Predám novú originál hru SONIC UNLEASHED na PS3
Herné konzoly
Predám novú originál hru SONIC UNLEASHED na Playstation 3.
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Telefón : 0949 195 038.
Poštou aj osobne.
Telefón : 0949 195 038.

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Predam 2x64GB USB kluc s hrami pre deti na XBOX360 s RGH. Hry obsahuju vsetky doplnky ako napr. dalsie levely, pribehy, postavy, auta, trate apod. XBOX360 musi mat RGH upravu, teda Aurora alebo Freestyle menu. Ak neviete, ci mate upravu RGH, kontaktujte ma emailom. Samozrejme poskytnem aj nazorny navod ako v Aurora menu skopirovat hry z USB na HDD XBOXu a nastavit pre spustenie.
Crash Bandicoot - Wrath of Cortex\
Crash Mind over Mutant\
Crash of the Titans\
Crash Tag Team Racing\
Crash Twinsanity\
Disney Epic Mickey 2\
Disney Infinity 3.0\
Disney Mickey Castle of Illusion\
Disney Universe\
DuckTales Remastered\
Goat Simulator\
Looney Tunes Acme Arsenal\
MineCraft Complete Edition\
Minecraft Story Mode The Complete Adventure\
Pac-Man Ghostly Adventures 1\
Pac-Man Ghostly Adventures 2\
Rayman Legends\
Rayman Origins\
Shrek Forever After\
Sonic & Knuckles\
Sonic 4 Episode 1\
Sonic 4 Episode 2\
Sonic Adventure 1\
Sonic Adventure 2\
Sonic CD\
Sonic Generations\
Sonic Sega Racing\
Sonic the Fighters\
Sonic the Hedgehog\
Sonic Transformed\
Sonic Unleashed\
Spongebob Heropants\
The Peanuts Movie Snoopys Grand Adventure\
The Smurfs 2\
Turbo Super Stunt Squad\
Where the Wild Things Are\
Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt.
Prosim kontaktovat emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem.
Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!

Predam 2x64GB USB kluc s hrami pre XBOX360 RGH. XBOX360 musi mat RGH, teda Aurora alebo Freestyle menu. Ak neviete, ci mate RGH upravu, kontaktujte ma emailom.
Samozrejme poskytnem aj nazorny navod ako v Aurora menu skopirovat hry z USB na HDD XBOXu a nastavit pre spustenie.
Crash Bandicoot - Wrath of Cortex
Crash Twinsanity
LEGO Batman
LEGO Batman 2
LEGO Batman 3
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4
LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7
LEGO Indiana Jones
LEGO Indiana Jones 2
LEGO Jurassic World
LEGO Star Wars II
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Movie
LEGO Pirates Of The Carribean
LEGO Star Wars III The Clone War
LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens
LEGO The Hobbit
SONIC 4 Episode 1
SONIC 4 Episode 2
SONIC & Knuckles
SONIC The Fighters
SONIC The Hedgehog 1
SONIC The Hedgehog 2
SONIC The Hedgehog 3
Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt.
Prosim kontaktovat emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie mobil. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem.
Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!

Predam nasledovne hry pre Nintendo Wii, WiiU, hry sú odskušané a funkcne.
Ben 10 Galactic Racing - PREDANE
Disney Pixar Wall E - 9 €
Donkey Kong Country Returns - 20 €
Just Dance 2 (lentikularny 3d obal) - 12 €
Just Dance 4 Special Edition - PREDANE
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games - 18 €
Mario Party 8 - PREDANE
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption - PREDANE
Mortal Kombat Armageddon - 19 €
PDC World Champioship Darts - 9 €
Pheasants Forever - 20 €
Raving Rabbids Party Collection - PREDANE
Rayman Raving Rabbids - PREDANE
Sonic and the Secret Rings - 12 €
Sonic Colours - PREDANE
Sonic Unleashed - PREDANE
Soulcalibur Legends - 15 €
Super Mario Galaxy - PREDANE
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - PREDANE
The Godfather Blackhand Edition - PREDANE
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Special Orchestra CD - PREDANE
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - PREDANE
Wario Ware Smooth Moves - 14 €
Wii Music - PREDANE

Sony PlayStation 3 500Gb komplet plne funkcné s prislusenstvom k tomu 2 ovládace + druhé PS3 Náhradnú konzolu ten uz bez HDD a bez prislusenstva lebo ten mi iba ostal ako rezerva a neoplati sa mi do toho investovat kupovat HDD, ovladace, káble atd.
Tú náhradnú PS3 konzolu aj ked bez HDD a bez prislusenstva Nemám problém na predat zvlást preto ak niekto chce PS3 komplet s 2 ovládacom tak moze si vybrat k tomu +3 hry na PS3 ktoré na predávám zvlást ale kto Nechce náhradnu PS3 konzolu ten moze vybrat +3 hru.

Zdravím Prodám herní Konzoli Nintendo Wii plně funkční stačí jen zapojit a hrát ke konzoli je disk 320GB
kde je 56 her ( seznam níže )
1x Konzole
1x Ovladač Remote
1x Ovladač Nunchuk
1x Av Kabel
1x Trafo
1x HDMI adaptér + usb kabel
1x Sensor Bar
1x HD 320gb
1x SD Karta 4gb
seznam her
Animal Crossing , Call of Duty - Modern Warfar , Call of Duty - World at War , Call of Duty 3 , Crash - Mind over Mutant ,
Crash of the Titans , Dead Rising , Dead Space , Donkey Kong Country Returns , Enclave , Far Cry Vengeance , FIFA 15 , FlatOut ,
The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return , The House of the Dead - Overkill , Just Dance 4 , Legend of Spyro, The - The Eternal Night ,
Legend of Zelda, The - Skyward Sword , Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games , Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games ,
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games , Mario Kart , Mario Party 8 , Mario Party 9 , Mario Power Tennis , Mario Sports Mix ,
Mario Strikers Charged Football , Medal of Honor - Vanguard , Medal of Honor Heroes 2 , Monster Hunter Tri , Mortal Kombat - Armageddon ,
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit , Need for Speed - The Run , Need for Speed - Carbon , Need for Speed - Nitro , Need for Speed - Undercover ,
New Super Mario Bros. , Pikmin 2 , Rampage - Total Destruction , Rayman Raving Rabbids , Resident Evil - The Darkside Chronicles ,
Resident Evil - The Umbrella Chronicles , Resident Evil 4 , Resident Evil Archives , The Sims 2 Castaway , The Sims 3 , Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing ,
Soulcalibur Legends , Spore Hero , Super Mario Galaxy , Super Mario Galaxy 2 , Super Paper Mario , Tatsunoko Vs Capcom- Ultimate All-Stars ,
Tetris Party Deluxe , The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess , Wii Sports , Wii Sports Resort , Xenoblade Chronicles

Predám PS3 Slim na súčiastky bez príslušenstva, iba konzolu. Z PS3 som HDD vybral nakolko mám na tom účet, zakúpené hry a videá a HDD nepredávám nakolko dnes už sa dá s Recovery programom Obnoviť súkromné údaje.
Preto poprosím Špekulantov aby si nechali Sprosté reči či je k tomu krabica atď.
Od PS3 príslušenstvo a ovládače som predal, pôvodne ide o 500Gb verziu PS3 Slim ktorú som používal len som vybral z toho HDD.
Predávám iba konzolu a v ňom klietka na HDD, nič iné k nemu nepridávám a preto ponúkám PS3 na súčiastky.
Cena je preto iba 30eur lebo predávám na súčiastky.