Perl and CGI for the world wide web - 2nd edition
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Predám knihu Perl and CGI for the world wide web - 2nd edition.
Visual quick start guide.
Autor: Elizabeth Castro.
Kniha je v anglickom jazyku.
Popis knihy: Perl is by far the most popular programming language for creating scripts that add powerful interactive features to Web pages. Included on most UNIX platforms and available free of charge for Windows and Macintosh, Perl lets you place forms on your Web site that collect and process user input such as product orders and comments, enable visitors to conduct keyword searches for information on your site, and integrate a database into your site, among many other capabilities.Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide gets you to the heart of Perl scripting with CGI. Even first-time programmers will be able to create interactive Web pages and, more importantly, you'll be able to use your new-found familiarity with Perl to understand and customize the multitude of scripts that already exist on the Web.
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Visual quick start guide.
Autor: Elizabeth Castro.
Kniha je v anglickom jazyku.
Popis knihy: Perl is by far the most popular programming language for creating scripts that add powerful interactive features to Web pages. Included on most UNIX platforms and available free of charge for Windows and Macintosh, Perl lets you place forms on your Web site that collect and process user input such as product orders and comments, enable visitors to conduct keyword searches for information on your site, and integrate a database into your site, among many other capabilities.Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide gets you to the heart of Perl scripting with CGI. Even first-time programmers will be able to create interactive Web pages and, more importantly, you'll be able to use your new-found familiarity with Perl to understand and customize the multitude of scripts that already exist on the Web.
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Predám knihu 'Java Persistence with Hibernate', kde si môžete rozšíriť svoje znalosti ohladom frameworku Hibernate.
Jazyk: angličtina
strán: 608
Vydavatel: Manning
Autor: Christian Bauer, Gavin King, Gary Gregory
Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition explores Hibernate by developing an application that ties together hundreds of individual examples. In this revised edition, authors Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory cover Hibernate 5 in detail with the Java Persistence 2.1 standard (JSR 338). All examples have been updated for the latest Hibernate and Java EE specification versions.
About the Technology
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
Persistence—the ability of data to outlive an instance of a program—is central to modern applications. Hibernate, the most popular Java persistence tool, offers automatic and transparent object/relational mapping, making it a snap to work with SQL databases in Java applications.
About the Book
Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition explores Hibernate by developing an application that ties together hundreds of individual examples. You'll immediately dig into the rich programming model of Hibernate, working through mappings, queries, fetching strategies, transactions, conversations, caching, and more. Along the way you'll find a well-illustrated discussion of best practices in database design and optimization techniques. In this revised edition, authors Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory cover Hibernate 5 in detail with the Java Persistence 2.1 standard (JSR 338). All examples have been updated for the latest Hibernate and Java EE specification versions.
What's Inside
Object/relational mapping concepts
Efficient database application design
Comprehensive Hibernate and Java Persistence reference
Integration of Java Persistence with EJB, CDI, JSF, and JAX-RS * Unmatched breadth and depth
About the Reader
The book assumes a working knowledge of Java.
Table of Contents
2. Understanding object/relational persistence
3. Starting a project
4. Domain models and metadata
6. Mapping persistent classes
7. Mapping value types
8. Mapping inheritance
9. Mapping collections and entity associations
10. Advanced entity association mappings
11. Complex and legacy schemas
13. Managing data
14. Transactions and concurrency
15. Fetch plans, strategies, and profiles
16. Filtering data
18. Creating and executing queries
19. The query languages
20. Advanced query options
21. Customizing SQL

