Predám NisanGTR 1:18 Burago
Nissan GT-R 1:18 Burago bez krabice

Podobné inzeráty

Predam tento model Burago Jaguar XK 120 Coupe 1948.
Kovovy liaty model
Kremovej farby.
Mierka 1:24
Cenu ponuknite
Welcome to our listing for this Burago JagMetal Model which has kindly been donated to our charity.
Please note that one of the rear lights is missing.
Please see photos for further details.
This item is posted via Royal Mai

Predám staré autíčka 5x burago, 1x corgi. Najlepšie všetko spolu. Stará hračka, burago, Ites, kdn, Igra.

Predám tieto modely automobilov od firmy Burago.
Mierka 1:43 Italy
Dodge Viper GTS
Dodge Viper RT/10
Porsche 959
Porsche 911 Carrera
Porsche 911
Cena 10€/ks. Predám samostatne alebo viac modelov alebo aj všetky spolu.
Bližšie info cez sms alebo mailom.