Predám dotykový Dell inspiron 3000 series
Predám 11 palcový dotykový notebook. Stav ako na foto. Nabíjačka

Podobné inzeráty

Predám novú nepoužitú batériu pre notebook Dell pasuje do týchto modelov.Dell Inspiron 13R
Dell Inspiron 13R N3010
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D330)
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D370HK)
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D430)
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D460HK)
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D520)
Dell Inspiron 13R N3010D
Dell Inspiron 13R (N3010D-148)
Dell Inspiron 13R (N3010D-168)
Dell Inspiron 13R (N3010D-178)
Dell Inspiron 13R (N3010D-248)
Dell Inspiron 13R (N3010D-268)
Dell Inspiron 13R (T510431TW)
Dell Inspiron 13R (T510432TW)
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D370TW)
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D381)
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D460TW)
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D480)
Dell Inspiron 13R (3010-D621)
Dell Inspiron 13R (Ins13RD-348)
Dell Inspiron13R (Ins13RD-438)
Dell Inspiron 13R (Ins13RD-448)
Dell Inspiron 13R (Ins13RD-448LR)
Dell Inspiron 14R
Dell Inspiron 14R N4010
Dell Inspiron 14R N4010D
Dell Inspiron 14R N4010D-158
Dell Inspiron 14R N4010D158
Dell Inspiron 14R N4010D-148
Dell Inspiron 14R N4010D148
Dell Inspiron N4110
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D330)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D370HK)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D381)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D382)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D430)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D460HK)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D480)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D520)
Dell Inspiron 14R (Ins14RD-438)
Dell Inspiron 14R (Ins14RD-448B)
Dell Inspiron 14R (Ins14RD-458)
Dell Inspiron 14R (N4010)
Dell Inspiron 14R (N4010D-248)
Dell Inspiron 14R (N4010D-258)
Dell Inspiron 14R (T510401TW)
Dell Inspiron 14R (T510402TW)
Dell Inspiron 14R (T510403TW)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D370TW)
Dell Inspiron 14R (4010-D460TW)
Dell Inspiron 14R (N4110)
Dell Inspiron 15R
Dell Inspiron 15R N5010
Dell Inspiron 15R N5010D-148
Dell Inspiron 15R N5010D-168
Dell Inspiron N5110
Dell Inspiron M5010
Dell Inspiron 15R (N5110)
Dell Inspiron 15R (5010-D330)
Dell Inspiron 15R (5010-D370HK)
Dell Inspiron 15R (5010-D382)
Dell Inspiron 15R (5010-D430)
Dell Inspiron 15R (5010-D460HK)
Dell Inspiron 15R (5010-D480)
Dell Inspiron 15R (5010-D481)
Dell Inspiron 15R (5010-D520)
Dell Inspiron 15R (N5010)
Dell Inspiron 15R (N5010D-258)
Dell Inspiron 15R (N5010D-278)
Dell Inspiron 15R (Ins15RD-458B)
Dell Inspiron 15R (Ins15RD-488)
Dell Inspiron 17R
Dell Inspiron 17R N7010
Dell Inspiron 17R N7110
Dell Inspiron M411R
Dell Inspiron M501
Dell Inspiron M5010
Dell Inspiron M5010D
Dell Inspiron M5010R
Dell Inspiron M501D
Dell Inspiron M501R
Dell Inspiron M5030
Dell Inspiron M5030D
Dell Inspiron M5030R
Dell Inspiron M511R
Dell Inspiron N3010
Dell Inspiron N3010D
Dell Inspiron N3010D-148
Dell Inspiron N3010D-168
Dell Inspiron N3010D-178
Dell Inspiron N3010D-248
Dell Inspiron N3010D-268
Dell Inspiron N3010R
Dell Inspiron N3110
Dell Inspiron N4010
Dell Inspiron N4010-148

