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Perth Mint Christmas wonderland

Kategória: Mince, bankovky

Predám túto striebornú mincu,rok 2021, povrchová úprava antique, váha 2oz, v strede rotujúca pozlátená vločka, limitovaný náklad 2500ks. Cena dohodou, prosím píšte na email. Viac info a aktuálna cena na trhu v odkaze:
Perth Mint Christmas wonderland
Podobné inzeráty
Strieborne mince Perth Mint 2oz
Predám/vymením nasledujúce strieborne mince: Perth Mint 2021 christmas wonderland (snowflake/vločka) a Perth Mint 2022 jingle bell/rolnička. Obe mince sú z limitovanej edície (náklad 2500 ks) v originálnom balení s certifikátom. Ceny sú nasledovné: minca s vločkou - 330 eur, minca s rolničkou - 270 eur. Pri kupe spolu - 580 eur. Možná výmena za zlaté mince/šperky, pre viac info a fotky ma kontaktujte e-mailom. Po dohode pošlem aj poštou.
Perth Mint 10g Gold
Predám investičné zlato 10 g Perth Mint Výrobca Perth Mint Materiál Zlato Typ Tehly / Zliatky Rýdzosť zlata 999,9/1000 Au Krajina pôvodu Austrália Emitent/Mincovňa Perth Mint Kvalita prevedenia Banková kvalita Balenie razený číslovaný so zataveným certifikátom Zilina
Australia 30$ Lunar III 2021 rok byvola 1 kg + BOX
P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j: kilovu mincu z lunarnej serie 3, rok byvola, 2021. Mimoriadne nizky naklad len 8.768 ks !!!! Postovne +20€. V pripade dobierky je potrebne zaplatit cast ceny vopred - max. dobierka je 700€ (Packeta) - zvysok prevodom. Pripadne Slovenska posta dobierka 1.000€ a rozdiel ceny vopred. Specifikacia: 1 kg Year of the Ox 2021 (Lunar III) Australia silver coin! Denomination: 30 Dollars. Coins quality: BU (Briliant Uncirculated). Metal: SILVER. Purity: .9999 Pure silver weight: 32.15 oz. (1 kg.). Diameter: 100.6 mm. Edge: 14.6 mm. Mint: The Perth Mint. Country of origin: Australia. Reverse: The reverse of the coin depicts a Ox with its calf, with a blossoming cherry twig above them. On the left is a symbol in Chinese characters denoting a Ox, below it the English translation "OX" and the year "2021". The letter "P" is engraved on the right edge of the coin, which is the mark of the Perth Mint. Obverse: The reverse of the coin depicts Queen Elizabeth II, who is also the Australian Monarch. The name of the queen and the name of the State "ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA" are engraved on the top of the coin. The weight, silver purity and the denomination of the coin are minted in the bottom "1 KILO 9999 Ag 30 DOLLARS". Packing: The coin is packaged in an original Perth Mint hard plastic. I ship to all EU countries. Price of delivery on request. Payment in advance.
Australia 30$ Lunar III 2021 rok byvola 1 kg + BOX
P.o.n.ú.k.a.m kilovu mincu z lunarnej serie 3, rok byvola, 2021. Mimoriadne nizky naklad len 8.768 ks !!!! Mince posielam cez . Cena mince viď obrázok je 1.170€ + 30€ poštovné. Otázky mi posielajte do správy. Specifikacia: 1 kg Year of the Ox 2021 (Lunar III) Australia silver coin! Denomination: 30 Dollars. Coins quality: BU (Briliant Uncirculated). Metal: SILVER. Purity: .9999 Pure silver weight: 32.15 oz. (1 kg.). Diameter: 100.6 mm. Edge: 14.6 mm. Mint: The Perth Mint. Country of origin: Australia. Reverse: The reverse of the coin depicts a Ox with its calf, with a blossoming cherry twig above them. On the left is a symbol in Chinese characters denoting a Ox, below it the English translation "OX" and the year "2021". The letter "P" is engraved on the right edge of the coin, which is the mark of the Perth Mint. Obverse: The reverse of the coin depicts Queen Elizabeth II, who is also the Australian Monarch. The name of the queen and the name of the State "ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA" are engraved on the top of the coin. The weight, silver purity and the denomination of the coin are minted in the bottom "1 KILO 9999 Ag 30 DOLLARS". Packing: The coin is packaged in an original Perth Mint hard plastic. I ship to all EU countries. Price of delivery on request. Payment in advance.
Australia 30$ Lunar III 2021 rok byvola 1 kg + BOX
P.o.n.ú.k.a.m kilovu mincu z lunarnej serie 3, rok byvola, 2021. Mimoriadne nizky naklad len 8.768 ks !!!! Mince posielam cez . Cena mince viď obrázok je 1.200€ + 20€ poštovné. Otázky mi posielajte do správy. Specifikacia: 1 kg Year of the Ox 2021 (Lunar III) Australia silver coin! Denomination: 30 Dollars. Coins quality: BU (Briliant Uncirculated). Metal: SILVER. Purity: .9999 Pure silver weight: 32.15 oz. (1 kg.). Diameter: 100.6 mm. Edge: 14.6 mm. Mint: The Perth Mint. Country of origin: Australia. Reverse: The reverse of the coin depicts a Ox with its calf, with a blossoming cherry twig above them. On the left is a symbol in Chinese characters denoting a Ox, below it the English translation "OX" and the year "2021". The letter "P" is engraved on the right edge of the coin, which is the mark of the Perth Mint. Obverse: The reverse of the coin depicts Queen Elizabeth II, who is also the Australian Monarch. The name of the queen and the name of the State "ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA" are engraved on the top of the coin. The weight, silver purity and the denomination of the coin are minted in the bottom "1 KILO 9999 Ag 30 DOLLARS". Packing: The coin is packaged in an original Perth Mint hard plastic. I ship to all EU countries. Price of delivery on request. Payment in advance.
Austrálsky klokan 1oz striebro 2022
Austrálsky klokan, najznámejšia prútová minca razená v Austrálii najstaršou mincovňou - Perth Mint. 1 unca strieborných prútov je z roku 2022. Od ostatných investičných mincí tejto série sa minca odlišuje zaujímavým rubom. Kengura sa objavuje spolu s Emu v štátnom znaku Austrálie a je národným symbolom. Dokáže prežiť mnoho týždňov bez vody, detstvo trávi vo vreci, pohybuje sa skákaním a je jedným z najväčších cicavcov na Zemi. Meno klokan, z anglického Kangaroo, dostali anglickí osadníci a pochádza z domorodého slova „gungurru“. Na lícnej strane je vždy vyobrazená kráľovná Alžbeta II. s korunou, ako aj rok razby striebornej mince a krajina jej emitenta. Obrátenýzdobí ho obraz skákajúceho klokana a v pozadí sa šíria lúče. Pod klokankou je údaj o hmotnosti mince, roku vydania a rýdzosti striebra. Perth Mint séria Austrálsky klokan Strieborná minca Dizajnér Jody Clarková Ag.9999 Váhy 1 oz Priemer 40,6 mm Denominácia 1 AUD Jedno balenie 25 kusov kolektívne balenie 250 kusov Striedavo zúbkované Perth Mint Klokan 1 oz Ag