Predám filmy do faxov Panasonic
Ostatné drobné
Predám filmy do faxov:
Panasonic KX-FA55A 20,-
Panasonic KX-FA52X 20,-
Panasonic KX-FA83E 39,-
Panasonic KX-FAT411E 29,-
Panasonic KX-FA54E 21,-
Panasonic KX-FP363/343/KX-FA57E 15,-€
Panasonic KX-FA55A 20,-
Panasonic KX-FA52X 20,-
Panasonic KX-FA83E 39,-
Panasonic KX-FAT411E 29,-
Panasonic KX-FA54E 21,-
Panasonic KX-FP363/343/KX-FA57E 15,-€

Podobné inzeráty

Predam vyvojovy kit a rozsirovaciu dosku Panasonic PAN9520 a PAN1781 (ENW89857AXKF a ENW49D01AZKF).
Panasonic PAN9520 Evaluation Kit is an all-inclusive and comprehensive kit that supports rapid prototyping with the Panasonic PAN9520 Embedded Wi-Fi® Module. The kit features an Arduino form factor board that has the PAN9520 RF module with 4MB or 1MB of flash memory, a 40MHz crystal oscillator, and a chip antenna onboard. The evaluation kit supports the Espressif Integrated Development Framework (ESP-IDF), which can be used to develop software for a variety of applications. ESP-IDF also has numerous software examples that can be utilized to speed up application development. The PAN9520 series supports both access and station mode for connection in most Wi-Fi applications. Panasonic PAN9520 Evaluation Kit comes with at least 43 programmable GPIOs that can be set for any preferable functionality such as sensors.
Panasonic ENW89857AXKF Evaluation Board evaluates the PAN1781 BLUETOOTH® Low Energy (LE) module. This module features the nRF52820 single-chip controller, which is ideal for IoT wireless applications. The ENW89857AXKF evaluation board features an Arduino footprint and allows hardware access to the module pins as well as easy stacking of separate sensor test shields. This evaluation board features a segger J-link on-board debugger, FTDI UART-USB converter, native USB interface, Arduino UNO R3 header, and offers access to all modules. The ENW89857AXKF evaluation board also features two user buttons, two user LEDs, current measurement pins, and u.FL connector. This evaluation board operates at the 1.7V to 5.5V voltage range and -40°C to 85°C temperature range.
Uplne nove, nepouzite. Cena 60€ + postovne, alebo osobny odber ZA.

Predám funkčný telefon Panasonic KX-TG1100 vrátane batérii.
Digitálny bezdrôtový telefón, max dosah slúchadla 300 m, LCD panel,
CLIP, budík, inštalácia na stenu, 50 miestny tel. zoznam,
zoznam prichádzajúcich hovorov (dátum a čas), 6 vyzváňacích tónov,
14 melódií,obmedzenie odchádzajúcich hovorov, pohotovostný režim 120 hodín
Prosím neposielajte SMS. Cena je bez poštovného. Osobný odber Nitra
Dalsie údaje na:

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