Piano lessons with joy (hodiny klavíra)
Výuka hudby
I offer piano lessons for beginners, adults and advanced players.
As a pianist and piano teacher, I received a master degree at VŠMU music academy and I would like to pass on my experience to other musicians.
I am also professionally engaged in piano collaboration with solo instruments or singers. The lessons take place in my studio on the new grand piano and can be extended by the basics of theory and musical composition.
It is important that my students practise with good technique and skills in sight reading from the beginning, which makes playing the piano easy and pleasant as possible and gives space for musical creativity.
Some of my students placed in international competitions and for some the piano became a pleasant hobby. I speak English and Slovak fluently.
I will be happy if you contact me at this number 9
As a pianist and piano teacher, I received a master degree at VŠMU music academy and I would like to pass on my experience to other musicians.
I am also professionally engaged in piano collaboration with solo instruments or singers. The lessons take place in my studio on the new grand piano and can be extended by the basics of theory and musical composition.
It is important that my students practise with good technique and skills in sight reading from the beginning, which makes playing the piano easy and pleasant as possible and gives space for musical creativity.
Some of my students placed in international competitions and for some the piano became a pleasant hobby. I speak English and Slovak fluently.
I will be happy if you contact me at this number 9

Podobné inzeráty

I offer piano lessons for beginners, adults and advanced players.
As a pianist and piano teacher, I received a master degree at VŠMU music academy and I would like to pass on my experience to other musicians.
I am also professionally engaged in piano collaboration with solo instruments or singers. The lessons take place in my studio on the new grand piano and can be extended by the basics of theory and musical composition.
It is important that my students practise with good technique and skills in sight reading from the beginning, which makes playing the piano easy and pleasant as possible and gives space for musical creativity.
Some of them placed in international competitions and for some the piano became a pleasant hobby. I speak English, Slovak and Chinese fluently.
I will be happy if you contact me at this number 9

Would you like to improve your piano playing? I am a pianist who graduated from the music conservatory and I offer piano lessons in the center of Bratislava on my grand piano for all ages. Please contact me on this phone number 9

ponúkam doučovanie klavíra od 5 do 60 iba Odporúčam, najmä spočiatku, chodiť na klavír dva razy do týždňa. Je to individuálne a jedenkrát je tiež postačujúce.
Prosím, kontaktujte ma telefonicky iba seriózny mi píšte. Ty čo píšete len tak nepiste.
(doučovanie klavíra, hodiny klavíra, hra na piane, piano doučovanie, doučovanie klavír)

Dobrý deň,
vyučujem hru na klavíri. Pracujem aj s úplnými začiatočníkmi. Naučím vás hudbu vnímať, zrozumiteľne ju interpretovať a usmerním vás tak, aby ste získali technickú zdatnosť pre hru skladieb, ktoré sa vám páčia. Od prvej lekcie vás vediem k samostatnosti, aby ste časom mohli pracovať bez neustáleho dozoru pedagóga.
Učím správnu techniku, aby ste z nástroja efektívne vyťažili celé spektrum prostriedkov, ktoré ponúka. Ďalej učím interpretovať rôzne žánre aj klasiku, teóriu v rámci praxe a žiaka vediem k aktívnemu vnímaniu počas kreatívneho procesu hry.
Vyučujem v inšpiratívnom prostredí - hodiny vediem v priateľskej a profesionálnej atmosfére. Hudbe sa naďalej aktívne venujem už 20 rokov.
Hodnota vyučovacej hodiny je 25 EUR.
Odporúčam, najmä spočiatku, chodiť na klavír dva razy do týždňa. Je to individuálne a jedenkrát je tiež postačujúce.
Prosím, kontaktujte ma telefonicky na alebo prostredníctvom mailu.
(doučovanie klavíra, hodiny klavíra, hra na piane, piano doučovanie, doučovanie klavír)

Dobrý deň ponúkam súkromné hodiny klavira,kontrabasu a hudobnej teórie.Dlzka hodiny a cena po osobnom pohovore.Viem prist aj ja k Vám domov.Okresy Nitra,Nové Zámky,Levice.