Predám amiibo Zelda Skyward Sword originál 100% stav
Predám luxusnú amiibo figúrku Legend of Zelda z časti Skyward Sword

Podobné inzeráty

Predám hru Zelda Skyward Sword na Nintendo Switch za 30 eur vrátane poštovného.
Hra by bola poslaná v čistom obale.

Zdravím mam na predaj tieto hry na Nintendo switch. Možnosť poslať cez zasielkovnu +4,60€ alebo osobne.
Budem v ba na nivoch pravdepodobne 11.02
Pokemon Violet = 33€
Pokemon Scarlet = 33€
Mario rabbids sparks of hope = 25€
Mario Kart Deluxe 8 = 30€
Super Mario Bros Deluxe = 33€
Mario Strikers = 20€
Mario Oddysey = 33
Mario party = 33
Super Mario 3D world = 33€
Mario Luigis Mansion 3 = 33€
FIFA 23 = 20€
NBA 23 = 30€
Animal crossing = 33
Zelda breath of wild = 33€
Yoshi's Crafted World =30€
Splatoon 3 = 33€
Zelda Links Awakening = 32€
Zelda Skyward Sword = 25€
Fire Emblem Engage = 33€
Fire Emblem Warrios = 30€
No Man s sky = 30€
Susper smash bros = 33€
CRISISCORE final fantasy reunion = 30€
Mario Tenis Aces = 30€
Po kliknuti na moje meno uvidite recenzie
Hry su na nintendo switch, nie na playstation 4, playstation 5 či xbox, xbox one

Predam nasledovne hry pre Nintendo Wii, WiiU, hry sú odskušané a funkcne.
Ben 10 Galactic Racing - 7 €
Disney Pixar Wall E - 9 €
Donkey Kong Country Returns - 20 €
Just Dance 2 (lentikularny 3d obal) - 12 €
Just Dance 4 Special Edition - 16 €
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games - 18 €
Mario Party 8 - 23 €
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption - 15 €
Mortal Kombat Armageddon - 19 €
PDC World Champioship Darts - 9 €
Pheasants Forever - 20 €
Raving Rabbids Party Collection - 12 €
Rayman Raving Rabbids - 7 €
Sonic and the Secret Rings - 12 €
Sonic Colours - 12 €
Sonic Unleashed - 12 €
Soulcalibur Legends - 15 €
Super Mario Galaxy - 16 €
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - 23 €
The Godfather Blackhand Edition - PREDANE
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Special Orchestra CD - 26 €
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - 18 €
Wario Ware Smooth Moves - 14 €
Wii Music - 7 €
Pri kupe 5 hier, je najlacnejsia gratis.
Slovenska posta 2,5€ pri platbe vopred / 3,50€ na dobierku.
Packeta 3,3€ pri platbe vopred / 4,60€ na dobierku.
Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.

Zdravím mam na predaj tieto hry na Nintendo switch. Možnosť poslať cez zasielkovnu +4,60€ alebo osobne.
Budem v ba na nivoch pravdepodobne 11.02
Pokemon Violet = 33€
Pokemon Scarlet = 33€
Mario rabbids sparks of hope = 25€
Mario Kart Deluxe 8 = 30€
Super Mario Bros Deluxe = 33€
Mario Strikers = 20€
Mario Oddysey = 33
Mario party = 33
Super Mario 3D world = 33€
Mario Luigis Mansion 3 = 33€
FIFA 23 = 20€
NBA 23 = 30€
Yoshi's Crafted World =30€
Animal Crossing = 33€
Splatoon 3 = 33€
Zelda Links Awakening = 32€
Zelda Skyward Sword = 25€
kirby and forgotten land = 30€
Fire Emblem Engage = 33€
Fire Emblem Warrios = 30€
No Man s sky = 30€
Susper smash bros = 33€
CRISISCORE final fantasy reunion = 30€
Mario Sonic Olympic Games = 30€
Mario Tenis Aces = 30€
Po kliknuti na moje meno uvidite recenzie
Hry su na nintendo switch, nie na playstation 4, playstation 5 či xbox, xbox one