Predam pouzitu, plne funkcnu klavesnicu pre DELL notebooky.
- lokalizacia: CZ/SK
- podsvietena
- ENTER - maly
- Dell Inspiron 3580, Dell Inspiron 3581, Dell Inspiron 3582, Dell Inspiron 3583, Dell Inspiron 3584, Dell Inspiron 3585, Dell Inspiron 15 3000 (3580), Dell Inspiron 15 3000 (3581), Dell Inspiron 15 3000 (3582), Dell Inspiron 15 3000 (3583), Dell Inspiron 15 3000 (3584), Dell Inspiron 15 3000 (3585), Dell Inspiron 15 5565, Dell Inspiron 15 5567, Dell Inspiron 15 5570, Dell Inspiron 15 5575, Dell Inspiron 15 5665, Dell Inspiron 15 7566, Dell Inspiron 15 7567, Dell Inspiron 15 Gaming (7566), Dell Inspiron 15 Gaming (7567), Dell Inspiron 17 3781, Dell Inspiron 17 3785, Dell Inspiron 17 7577, Dell Inspiron 17 7773, Dell Inspiron 17 7778, Dell Inspiron 17 7779, Dell Latitude 3500, Dell Latitude 3590, Dell Vostro 15 (3580), Dell Vostro 15 (3581), Dell Vostro 15 (3584), Dell Vostro 15 (3583), Dell Vostro 15 (3584), Dell Vostro 15 (3590), Dell Vostro 15 (5568), Dell Vostro 15 (7570), Dell Vostro 3580, Dell Vostro 3581, Dell Vostro 3582, Dell Vostro 3583, Dell Vostro 3584, Dell Vostro 3590, Dell Vostro 5568, Dell Vostro 7570, Dell Inspiron 15 G3 (3579), Dell Inspiron 15 G3 (3779), Dell Inspiron 15 G3 (3590), Dell Inspiron 15 G3 (3593), Dell G5 15 Gaming (5587), Dell G5 15 Gaming (5590), Dell Inspiron 15 G5 (5590), Dell P35e, Dell P35E003
Preferovane sobny odber BA, popripade podla dohody Sala. Platne do zmazania.

Predam dell nabijacku 65W
19.5 V
3.34 A
Hruba koncovka s bielym led svetlom
kontakt mailom, alebo
Kompatibilna s:
Dell Inspiron 11 (3135)
Dell Inspiron 11 (3137)
Dell Inspiron 11 (3138)
Dell Inspiron 15 (7537)
Dell Inspiron 17 (3737)
Dell Inspiron 17 (7737)
Dell Latitude 3340
Dell Latitude 3440
Dell Latitude 3540
Dell Latitude E5440
Dell Latitude E5540
Dell Latitude E6440
Dell Latitude E7240
Dell Latitude E7250
Dell Latitude E7440
Dell Latitude E7450
Dell Latitude 131L
Dell Latitude 131L
Dell Latitude 131L
Dell Latitude D420
Dell Latitude D430
Dell Latitude D520
Dell Latitude D531
Dell Latitude D620
Dell Latitude D620 ATG
Dell Latitude D630
Dell Latitude D630ATG
Dell Latitude D630c
Dell Latitude D631
Dell Latitude XT
Dell Latitude E5420
Dell Latitude E5420
Dell Latitude E5520
Dell Latitude E5520
Dell Vostro A840
Dell Vostro A860
Dell Vostro 1000
Dell Vostro 1014
Dell Vostro 1015
Dell Vostro 1220
Dell Vostro 1400
Dell Inspiron 6000
Dell Inspiron 1501
Dell Inspiron 1521
Dell Inspiron 6400
Dell Inspiron 640M
Dell Inspiron D610
Dell Inspiron 1525
Dell Inspiron 1526
Dell Alienware M11x
Dell Precision M20
Dell XPS M1210

