podľa stavu knihy.
Pri odbere viac kusov možná zľava.
Predám nasledujúce tituly:
English File 3/e Elementary Student's Book 3/e
English File 3/e Pre-intermediate Student's Book 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Student's Book 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Plus Student's Book (B1+) 3/e
English File 3/e Up-Intermediate Student's Book (B2) 3/e
English File 3/e Elementary Student's Book 3/e
English File 3/e Pre-intermediate Workbook w/k 3/e
English File 3/e Int Plus Workbook w/k 3/e
English File 3/e Up-Intermediate Workbook w/k 3/e
English File 3/e Elementary Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Pre-intermediate Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Plus Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Up-Intermediate Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Advanced Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e

Premium B2 Level Coursebook - Exam Reviser
Author: Richard Acklam , Araminta Crace
The Coursebook is divided into 15 units each with defined language objectives, and a language review at the end of each unit
The grammar reference provides explanations of key language points along with examples to aid usage.
Exam style tasks develop students' awareness of the exam format
Exam close-up boxes give students tips on how to approach each task type and develop skills
The compact Exam Reviser booklet contains the essential language required for the exam in memorable bite-size chunks, and tips on how to prepare for the exam
Format Mixed media product | 5 pages
Dimensions 220 x 274 x 9mm | 614g
Publication date 17 Mar 2008
Publisher Pearson Education Limited
Imprint Pearson Longman
Publication City/Country Harlow, United Kingdom

Cena dohodou podľa stavu knihy.
Pri odbere viac kusov možná zľava.
Predám nasledujúce tituly:
Empower (A2-C1) Starter Student´s Book (A1)
Empower (A2-C1) Elementary Student´s Book (A2)
Empower (A2-C1) Pre-Intermediate Student´s Book (B1)
Empower (A2-C1) Intermediate Student´s Book (B1+)
Empower (A2-C1) Up-Intermediate Student´s Book (B2)
Empower (A2-C1) Starter Workbook w/k (A1)
Empower (A2-C1) Elementary Workbook w/k (A2)
Empower (A2-C1) Pre-Intermediate Workbook w/k (B1)
Empower (A2-C1) Intermediate Workbook w/k (B1+)
Empower (A2-C1) Up-Intermediate Workbook w/k (B2)
Empower (A2-C1) Starter Teacher's Book
Empower (A2-C1) Elementary Teacher's Book
Empower (A2-C1) Pre-Intermediate Teacher's Book (B1)
Empower (A2-C1) Intermediate Teacher's Book (B1+)
Empower (A2-C1) Up-Intermediate Teacher's Book (B2)

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cutting edge advanced teachers book with phrase builder - 15 EUR
cutting edge advanced teachers book with key - 15 EUR
new headway intermediate book+ dvd - 15 EUR
new headway intermediate with key + CD - 8 EUR
cambridge englisht complete first certificate workbook - 6 EUR
cambridge englisht complete firrst certificate students book- 15 EUR
Pearson Language leader coursebook with cd- 20 EUR
Pearson Language leader workbook with cd- 20 EUR