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PS 4 Slim edicia Star Wars

Kategória: Herné konzoly

Sony Playstation Slim edicia Star Wars
- 1Tera pamät
-1x HDMI kabel
-1x NHL 2021
-1xCela kolekcia Uncharted
-1x Uncharted 4
-1x Uncharted The lost Legacy
Malo hrane,top stav bez chýb a poskodeni,ako nové..
Komplet cena s hrami je 260 €
Odber možný v Humennom alebo vo Vranove nad Topľou
PS 4 Slim edicia Star Wars
Podobné inzeráty
Predám Disney Infinity Base/Portal
Predám Disney Infinity Base/Portal pre Xbox 360 (#INF-8032385) Cena: 2€ + poštovné Dohoda možná - navrhnite. Pri rýchlom jednaní ZADARMO k tomu: Disney Infinity 3.0 PlaySet Crystal (Star Wars) XBOX/PS/Wii Disney Infinity Base/Portal je vhodný pre všetky Disney Infinity Play sety: # Disney Infinity 1.0 ... Incredibles ... Monsters University ... Pirates ... Cars ... Lone Ranger ... Toy Story In Space # Disney Infinity 2.0 ... Marvel's Avengers ... Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy ... Marvel's Spider-Man ... Assault on Asgard ... Escape from the Kyln ... Brave Forest Siege ... Stitch's Tropical Rescue # Disney Infinity 3.0 ... Star Wars: Twilight of the Republic ... Star Wars: Rise Against the Empire ... Star Wars: The Force Awakens ... Finding Dory ... Inside Out ... Marvel Battlegrounds ... Toy Box Speedway ... Toy Box Takeover
PS2 slim SCPH90004
Predam PS2. K tomu su bezkablove ovladace, pamatove karty 128MB a 64MB, prevodnik na hdmi kabel a 44 hier + dialkove ovladanie Hry su original cd : Van Helsing 007 nightfire Max Payne 1 Spiderman 2 Need for speed underground Matrix path of Neo Lego Batman SSX snowboarding Gran turismo 3 Call of duty 3 Tony Hawks 3 Jak renegade Hulk Medal of honor vanguard Return to castle wolfenstein Medal of honor rising sun The think Tomb raider underworld Black WWII Battle pacific Max Payne 2 Medal of honor frontline 007 everithing or norhing King Kong Red faction 2 WWIi soldier Enter the matrix Mindnight xlub 2 Turok evolution Call of duty 2 Medal of honor european assault Fifa 07 Golden eye rogue agent Americas most wanted God of war Lord of thebring the return of the king 007 russia with love Bad boys II Killzone 007 agent under fire Star wars battleefront Star wars starfighter Lego star wars 2 Lego star wars Vsetko len spolu !!!!
Zbierka playstation
Rozpredam zbierku PS4 konzol, vsetky konzoly ktore kedy Sony vyrobilo. Konzoly su ciste a od prachu. Ani jedna z nich nebola otvarana, chipovana, flashovana ani mcbootovana. Su v krasnom povodnom stave s neposkodenou zarucnou plombou. Za stav konzol osobne rucim aj za funkcnost.. moznost otestovat u mna doma. Predaj prebehne iba na kupnopredajnu zmluvu. Predavam iba ako komplet zbierku, nie po castiach. Ku kazdej konzole mam 2 original ovladace v ciernej farbe (okrem PS1, tam su origo 2x biele na slim a 2x sive na fat). Pridam aj komplet zbierky Metal Gear Solid a ostatne hry. Zoznam konzol nizsie: Handheld: Sony Pocketstation (iba japonsky trh) - predane Sony PSP 1000 (fat) - predane Sony PSP 2000 (slim) - 35 Sony PSP 3000 (slim) - predane Sony PSP GO. (Vysuvacka) - 160 Sony PS Vita 1000 (fat) 3g+wifi - predane Sony PS Vita 2000 (slim) - predane Konzoly: Playstation 1 (fat raritny kus) - predane PS One (Slim) - predane Playstation 2 (fat) - 85 Playstation 2 (slim) - 80 Playstation 2 (slim 9000) - 80 Playstation 3 cechc04 (fat) - predane Playstation 3 normal (fat) - predane Playstation 3 (slim) - 100 Playstation 3 (superslim) - 100 Playstation 4 (fat) - predane Playstation 4 (slim) - predane Playstation 4 (Pro) - Predane Ku kazdej konzole dodam kabelaz,hry,ovladace a original memory karty. Nemam k nim bohuzial original krabice nakolko vacsina z nich boli moje konzoly a zbierku som neplanoval.. proste to prislo :D Pre blizsie info ma kontaktujte mailom alebo telefonicky. Cena je stanovena na zaklade stavu, prislusenstva a pod. Dohoda na cene mozna. Vaznemu zaujemcovi spravim detailnejsie fotky konzol a ovladacov. Je toho naozaj vela..
Vyber LEGO/CRASH/SONIC hier pre XBOX360 s RGH
Predam 2x64GB USB kluc s hrami pre XBOX360 RGH. XBOX360 musi mat RGH, teda Aurora alebo Freestyle menu. Ak neviete, ci mate RGH upravu, kontaktujte ma emailom. Samozrejme poskytnem aj nazorny navod ako v Aurora menu skopirovat hry z USB na HDD XBOXu a nastavit pre spustenie. Hry: Crash Bandicoot - Wrath of Cortex Crash Twinsanity LEGO Batman LEGO Batman 2 LEGO Batman 3 LEGO DIMENSIONS LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 LEGO Indiana Jones LEGO Indiana Jones 2 LEGO Jurassic World LEGO Star Wars II LEGO LotR LEGO Marvel Super Heroes LEGO MARVELs Avengers LEGO Movie LEGO Pirates Of The Carribean LEGO Star Wars III The Clone War LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens LEGO The Hobbit SONIC 4 Episode 1 SONIC 4 Episode 2 SONIC & Knuckles SONIC The Fighters SONIC The Hedgehog 1 SONIC The Hedgehog 2 SONIC The Hedgehog 3 Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie mobil. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
PS 4 Slim edicia Star Wars
Sony Playstation Slim edicia Star Wars - 1Tera pamät -2×gamepad -1x HDMI kabel -1x NHL 2021 -1xCela kolekcia Uncharted -1xDiablo 3 -1x Uncharted 4 -1x Uncharted The lost Legacy Malo hrane,top stav bez chýb a poskodeni,ako nové.. Komplet cena s hrami je 300€ Odber možný v Humennom alebo vo Vranove nad Topľou
LEGO hry pre Playstation 3
Predam nasledovne LEGO hry pre PS3. Hry su odskusane a funkcne. LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures - 19 € LEGO MARVEL Avengers - 18 € LEGO Jurassic World - 18 € LEGO Star Wars III The Clone Wars - 16 € LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga - 15 € LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues - 15 € LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean The Video Game - 15 € LEGO Batman The Videogame - 15 € LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 - 13 € LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes - 15 € LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens - 13 € LEGO The Lord of the Rings - 13 € LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 - 13 € LEGO Movie Videogame - 12 € LEGO The Hobbit - 12 € LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes - 9 € LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham - 9 € Pri kupe 5 hier, je najlacnejsia gratis. Slovenska posta 2,5€ pri platbe vopred / 3,50€ na dobierku. Packeta 3,3€ pri platbe vopred / 4,60€ na dobierku. Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.