Nová kniha Homage to humanity
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Ponúkam na predaj úplne novú knihu Homage to humanity, je v pôvodnom obale, nerozbalená.

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Predam Callan method (Callanova metoda) všetky student book (knihy), stage 1 až 12 + CD (MP3). Edícia 2012 / 2013
PDF kniha (vysoka kvalita) + MP3 nahravky - Viem odoslat hned po potvrdeni o zaplateni. Ku každej knihe je aj PDF Anglicko - Slovensky slovnik.
Poznamka: ak by ste mali zaujem, mam aj Callan Method Teacher book v PDF verzii
STAGE 1 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 1 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 4eur
STAGE 2 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 2 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 3 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 3 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 4 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 4 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 5 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 5 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 6 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 6 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 7 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 7 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 8 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 8 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 9 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 9 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 10 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 10 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 11 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 11 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur
STAGE 12 kniha + CD = 10eur s postovnym
STAGE 12 PDF kniha + MP3 nahrávky = 5eur

Ponúkam na predaj úplne novú knihu Homage to humanity, je v pôvodnom obale, nerozbalená, bol to nevhodný darček.

Ponúkam na predaj úplne novú knihu Homage to humanity, je v pôvodnom obale, nerozbalená, bol to nevhodný darček. Kuriérom neposielam.

Predam knihy Headway 5.ta edícia.
Viem ponuknut students book, workbook, teachers guide, culture and literature companion, video, audio (students book, workbook) a Cill worksheet
Headway Beginner (A1)
Student's Book + audio
- kniha - 20,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Workbook + Audio
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Teachers Guide
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Headway Elementary (A2)
Student's Book + audio
- kniha - 20,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Workbook + Audio
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Teachers Guide
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Headway Pre-Intermediate (B1)
Student's Book + audio
- kniha - 20,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Workbook + Audio
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Teachers Guide
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Headway Intermediate (B2)
Student's Book + audio
- kniha - 20,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Workbook + Audio
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Teachers Guide
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Headway Upper-Intermediate (C1)
Student's Book + audio
- kniha - 20,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Workbook + Audio
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Teachers Guide
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Headway Advanced (C2)
Student's Book + audio
- kniha - 20,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Workbook + Audio
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Teachers Guide
- kniha - 15,-eur
- ekniha (PDF verzia) 5,-eur
Poznamka: culture and literature companion, alebo Cill worksheet (5eur)

NOVÁ nemecká beletria
Všetky spolu 28,- alebo po kusoch zvlášť
NOVÁ nemecká literatúra
1. Nemecká kniha Smaragdgrun. Nová, nepoužitá. Pevná väzba. Hrubá, krásne vydanie. Až 487 strán. Krásny darček! 10 Eur
2. Nemecká kniha Krabat. Nová, nečítaná, top stav! 256 strán, dovoz z Nemecka. Cena 5,80 Eur
3. Kniha v Nej (Meno ruže) - Umberto Eco: Der Name der Rose, Hrubá, ca 680 strán. Nová, top stav, nečítaná. Mäkká obálka, ktorá sa dá dať dole a pod ňou pevná väzba. Vhodná aj ako darček, kvalitný kúsok. Cena 7,50 Eur.
4. Kniha v nemčine: Geheimnisvoller Korper (Tajuplné telo). Top stav, nečítaná. Pevná väzba, 264 strán. Cena 4,50 Eur.
5. Kniha v nemčine: Der Fall Collini (Prípad Collini), 200 strán, autor Ferdinand von Schirach, cena 5,50 Eur

Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty
Yuval Noah Harari, author of the critically-acclaimed New York Times bestseller and international phenomenon Sapiens, returns with an equally original, compelling, and provocative book, turning his focus toward humanity’s future, and our quest to upgrade humans into gods.
Over the past century humankind has managed to do the impossible and rein in famine, plague, and war. This may seem hard to accept, but, as Harari explains in his trademark style—thorough, yet riveting—famine, plague and war have been transformed from incomprehensible and uncontrollable forces of nature into manageable challenges. For the first time ever, more people die from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals put together. The average American is a thousand times more likely to die from binging at McDonalds than from being blown up by Al Qaeda.
What then will replace famine, plague, and war at the top of the human agenda? As the self-made gods of planet earth, what destinies will we set ourselves, and which quests will we undertake? Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century—from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? And how will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? This is the next stage of evolution. This is Homo Deus. With the same insight and clarity that made Sapiens an international hit and a New York Times bestseller, Harari maps out our future.