Predam 2 ks ARRI 300 Junior Plus
Svietidlá, Lampy
Nový produkt
ARRI 300
Najrozšírenejšia značka TV reflektorov
300W 230V GY9.5
Vrátane klapiek
ARRI 300
Najrozšírenejšia značka TV reflektorov
300W 230V GY9.5
Vrátane klapiek

Podobné inzeráty

Nový, nepoužitý kus. Možnosť kúpiť aj v kombinácii s novou lampou ARRI Comact 6000 Plus.
Osobne v BA.
Pre viac info ma môžete kontaktovať telefonicky, alebo emailom.
"The EB 6/9K High Speed Electronic Ballast with ALF and DMX has been introduced by ARRI to power their ground-breaking M90 6K/9K lamp head. This versatile power source has been streamlined and packed with features like CCL to compensate for power loss over long cable runs and ALF (Active Line Filter) which provides a higher Power Factor resulting in more efficient power use. This is accomplished by shifting the voltage and current waveforms in phase and minimizing harmonics and spikes. ALF also minimizes the current carried back on the neutral leg of the power systems. This is accomplished by shifting the voltage and current waveforms in phase and minimizing harmonics and spikes. ALF also minimizes the current carried back on the neutral leg of the power systems.
This version of the 6/9K ballast allows high speed shooting of sports events, industrial applications, automotive component testing and ballistics or material testing without any concerns about flicker.
Since the M90 can accept either of Osram's 6K or 9K lamps, the EB 6/9 kW features automatic detection of both lamps and lamp heads. There's also a low noise mode and DMX on/off and 100-50% dimming control.To help you monitor the unit while shooting, it has LED indicators for input voltage, protective earth, over temperature, lamp on, detected lamp, and low noise mode as well as an illuminated on/off switch."

Nový, nepoužitý kus. V cene je aj nová, ešte nezaložená 6kW výbojka OSRAM HMI 6000W/SE
K dispozícii aj s nepoužitým balastom 6/9 EB.
Osobne v BA, pre viac info ma môžete kontaktovať telefonicky, alebo emailom.
"ARRI's Daylight Compact 6000 Plus HMI Fresnel is the choice of discerning professionals who need a great deal of light at minimal weight. Its clean modular construction and IP 23 rated weather-resistant design hint at this light's carefully wrought design features. The wire-guarded 16.5" Fresnel lens is part of a hinged swing-away door with integral accessory holders that enables rapid lamp swapping. Front and back focusing knobs make beam adjustments easy regardless of placement and there's a focus position indicator so that you can easily match settings to other lights. The sturdy yoke is fitted with a 1 1/8" stud for stands and accessories with a junior receiver."

Nový, nepoužitý kus. V cene je aj nová, ešte nezaložená 6kW výbojka OSRAM HMI 6000W/SE
K dispozícii aj s nepoužitým balastom 6/9 EB.
Osobne v BA, pre viac info ma môžete kontaktovať telefonicky, alebo emailom.
"ARRI's Daylight Compact 6000 Plus HMI Fresnel is the choice of discerning professionals who need a great deal of light at minimal weight. Its clean modular construction and IP 23 rated weather-resistant design hint at this light's carefully wrought design features. The wire-guarded 16.5" Fresnel lens is part of a hinged swing-away door with integral accessory holders that enables rapid lamp swapping. Front and back focusing knobs make beam adjustments easy regardless of placement and there's a focus position indicator so that you can easily match settings to other lights. The sturdy yoke is fitted with a 1 1/8" stud for stands and accessories with a junior receiver."
Uvedená cena je bez DPH.

Luster s tromi kruhmi Ø 80 cm, 60 cm a 40 cm. Svetelny vykon 2.300 lm.
Vyska lustra nastavitelna az do 150cm.
Farba bruseny nikel.
Svietidlo je este 4,5r v zaruke (kupovane 9/22) za 235e, momentalne je drahsie, doklad je k dispozicii, uplne nove iba rozbalene, predavame ze sme vybrali nevhodnu farbu do nasho interieru.
Cena 190eur, dohoda mozna.
Produktove info:
Značka Lucande
Materiál kov, plast
Farba nikel
Farba svetla: teplá biela (3 000 K)
Žiarovka: LED celkovo 53 W
Stmievateľný Áno
Výška (v cm) 150
Priemer ( v cm) kruhy Ø 80 cm, 60 cm, 40 cm
Svetelný výkon 2.300 lm
Celkový svetelný tok (v lm) 2 300
Napájacie napätie 230
IP kód IP20
Trieda ochrany I
Žiarovka súčasťou balenia Áno
Záruka výrobcu Lucande - 5 ročná záruka