Nikon D610 zrkadlovka Full frame
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Dalsie detaily a fotky cez email. Moznost predat aj samostatne. Mozete prist pozriet osobne v Kosiciach.
Nikon D3100 telo (Excellent condition. Shutter # below 16k)
Nikon D3200 telo (detaily coskoro)
Nikon D3300 telo (detaily coskoro)
Nikon D5100 telo (Good condition. Minor scratches on the display that has no impact on functionality. Shutter # below 21k)
Nikon D5200 telo (detaily coskoro)
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 18-55mm f3.5-5.6G II ED
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 55-200 mm 1:4-5.66 ED
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 18-105mm f3.5-5.6G ED VR
Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD
Nikon FG Silver - Shutter counter does not work otherwise excellent condition.
Nikon FG Black - Good condition.
Nikon EM - Excellent condition.
Nikon AF F801 - Excellent condition. Comes in its original packaging.
Nikon AF F501 - Excellent condition.
Nikon AF F401s - Good condition.
Nikon AF F801s - Good condition. Normal wear on the body.
Sigma UC ZOOM Multicoated 28-70mm f3.5-4.5 - Good condition. Normal wear on the body.
Soligor MC Zoom+Macro 28-200mm f3.5-5.3 for Nikon F - Poor but usable condition. Haze inside causes “dreamy” effect on photos. Minor scratches on the front element. Front cap is included.
Nikon AF Nikkor 70-210mm f4-5.6 - Good condition. Both caps included.
Tokina AF 35-70mm f3.5-4.6 for Nikon F - Good condition. Minor dust inside. Both caps included.
Sigma Super-Wide II Multi-coated 24mm f2.8 - Good condition. Minor wear on the plasticky parts. Both caps included.
Tamron SP TELE MACRO 27 BBAR MC 90mm f2.5 for Nikon F - Good condition. Both caps included.
Nikon Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f3.5-4.5 - Good condition. Minor scratches on the front element. Minor dust inside. Both caps included.
Nikon Lens Series E 50mm f1.8 - Good condition. Both caps included.
Nikon Lens Series E 50mm f1.8 - Good condition. Both caps included.
Osawa MC 28mm f2.8 for Nikon F - Good condition. The lens will not accept filters as the filter threat is bent. Front cap is included.
Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f3.3-4.5 N - Minor dust inside. Comes with original packaging.
Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f4-5.6 G - Excellent condition. Comes with original packaging.

Dalsie detaily a fotky cez email. Moznost predat aj samostatne. Mozete prist pozriet osobne v Kosiciach.
Nikon D3100 telo (Excellent condition. Shutter # below 16k)
Nikon D3200 telo (detaily coskoro)
Nikon D3300 telo (detaily coskoro)
Nikon D5100 telo (Good condition. Minor scratches on the display that has no impact on functionality. Shutter # below 21k)
Nikon D5200 telo (detaily coskoro)
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 18-55mm f3.5-5.6G II ED
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 55-200 mm 1:4-5.66 ED
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 18-105mm f3.5-5.6G ED VR
Tamron 18-270mm f3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD
Nikon FG Silver - Shutter counter does not work otherwise excellent condition.
Nikon FG Black - Good condition.
Nikon EM - Excellent condition. (Predane)
Nikon AF F801 - Excellent condition. Comes in its original packaging. (Predane)
Nikon AF F501 - Excellent condition. (Predane)
Nikon AF F401s - Good condition. (Predane)
Nikon AF F801s - Good condition. Normal wear on the body.
Sigma UC ZOOM Multicoated 28-70mm f3.5-4.5 - Good condition. Normal wear on the body.
Soligor MC Zoom+Macro 28-200mm f3.5-5.3 for Nikon F - Poor but usable condition. Haze inside causes “dreamy” effect on photos. Minor scratches on the front element. Front cap is included.
Nikon AF Nikkor 70-210mm f4-5.6 - Good condition. Both caps included.
Tokina AF 35-70mm f3.5-4.6 for Nikon F - Good condition. Minor dust inside. Both caps included.
Sigma Super-Wide II Multi-coated 24mm f2.8 - Good condition. Minor wear on the plasticky parts. Both caps included.
Tamron SP TELE MACRO 27 BBAR MC 90mm f2.5 for Nikon F - Good condition. Both caps included. (Predane)
Nikon Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f3.5-4.5 - Good condition. Minor scratches on the front element. Minor dust inside. Both caps included.
Nikon Lens Series E 50mm f1.8 - Good condition. Both caps included.
Nikon Lens Series E 50mm f1.8 - Good condition. Both caps included.
Osawa MC 28mm f2.8 for Nikon F - Good condition. The lens will not accept filters as the filter threat is bent. Front cap is included.
Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f3.3-4.5 N - Minor dust inside. Comes with original packaging. (Predane)
Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f4-5.6 G - Excellent condition. Comes with original packaging. (Predane)