Predám náhradné diely do notebookov:
Dell 15z - 5523 nefunkčný
Dell D420 funkčný
Dell D430 funkčný
Dell D520 funkčný
Dell D531 funkčný
Dell D620/630 funkčný
Dell D820/830 funkčný
Dell Inspiron 11z nefunkčný
Dell Inspiron 11z nefunkčný
Dell Inspiron 13 7000 2v1 nefunkčný
Dell Inspiron 15 P28F nefunkčný
Dell Inspiron 1545 funkčný
Dell Inspiron 1720 funkčný
Dell Inspiron 1750 funkčný
Dell Inspiron 6400 funkčný
Dell Latitude E4310 funkčný
Dell Latitude E5400 funkčný
Dell Latitude E5430 funkčný
Dell Latitude E5440 nefunkčný
Dell Latitude E5500 funkčný
Dell Latitude E5510 funkčný
Dell Latitude E5520 funkčný
Dell Latitude E5530 funkčný
Dell Latitude E5540 funkčný
Dell Latitude E5550 nefunkčný
Dell Latitude E6400 funkčný
Dell Latitude E6410 funkčný
Dell Latitude E6420 funkčný
Dell Latitude E6500 funkčný
Dell Latitude E6510 funkčný
Dell Latitude E6520 funkčný
Dell Latitude E6540 funkčný
Dell Latitude E7250 funkčný
Dell Precision M2800 nefunkčný
Dell Studio 1555 nefunkčný
Dell Studio PP33L funkčný
Dell Studio XPS16 PP35L nefunkčný
Dell Studio 1749 nefunkčný
Dell Vostro 1310 funkčný
Dell Vostro 1520 funkčný
Dell Vostro 1700 funkčný
Dell Vostro 1720 nefunkčný
Dell Vostro 3360 funkčný
Dell Vostro 5470 nefunkčný
Dell Vostro A860 PP37L nefunkčný
Dell vostro V13 funkčný
Dell vostro V131 funkčný
Dell Precious M4400 funkčný
Dell XPS M1330 nefunkčný
Dell XPS M1530 nefunkčný
Abook Z410 funkčný
Compal FL92 nefunkčný
LG X110 funkčný
Macbook A1181 funkčný
Macbook A1286 nefunkčný
Vision BL212 funkčný
V prípade záujmu o konkrétny diel ma kontaktujte cez email!! Cena dohodou. Diely sa dajú prevziať osobne v dohodnutom termíne alebo posielam Slovenskou poštou, ale aj cez Zásielkovňu (Packeta). K dohodnutej cene prirátam poštovné.

max. výkon 65 W
výstupné napätie 19 V / prúd 3,42 A
konektor 2,5 x 5,5 mm
vstup 100 - 240 V
kábel 3 pin
kompatibilné modely :
Toshiba Satellite A105 Series
Toshiba Satellite A110 Series
Toshiba Satellite A130 Series
Toshiba Satellite A135 Series
Toshiba Satellite A200 Series
TosToshiba Satellite A205 Series
Toshiba Satellite A215 Series
Toshiba Satellite A85 Series
Toshiba Satellite:L10 Series
Toshiba Satellite: L15 Series
Toshiba Satellite L25 Series
Toshiba Satellite L30 Series
Toshiba Satellite L35 Series
Toshiba Satellite L45 Series
Toshiba Satellite M105 M115 Series
Toshiba Satellite M200 M205 Series
Toshiba Satellite M30X Series
Toshiba Satellite M35X Series
Toshiba Satellite M40 M45 Series
Toshiba Satellite M55 Series
Toshiba Satellite M60 M65 Series
Toshiba Satellite P205 Series
Toshiba Satellite U305 Series
Toshiba Tecra L2 Series
Toshiba Satellite 1000 1100 1130 1200 Series
Toshiba Satellite 1600 1700 Series
Toshiba Satellite 3000 Series
GATEWAY 3000 Series
GATEWAY 4000 series
GATEWAY 6000 series
GATEWAY M series
AcerNote / AcerNote Light Series
Acer Aspire 1200,1410,1640, 1650 ,1680 Series
Acer Aspire 2000, 2010, 2020 Series
Acer Aspire 3000,3030,3040, 3100, 3500, 3600 ,3610 Series
Acer Aspire 5000, 5030,5040,5050,5100, 5500,5600 ,5700,5900 Series
Acer Aspire 6410, 7100 Series
Acer Aspire 9100,9300, 9400,9410, 9420, 9500, 9800 Series
Acer Extensa 355, 700,740,900 Series
Acer Extensa 2000,2300,2350, 2500, 2600, 2900,3000,3100,4100 Series
Acer TravelMate C100,C200, C300 ,MS, ZL, ZF Series
Acer TravelMate 2300,2400 Series
Acer TravelMate 3000, 3200, 3300 Series
Acer TravelMate 4000 Series
Acer TravelMate 4010, 4020, 4050, 4060, 4070, 4080 Series
Acer TravelMate 4100, 4500 , 4600 Series
Acer TravelMate 6000 Series
Acer TravelMate 8000, 8100,8200 Series
ACER TravelMate Notebooks, 200, 300, 500 Series
Acer TravelMate 600 to 663 Series
Acer TravelMate 720 to 740 Seriesc
Acer TravelMate 800 Series
a mnoho ďalšich co splnaju paramtere.....
!!!skontrolujte podla obrazkov zhodu z vašim!!!
možný osobný odber , poprípade zašlem dobierkou +3,50€ ( dobierku platíte vy )
vašu adresu mi prosím posielajte v takomto tvare :
- meno a priezvisko
- ulica , číslo
- mesto , psč
- telefónne číslo !
Píšte na email pretože číslo je vymyslené Ďakujem

