Prodám Resonet Arco - kompletní
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Resonet, Neoton, Jolana- na tieto CS gitary kúpim diely: kobylky, knoby, mechaniky, snímače, krky, telá, skrutky

Prodám pasivní snímače typu humbucker EMG H4 a H4A, zakoupené v akci na Aleximu. Kompletní balení, (vč. schémat) jsem pouze rozbalil a zkontroloval. Z následného projektu časem sešlo, tím pádem nebylo možné snímače vrátit. Snímače na sobě mají ochranou fólii. Viz. fotky a faktura.
Prodávám za původní cenu po slevě. Cena je pevná. Možno odkoupit i zvlášť (94,5Eur).
Pro kontakt preferuji e-mail:vymetalMLP@
Orig. popis "The H4 is our best selling passive humbucker. Combining the power of our active 81 with the soul of a passive PAF, the tone is well balanced, with tight bass, glassy mids, and crunchy highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing over wound coils loaded with ceramic bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. This pickup is most often used in the bridge position where it shines with excellent range, responsiveness and sweet harmonics. If you want a big rock or heavy modern sound, this is the pickup for you."
"Endowed with warmth, body and clarity, the H4A is a very versatile pickup and is perfect for everything from blues to rock to metal. The tone is very well-balanced, with solid bass, pronounced mids, and fat highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing vintage wound coils loaded with Alnico V bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. The H4A is most often used in the neck position, and is commonly used in conjunction with its cousin, the H4, for a perfect balance of tones. The H4A shines with superb clarity, full body, and delicate responsiveness which will suit almost any style or mood"

Prodám zánovní ladicí mechaniky Daddario PWAT-6R1.
Sada zamykatelných kytarových mechanik s patentovanou technologií Auto-Trim, která automaticky ustřihne přebytečnou délku struny po výměně strun. Sada obsahuje kompletní sadu mechanik a je určena pro kytary s šesti mechanikami v řadě.

Prodám pasivní snímače typu humbucker EMG H4 a H4A, zakoupené v akci na Aleximu. Kompletní balení, (vč. schémat) jsem pouze rozbalil a zkontroloval. Z následného projektu časem sešlo, tím pádem nebylo možné snímače vrátit. Snímače na sobě mají ochranou fólii. Viz. fotky a faktura.
Původní cena po slevě 198Eur. Možno odkoupit i zvlášť (99Eur).
Pro kontakt preferuji e-mail:vymetalMLP@
Orig. popis "The H4 is our best selling passive humbucker. Combining the power of our active 81 with the soul of a passive PAF, the tone is well balanced, with tight bass, glassy mids, and crunchy highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing over wound coils loaded with ceramic bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. This pickup is most often used in the bridge position where it shines with excellent range, responsiveness and sweet harmonics. If you want a big rock or heavy modern sound, this is the pickup for you."
"Endowed with warmth, body and clarity, the H4A is a very versatile pickup and is perfect for everything from blues to rock to metal. The tone is very well-balanced, with solid bass, pronounced mids, and fat highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing vintage wound coils loaded with Alnico V bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. The H4A is most often used in the neck position, and is commonly used in conjunction with its cousin, the H4, for a perfect balance of tones. The H4A shines with superb clarity, full body, and delicate responsiveness which will suit almost any style or mood"

KOMBO je jeste vic jak 2.roky v zaruce Kupovane na
Prodam Perfektni baskytarove kombo Gallien Krueger MB II 112.200W. Kdo zna vi ze hraje skvele.
Kombo je ve stavu noveho kusu.
Pouzivane jen doma na cviceni. Nikdy neopustilo byt
Rozumna dohoda mozna.
Ps:detailni fota mohu pripadnemu zajemci nafotit a poslat