Nikon d3000 telo (85€)
Nikon d90 telo (130€)
Nikon 70-300 vr (299€)
Nikon 18-140 vr (179€)
Nikon 28mm (139€)
Nikon 28-105 (90€)
Nikon 50mm f1.8 d (80€)
Nikon 18-55 (60€)
Nikon 55-200 Vr (110€)
Sigma 75-300 macro nikon (80€)
Kožený popruh na zápästie (15€)
Popruh nikon (7€)
Batéria en el3e (18€)
Nabíjačka nikon mh-23 (10€)
Fialový filter 52mm (8€)
Star filter 52mm (8€)
Uv filter 52mm (8€)
Uv filter 55mm (9€)
Uv filter 67mm (12€)
jaromasiar@ /

Nikon d3000 telo (79€)
Nikon d90 telo (119€)
Nikon 70-300 vr (249€)
Nikon 18-140 vr (149€)
Nikon 28mm (129€)
Nikon 28-105 (79€)
Nikon 50mm f1.8 d (80€) - predané
Nikon 18-55 (60€) - predané
Nikon 55-200 Vr (99€)
Sigma 75-300 macro nikon (80€) - predané
Kožený popruh na zápästie (10€)
Popruh nikon (7€)
Batéria en el3e (15€)
Nabíjačka nikon mh-23 (10€)
Fialový filter 52mm (5€)
Star filter 52mm (5€)
Uv filter 52mm (6€)
Uv filter 55mm (7€)
Uv filter 67mm (10€)
jaromasiar@ /

Canon EOS 6D je 20,2 MPix digitálna zrkadlovka s Full-Frame CMOS senzorom. Bol navrhnutý ako vstupný model do sveta Full Frame a je ideálna pre fotografovanie portrétov a cestovateľskú fotografiu.
+ 2 batérie
+ popruh canon
+ popruh na ruku
Uzávierka má cca 42500 snímok. Väčšinou bol používaný v ateliéri. Dôvod predaja - prechod na bezzrkadlovku.
Vlastnosti Canon EOS 6D:
• 20,2-MPix Full-Frame CMOS senzor
• 14-bitový procesor DIGIC 5+
• 1 040 000-bodová obrazovka s uhlopriečkou 7,7 cm (3,0-palca)
• 11-bodový systém automatického zaostrenia je citlivý na hodnotu korekcie až -3 EV
• Nepretržité fotografovanie s frekvenciou až 4,5 sn./s
• Natívna citlivosť ISO 100–25 600 s možnosťou rozšírenia na ISO 50 - 102 400
• Full-HD video s manuálnym ovládaním všetkých funkcií vrátane zvuku
• Pevná a ľahká konštrukcia odolná voči poveternostným vplyvom
• Vstavané zariadenie GPS zaznamenáva polohu, kde sa fotky nafotili
• Prenos súborov pomocou rozhrania Wi-Fi a diaľkové ovládanie cez mobil (Wi-Fi)
• Kreatívny režim HDR