Predám knihu 'Modern C++ Programming Cookbook: Recipes to explore data structure, multithreading, and networking in C++17 (English Edition)'
Délka tištěné verze: 590 stránek
Jazyk: angličtina
Vydavatel: Packt Publishing
Datum vydání: 15 května 2017
Rozměry: 19.05 x 3.38 x 23.5 cm
ISBN-10: 1786465183
Kniha je ako nová. Na slovensku sa predava za 60-80eur.
Over 100 recipes to help you overcome your difficulties with C++ programming and gain a deeper understanding of the working of modern C++
About This Book
Explore the most important language and library features of C++17, including containers, algorithms, regular expressions, threads, and more,
Get going with unit testing frameworks Boost.Test, Google Test and Catch,
Extend your C++ knowledge and take your development skills to new heights by making your applications fast, robust, and scalable.
Who This Book Is For
If you want to overcome difficult phases of development with C++ and leverage its features using modern programming practices, then this book is for you. The book is designed for both experienced C++ programmers as well as people with strong knowledge of OOP concepts.
What You Will Learn
Get to know about the new core language features and the problems they were intended to solve
Understand the standard support for threading and concurrency and know how to put them on work for daily basic tasks
Leverage C++'s features to get increased robustness and performance
Explore the widely-used testing frameworks for C++ and implement various useful patterns and idioms
Work with various types of strings and look at the various aspects of compilation
Explore functions and callable objects with a focus on modern features
Leverage the standard library and work with containers, algorithms, and iterators
Use regular expressions for find and replace string operations
Take advantage of the new filesystem library to work with files and directories

Predám knihu 'OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809'. Je to skvelá khiha, vďaka ktorej sa môžete pripravit na certifikačnú skúšku JAVA Oracle Certified Professional 1Z0-809.
Detaily k skúške:
ISBN-10: 1119067901
ISBN-13: 978-1119067900
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Sybex
Publication date: December 14, 2015
Language: English
Dimensions: 7.3 x 1.6 x 9.2 inches
Print length: 720 pages
Complete, trusted preparation for the Java Programmer II exam
OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide is your comprehensive companion for preparing for Exam 1Z0-809 as well as upgrade Exam 1Z0-810 and Exam 1Z0-813. With full coverage of 100% of exam objectives, this invaluable guide reinforces what you know, teaches you what you don't know, and gives you the hands-on practice you need to boost your skills. Written by expert Java developers, this book goes beyond mere exam prep with the insight, explanations and perspectives that come from years of experience. You'll review the basics of object-oriented programming, understand functional programming, apply your knowledge to database work, and much more. From the basic to the advanced, this guide walks you through everything you need to know to confidently take the OCP 1Z0-809 Exam and upgrade exams 1Z0-810 and 1Z0-813.
Java 8 represents the biggest changes to the language to date, and the latest exam now requires that you demonstrate functional programming competence in order to pass. This guide has you covered, with clear explanations and expert advice.
Understand abstract classes, interfaces, and class design
Learn object-oriented design principles and patterns
Delve into functional programming, advanced strings, and localization
Master IO, NIO, and JDBC with expert-led database practice
If you're ready to take the next step in your IT career, OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide is your ideal companion on the road to certification.

Predám knihu 'Spring in Action'. Hodí sa pre niekoho kto sa chce detailne zoznámiť s vývojom Springových aplikácií.
Jazyk: angličtina
strán: 520
Vydavateľ: Manning
Autor: Craig Walls
About the Technology
Spring Framework makes life easier for Java developers. New features in Spring 5 bring its productivity-focused approach to microservices, reactive development, and other modern application designs. With Spring Boot now fully integrated, you can start even complex projects with minimal configuration code. And the upgraded WebFlux framework supports reactive apps right out of the box!
About the Book
Spring in Action, 5th Edition guides you through Spring's core features, explained in Craig Walls' famously clear style. You'll roll up your sleeves and build a secure database-backed web app step by step. Along the way, you'll explore reactive programming, microservices, service discovery, RESTful APIs, deployment, and expert best practices. Whether you're just discovering Spring or leveling up to Spring 5.0, this Manning classic is your ticket!
What's inside
- Building reactive applications
- Spring MVC for web apps and RESTful web services
- Securing applications with Spring Security
- Covers Spring 5.0

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Josef Vybíral: GIMP Grafický editor pro Linux a Windows (bez CD) - 5
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Joe Celko: Joe Celko's Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) - 25
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Brian W.Kernighan, Dennis M.Ritchie: Programovací jazyk C - 4
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Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Elaboration Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
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Scott W. Ambler, Larry Constantine: The Unified Process Inception Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP - 40
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