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Predám Leštičku na auto ...

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Predám Leštičku na auto ...
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Predam lestičku
Predám plne fukčnu lestičku značky Villager VLN 120. Aj s kotúčmi na leštenie. Len osobný odber. Kontakt len e- mailom.Komunikácia emailom a tel.číslo v emaili.
Lesticka na auto
predam uplne novu lesticku na auto zabalenu. dovod predaja: nevhodny dar kontak iba emailom, cislo je vymyslene. Popis Výkonná oscilačná leštička Na pohodlné leštenie a voskovanie lakovaných povrchov Ergonomické obojručné vedenie Nízka tvorba hluku Príslušenstvo: 4 leštiace návleky – možné prať (2x froté, 2x syntetická kožušina) Technické údaje Príkon: 120 W Voľnobežné otáčky: 3 700/min Ø leštiaceho kotúča: cca 25 cm Rozmery cca 26,5 x 25 x 21 cm Dĺžka sieťového kábla: 5 m Hmotnosť cca 2 350 g Návod na použitie
leštička na fotky
Predám obojstrannú leštičku na fotky
Predám zánovnú 120W/3000 otáčkovú oscilujúcu leštičku 240mm priemer taniera.
Casio ProTrek PRW-3000B
Hodinky sú ako nové. Nová korunka a podložky remienka, rezervné kolíky na remienok, nepoužitý originálny textilný remienok a použitý čierny silikónový remienok (s čiernou prackou, ťažko zohnať). Kompletné balenie s krabicou a dokladom o kúpe. Hodinky sú solárne napájané a rádiom riadené. Triple sensor, všetky dostupné senzory, čo Casio ponúka. Osobne BA, KN, alebo dobierka. Mineral Glass 100-meter water resistance Case / bezel material: Resin / Aluminum Leather/Cloth Band LED backlight (Super Illuminator) Full auto LED light, selectable illumination duration, afterglow Solar powered Low-temperature resistant (–10°C/14°F) Time calibration signal reception Auto receive up to six* times a day (remaining auto receives canceled as soon as one is successful) *5 times a day for the Chinese calibration signal Manual receive The latest signal reception results Time Calibration Signals Station name: DCF77 (Mainflingen, Germany) Frequency: 77.5 kHz Station name: MSF (Anthorn, England) Frequency: 60.0 kHz Station name: WWVB (Fort Collins, United States) Frequency: 60.0 kHz Station name: JJY (Fukushima, Fukuoka/Saga, Japan) Frequency: 40.0 kHz (Fukushima) / 60.0 kHz (Fukuoka/Saga) Station name: BPC (Shangqiu City, Henan Province, China) Frequency: 68.5 kHz Digital compass Measures and displays direction as one of 16 points Measuring range: 0 to 359° Measuring unit: 1° 60 seconds continuous measurement Graphic direction pointer Bidirectional calibration Magnetic declination correction Bearing memory Altimeter Measuring range: –700 to 10,000 m (–2,300 to 32,800 ft.) Measuring unit: 1 m (5 ft.) Manual memory measurements (up to 30 records, each including altitude, date, time) Auto log data (High/low altitudes, auto cumulative ascent and descent) Trek log data (up to 14 records of high/low altitudes, auto cumulative ascent and descent of particular treks) Others: Relative altitude readings (–3,000 to 3,000 m), Selectable measurement interval: 5 seconds or 2 minutes *1 second for first 3 minutes only *Changeover between meters (m) and feet (ft) Barometer Display range: 260 to 1,100 hPa (7.65 to 32.45 inHg) Display unit: 1 hPa (0.05 inHg) Atmospheric pressure tendency graph(past 42 hours of readings) Atmospheric pressure differential graphic Barometric pressure tendency information alarm (beep and arrow indicates significant changes in pressure) *Changeover between hPa and inHg Thermometer Display range: –10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F) Display unit: 0.1°C (0.2°F) *Changeover between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F) World time 31 time zones (48 cities + coordinated universal time), daylight saving on/off Sunrise, sunset time display Sunrise time and sunset time for specific date, daylight pointers 1/10-second stopwatch Measuring capacity: 999:59'59.9''
RC auto Ferrari 1/10 mierky 4x4
Predam RC auto Ferrari mierky 1/10 ,servírované v RC svet ,auto pripravene na používanie, striedavý motor, rýchlosť 60km/h,čiže hračka pre deti od 12 rokov, auto je veľmi svižné a rýchle ,auto je vybavené led svetlami, k autu je ovladač, nabíjačku si treba dokúpiť, batéria lipo 3500