píšte email , alebo volajte na číslo , na sms neodpovedám .
predám 15.6" LED displej z notebooku , displej je otestovaný , bez závad .
označenie : LP156WD1
rozlíšenie : HD+ (1600x900)
napájanie : 40pin , vľavo dole pri pohľade zozadu
vhodný napr do týchto notebookov :
Dell Inspiron 15R , Dell Inspiron 15R 5520 , Dell Inspiron 15R-N5010 , Dell Inspiron 15R-N5110 ,
Dell Inspiron 15 , Dell Inspiron 1545 , Dell Inspiron 1545 T4300 , Dell Inspiron 1545/PP41L ,
Dell Inspiron 1555 , Dell Inspiron 1564 . Dell Inspiron 15Z , Dell Latitude 5520 , Dell Latitude E5520 ,
Dell Latitude E5520m , Dell Latitude E6520 , Dell Latitude E6530
Samsung NP600B5B-S01US
Sager NP8690
Sager W860CU
Asus N53JF , Asus N53JQ , Asus N53SV-SX792V , Asus N55SF ,ASUS N55SL
Alienware M15 , Alienware M15
Dell Studio 1500 , Dell Studio 1555 , Dell Studio 1558 , Dell Studio XPS 16 ,
Dell Studio XPS 1647 , Dell Studio 1557 , Dell Studio S1555-4285MBU , Dell Studio XPS 1645 ,
Dell Studio 1555 PP39L , Dell Studio 1558 PP39L , Dell Studio S1555-2817MBU ,
Dell Studio XPS 1640 , Dell Studio XPS m1640 , Dell Vostro A840 , Dell Vostro A860 ,
Dell XPS 15 L502X , Dell XPS 15Z
HP EliteBook 8540P , HP EliteBook 8540W , HP EliteBook 8560P , HP EliteBook 8560W ,
HP Envy 15 , HP Pavilion DV6 , HP Pavilion DV6T-6000 , HP Pavilion DV6Z-6100 CTO ,
HP ProBook 4515S ,HP ProBook 4530S , HP ProBook 6540B , HP ProBook 6555B ,
HP ProBook 4510S , HP ProBook 4525S , HP ProBook 6500 , HP ProBook 6550B ,
HP ProBook 4520S , HP ProBook 6545B , HP ProBook 6560B
Lenovo IdeaPad Y580 , Lenovo ThinkPad L510 , Lenovo ThinkPad L520 , Lenovo ThinkPad T510 ,
Lenovo ThinkPad W510 , Lenovo ThinkPad W520 , Lenovo ThinkPad W530 24384KU ,
Lenovo ThinkPad EDGE E530 , Lenovo ThinkPad L512 , Lenovo ThinkPad L520 ,
Lenovo ThinkPad L530 , Lenovo ThinkPad SL510 , Lenovo ThinkPad T510 , Lenovo ThinkPad T520 ,
Lenovo ThinkPad T530 , Lenovo ThinkPad W520 , Lenovo ThinkPad W530
LG R590
na dobierku posielam až po zaplatení poštovného 8€ vopred na účet , nakoĺko veľa ľudí nepreberá zásielky