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Odrážadlo EARLY RIDER LITE 12''

Kategória: Ostatná cyklistika

Krásne, ľahké, ale najmä ľahko ovládateľné a bezpečné odrážadlo, ktoré získalo viacero ocenení na medzinárodných výstavách. Je nastaviteľné, rastie s dieťaťom (cca od 1, 5 roka do 3 rokov). Viac technických informácií nájdete na , kde sme ho kúpili: Stálo 150 eur.
Známky používania na fotografiách, ide o bežné/povrchové záležitosti po jednom dieťati. Inak vo výbornom stave.
Osobný odber v Bratislave, príp. ho vieme do Vianoc priviezť do Trenčína alebo Prešova.
Odrážadlo EARLY RIDER LITE 12''
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Garmin Edge 1030
Dobry den, predam novy Garmin Edge 1030 este v ochrannej folii s manualom aj uchytom. Ultimate GPS Bike Computer with Navigation and Connected Features 3.5” bike computer with comprehensive navigation, performance and cycling awareness features Trendline™ popularity routing uses billions of miles of Garmin Connect™ ride data to show the best on- and off-road routes Preloaded Garmin Cycle Map provides turn-by-turn directions and new navigation alerts New rider-to-rider messaging¹ lets you stay in contact with other cyclists in your group Challenge yourself every ride with newly updated preloaded Strava Live Segments feature Battery life: up to 20 hours², extendable up to 40 hours with the optional Garmin Charge™ power pack Ride longer and stronger while staying connected with the Edge 1030 GPS cycling computer. It features Trendline popularity routing, which uses billions of miles of rider data to show you the best on- and off-road routes. Whether you’re a competitor, commuter or an adventure-seeker, we’ve found a better ride for you. Create the Ultimate Cycling Hub Edge 1030 includes the latest navigation tools and is compatible with our expansive line of cycling accessories that let you measure key aspects of your performance, and awareness add-ons that can help create a safer riding environment. You can build your perfect ride network with Garmin, and it all starts with an Edge. Popularity Routing Knows Where Riders Go Since the Garmin Connect online community was created, cyclists have uploaded billions of miles of ride data. It’s time to put that data to good use with Trendline popularity routing technology. When Edge 1030 generates a ride for you, it finds the best route — choosing from the roads (and trails) most traveled by your fellow cyclists. Or, use the improved and revamped Course Creator in Garmin Connect to generate additional bike-friendly routes based on popularity data. Advanced Navigation with Garmin Cycle Map Garmin is your guide, whether you like to ride on the road or off. Edge 1030 bike computer is preloaded with the Garmin Cycle Map and includes turn-by-turn navigation and new navigation alerts that notify you of upcoming sharp turns. While you ride, get information about elevation data, see points of interest and search for addresses. Round-trip routing will even generate a route for you. Simply tell Edge 1030 a distance and a starting direction, and it will give you a choice of up to 3 routes. And, of course, it’s smart enough to guide you back to the route if you deviate from it. When you’re planning long rides, you can count on your Edge 1030. It gets up to 20 hours of power, and with the new Garmin Charge integrated battery pack, you can keep your Edge running as long as you do. Messages From Rider to Rider No need to reach for the phone or worry about your fellow riders when they pull ahead or fall behind. Rider-to-rider messa
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