Obrazy - investícia Kowalski
4 kusy v zbierke
rozmery obrazu 25x20 cm, spolu s rámom 34x30 cm
velmi zaujímavá investícia
A. Kowalski is a Hungarian painter who was born in 1926.
A. Kowalski's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from $90 USD to $625 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. Since 2011 the record price for this artist at auction is $625 USD for Charming winter village scene reminiscent of the artist's childhood, sold at Fine Estate Auction Gallery in 2021.
rozmery obrazu 25x20 cm, spolu s rámom 34x30 cm
velmi zaujímavá investícia
A. Kowalski is a Hungarian painter who was born in 1926.
A. Kowalski's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from $90 USD to $625 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. Since 2011 the record price for this artist at auction is $625 USD for Charming winter village scene reminiscent of the artist's childhood, sold at Fine Estate Auction Gallery in 2021.
Podobné inzeráty
predam stare obrazy: obraz:Ovocie,sololit 100x46cm-(rozmer bez ramu-36,5x90,5cm) obraz: Les-platno nalepene na sololite 105x76cm-(rozmer bez ramu-95x66cm)... a 2 obrazy-drevena intarzia.dva obrazy zimna krajinka-platno 66x46cm-(rozmer bez ramu-56x36cm). obraz: vojak-platno 91x71cm (rozmer bez ramu-81x60cm) ..cena: dohodou..
Predam starý malovaný obraz,od J.Orlíka,nálezny stav,bez rámu,54x37,5cm .Cena:25eur
Obrazy-príroda-3kusy 48x35cm,spolu -20eur
Vyšívany-57x46cm, cena:15eur
Obrazy-tapeta, 57x37cm 42x24cm ,spolu 30eur
obraz-polovnik-33x27cm cena :10eur
obraz-zlatý rám-2e
obrazy malované na drevo-4kusy za 20eur
Ponúkam.. Tučniakov z Madagaskaru (kolky),ktoré sa zbierali z Tesca,ešte nenalepené iba otvorený balíček. Mám tieto:
Rico 25,50,100
Private 50
Kowalski 50,100
Maurice 50,100
Mort 100
Phil 100
Zaujímavé,ťažšie staršie obrazy 54,5x40,5cm,drevený rám,obrazy sú tepané ručne..materiál kovového charakteru.KUS 60€.